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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/13 in all areas

  1. I decided to create some X-Arcade Tankstick CP skins to modify some of the various CPs displayed via GameEx, CP Wizard, Xpadder, and the like. I will provide the Adobe PSD and Gimp XCF files once complete. Here are a few examples: I have created Adobe PSD and Gimp XCF files for ease in creating some X-Arcade Dual CP skins as well as provided an example of a KOF skin. xarcade_tankstick_overlays.zip xarcade_dual_overlays.zip
    1 point
  2. Oh yeah, I hear ya. I especially hate when games become Game of the Year and they release that, repacked with all the expansions made available. I bought Grand Theft Auto 4, then the 2 expansions, then they came out with the GOTY and it had everything included. Luckily when I picked up Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion, it was the GOTY version. But there's tons of other things too. Like, you're playing Halo 4 and just can't get ahead no matter what you try because the other guys on the other team have mods like aimbots and impenatrable armor, and 1 shot kills. I felt like I was in a game of SWAT once, but it was just regular slayer; i couldn't kill anybody but the other guys were up 20 kills on me. So after the game, I go through the process of reporting them for system hacking, cheating, and report their user rating negatively for unsporting conduct. Yet it doesn't seem to effect anybody. It's like they don't listen to user's complaints at all, and just let the automated systems make the call, whether it's legit or not. There was this one guy who had over 100,000 gamerscore once, and his icon that says how long he's been an XBL member only said 1. Thats 1 year. How is that possible? And yet, I'm the one that gets his gamerscore reset because I only connect to XBL maybe once a week and spend the rest of my time on my modded box that doesn't go online. Microsoft is realy digging their own grave. And when they came out with Windows 8, I haven't seen hardly ANYBODY buying it because it's completely useless with a mouse, which most people still use. I want to see a game console that's not based on any huge monopolizing company. Something like a Linux system would be cool, although I don't know anything about Linux (always wanted to learn though). I here there's a new console coming out called the Ouya (http://www.ouya.tv/) which is a build on the Android OS. So that might be something to look forward to. I dunno, I just feel like the more MS sucks and cheat people, the more userbase they're gonna lose. And whats up with charging people a GOLD membership just to use Netflix, when you can get Netflix for free (with a streaming membership) on your computer, TV, phone, and Playstation? LAME.
    1 point
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