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E3 2023 is cancelled


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This was inevitable even before COVID the quality dropoff was noticeable. I think COVID just gave the major companies the excuse they needed to quit going without looking like they were the "jackass company" for breaking the show.

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The "COVID Cash Cow" has died and corporate America has landed into a financial landscape of not-so-quiet quiet quitting, supply chain instability, recession, and shrinking profits. 

While we were locked down, video game sales soared along with accelerated streaming media subscriptions and expansion.

Now, streaming media is experiencing their worst year ever as kids are back in school, people are back at work, and the need to eat and pay for the basics is causing many to cut back on extra expenses to get by as the recession continues. Similarly, gaming is seeing a drop for the same reasons.

I think that you are right and E3 was already beginning to decline before COVID gave it the "shot in the arm" to question its own existence and take a lemming's swan dive off the cliff of obscurity.

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Everyone cut the cord and ran from the cable providers to streaming, then greed took over and you saw stuff getting pulled from Netflix and instead exclusively on "company X streaming service" and now it has all come full circle.

"WTF, all these à la carte streaming services are higher than Comcast was.

Likewise, spend, spend, spend while keeping everyone on staycation has wound up costing everyone now.  All those free checks really added up doing more harm than good.

Greed fallout will hopefully be stuffed down nvidia's  throat soon for exploiting their userbase in favor of mining projects yet still clamoring on  "that's just how prices are now" once the bottom fell out of crypto.


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