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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/13 in all areas

  1. Minor fix to directory caching. View the full article
    3 points
  2. Game Rating System? Just curious if anyone has ever though of putting in a "Rate" option inside of Game Ex. Everyone knows Shinobi is awesome, right? But who knows what "Violence Fight" is? Not I! Until I stumbled across the game inside of Game EX. If that game is good I would like to rate accordingly...if not I'd like to rate accordingly(1-10 scale.) When my friends/family come over to play and I might be upstairs or entertaining others they could see my ratings or ratings from other people who have played on my Cabinet. They could also rate once they play the game.(Unlimited local ratings) You could go as far to make this online as well to see what other Game Ex users have rated, but this is not 100% necessary as I do not always care what others think out side of my local friends/family. Maybe have Local ratings and Game Ex Community ratings separate. Also with the rating system you could have another quick link at the main menu for "Highest Rated Games" like "Favorites" or "Last Played." Just a thought a couple friends and I came up with while playing this last weekend. Thanks, Rich
    2 points
  3. EPSXE should never know that it was in the command line in the first place (it gets removed before GameEx runs it, or should...). The command is actually [DTLOADER-SCSI] by the way (in case that wasn't a typo). Sorry it didn't work for you, it seems it's still not picking up the unzip folder from your GameEx.ini - I will still fix this though. If you would be so kind, please try this instead. I added a little more logging and fixed the folder that Tom unzips to (it was Unzipped7-Zip as opposed to Unzipped7Zip as I initially thought). I appreciate your help.
    1 point
  4. Yes, quotes wasn't needed before With quotes it works And for the fullscreen option, you're right too....the thread mentionned gives the solution As it was a long time PJ64 wasn't updated, i was not remembering where to check for fullscreen at start of emulation Thanks to all of you
    1 point
  5. Glad to hear you got it worked out Riffman81! Happy gaming.
    1 point
  6. Consider this resolved. I was able to get the emu running. Not sure what was wrong, but when I did a fresh install of the emu. It started right up with no errors. Thanks for all your help guys!
    1 point
  7. Yeah I'm firmly in the Xpadder camp as well. I've looked at PGP and it does certainly look nice, but I figure I've already paid for Xpadder, I know the ins and outs of Xpadder configuration, and it does everything I could possibly want. As previously noted Adultery's Xpadder plugin makes Xpadder integration with GameEx a breeze.
    1 point
  8. WinUAE Loader v1.78 Released - Updated video options
    1 point
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