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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/13 in all areas

  1. I decided to create some X-Arcade Tankstick CP skins to modify some of the various CPs displayed via GameEx, CP Wizard, Xpadder, and the like. I will provide the Adobe PSD and Gimp XCF files once complete. Here are a few examples: I have created Adobe PSD and Gimp XCF files for ease in creating some X-Arcade Dual CP skins as well as provided an example of a KOF skin. xarcade_tankstick_overlays.zip xarcade_dual_overlays.zip
    2 points
  2. Hi Evilforces, Try adding some text in the Game Filter section of MAME setup. In your GameEx.ini there is no entry for the Game Filter: [General] Xresolution=1024 Yresolution=768 DisplayOnSecondary=False MAMEPath=I:\Mame MAMEEXE=MameUI64.exe ROMPath=I:\Mame\roms StartWait=False USeAdvanceMame=False AdvanceMAMEEXE=advmame.exe AdvanceMAMEPATH=C:\Emulators\AdvanceMAME ADVANCEMAMEOptions=-device_video_output fullscreen -quiet -dir_rom "C:\Emulators\Mame32\roms" UseZinc=False ZincEXE=zinc.exe ZincPATH=C:\Emulators\ZiNc ZincOptions=--renderer=.\renderer.znc Font=Arial TitleText=MAME Games OnlyWorking=True AllowImperfect=True VerifyRoms=True OnlyRoms=True NoGameInfo=True GameFilter=<ADD SOME RANDOM TEXT HERE> GameFilterOn=True NoAdult=False NoClones=True On a default installation GE has some basic filters already assigned, however it appears yours is blank which may be causing the little glitch Tom mentioned Either manually edit your gameex.ini and file>save or use the setup wizard. it is in the "Advance MAME" section below main MAME settings. And as mentioned - don't forget to update list afterwards
    1 point
  3. Resident Evil (GC) Here is another random theme, this time for Nintendo Gamecube. Probably, if not the best I have done so far.
    1 point
  4. Super Mario Bros 3. I'll be uploading a NES pack soon including these and a few others.
    1 point
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