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Good Luck Draco!


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So, I notice this under Draco's profile:


I was a 20 a day man for 20 odd year. I gave up last year using just NRT patches after messing about with all sorts previously over the years (Champix; Zyban etc). I've now been cigarette free for 8 months. Incredibly tough (whichever way you do it - you're going to deprive yourself of nicotine, hence lowering the dopamine in your brain-bag and thus feeling more miserable), but it does get easier with time. tbh, now - I don't even think about it + the worst of the quit-grumpiness has passed.

Go for it dude! Seriously - you CAN do it if you choose to.

And 12 days is phenomenal! The two week mark is highly significant. Wtg, fella.

(p.s. is it just co-incidence that this tag is so near the 'how to ask for help' links - smoking and this related in any way! :) )

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I may be cigarette free but not quite nicotine free yet. Switch to the eLeaf istick 40W and doing the vape. Started with a 12mg ejuice but now down to 6mg. Going to try the gradual weaning part. I quite once cold turkey for 5 years. I couldn't function, a 2 year old had a better attention span, and I was misearable and miserable to be around. I have slipped a few times but not going to beat myself up over it. Just going to keep trying.

I was thinking about removing the banner, but then decided to keep it as a reminder and encouragement to not stop stopping. Thanks for the kind words of encouragement!

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That's how I quit. I vape'd for 2 years lowering my nicotine intake every few months. Now I don't even do that. It makes it VERY easy compared to cold turkey. Plus you are NOT getting any of the other crap in a vape.

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I really considered the vape thing, but couldn't bear the idea of still paying money for just another habit.....so for me, I just dropped it cold turkey. My wife still smokes, which probably stretched the the craving thing for me a good bit, but I persevered :huh:

After four months I was over it. I started at 17 and quit at 47, hang with it man, you can do this :)

1-15-16 marks 2 years for me

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I see it as the same habit, just a different delivery system with fewer nasty things going into my body. Overall it is cheaper and healthier and gives me a little more control. An example is after a stressful encounter and one cig is not enough but 2 are too many. Some times just one more drag on the vape is enough. Being able to lower the frequency and the strength is another plus.

I like that Will Farrell quote!

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