Note - this is for the theme 'After Darkness' not 'After Dark' Again, sorry you had problems but I think I have found a solution to this. As the theme uses custom layouts for each emulator, if an emulator is used that doesn't have a .ini file it defaults to a particular layout. I install WinUAE to test this and this is indeed what happened. I then made an .ini for that particular emulator and everything then worked fine. I think this is the reason I missed it first time round as I don't have a great deal of emulators installed. I also thought other emulators would default to the emu_module.ini if not found. This is why I didn't include all possible emulator .ini's. To counter this you can rename the following .ini file to the name of your emulator and place it in the main 'After Darkness' dir with the other .ini's For e.g. I installed WinUAE and named it the same as that of the setup wizard title text, which in this case was Commodore Amiga. I then created another .ini and named it Commodore Amiga.ini Everything then appeared fine. here's a link if you would like to use it If you don't want to download the file, you can create your own ini (simply remame a .txt file to .ini) with the emulators name and paste the following to it [Layout] Title=2222,60,347,182 Date=1383,45,108,52 Time=1750,45,113,52 List=81,805,1162,254 SelectLine1=230,52,272,52 SelectLine2=63,754,272,52 Image=71,103,1183,644 Image2=1334,87,546,457 Description=1332,823,546,240 Scroller=1360,1045,496,33 Weather=0,41,189,74 Menu=-1,1043,1920,52 ListNum=1238,1002,190,52 This should hopefully solve all image placement problems your having. If you don't do any of the above, PM me with the names of all of the emulators you are using and I will create ini's for you.