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Hello, I just made an installation of GameEx Arcade Esition after I switch my cabinet from XP to Win 10. 
i had Gameex in the XP version since so many years and always worked flawlessly. With win10 I made all fresh installation (I also buy a 1 year of Gameex membership , same as the old XP installation).
I have Snes9x and Wii working as they should but I cannot get Mame 0.221 working. Specifically I cannot see the Mame game list in Gameex frontend. 
the Mame working path and rom path are correct, however when in the frontend I go “arcadel” - “all games” it ask to update the game list, I give enter, it search into history.dat or similar (I cannot read in time) and then it reports “list updated” but then show games no found. In the configurator wizard I try with verify configuration and the only “reds” I get for Mame are related to not finding videos or picture in the related folders.. so nothing related to path to executable or path to roms. 
Mame 0.221 work no issues when used launching from win10 cmd line. 


Please attach copies of your gameex.ini and log.txt files for review. Thanks!


Okay. Issiue looks like something to do with your mame.exe. What exactly are you using?

Just to test, try the official default mame64.exe. I expect it will work.


From cmd it works no problem. 
command like 

“mame64 romname” 

I never arrived to try to launch from frontend since I never got the list of my games to show-up. 


Tonight If I can I’ll try to hook-up the old xp hd to see if I can reach the gameex folder and .ini. That one was working fine with previous groovymame 1.2

I have folders for CHD in the actual rom folder .. can that have anything to do? 

Roms are in 7z. Instead of .zip.. does this have anything to do? 

just putting there some ideas..


Try downloading the official MAME 0.221 build and not the msm64.exe within the Groovymame folder.


Sorry, no this is not an option. 
I need Groovymame with switchres to get the CRT emudrivers work on the arcade cab. 
do you think it might be related with some administrator right that are link with mame64 exec? 


I hear you of course. I use it on one of my machines too. I am saying this seems to be the issue not that you shouldn't use it. Maybe a bug in Groovymame that should be reported? I used it about 6 months ago and had no issues.

I would think if it was a rights issue then games would not run but you confirmed they did.

9 minutes ago, tthurman said:

Did you try running as administrator?

Also, does "Verify Setup" in  the setup wizard give any errors?

Please see my logs in post 3 of this thread. 


As a workaround until we figure out what is going on you could use regular mame64 to update the list then once done replace it. If the issue is the particular version of groovymame this will work.


Hello. I tried to change the .exe with original mame64 0.221 and nothing changed, still no games found. I also created another rom folder with just 1 rom in it, gave the new path to gamexwizard but no luck..no games found when updated list.


Far as I know .7z is still fully supported in current Mame releases, although many sets are no longer in this format.


There once was a time where you had to make sure "only existing roms" wasn't selected in setup wizard in order for them to work in integrated MAME support within GameEx, that Tom addressed long ago.  It does however seem that if they were merged .7z sets it may be a problem.

See this post/thread:



From the logs you can see that I gave NO to only existing roms and YES to working rom.  What I’ll do next, is to create just a folder with 1 rom in .zip.. update wizard path.. and see if it’ll find it. 


So. Not working. I created a rom folder only for 1 rom in .zip. ChangeD path in wizard.. nothing.. it shows like the frontend is looking into a file call “history.dat”( that I cannot locate by the way) and it reply with no games found. 
at this time I’d keep the actual installation of gameex just for NON mame emulators and games.. 

can I have 2 or 3 gameex installed at the same time on a pc? i can try with a new installation just for Mame...

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