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burrrr, it's cold out.....


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The forcast had called for up to 8" of snow, a lot for East Tennessee, but instead ice. looks like better than 2 inches driveway and subdivision roads.

This Dogwood outside the window of my computer room looks amazing, but I'm sure it's putting a hell of a strain on it.



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Yeah, up here a little more north we got hit with the snow. We didn't get the 8 inches you were forecasted, but we did get a forecast of 2-4 and probably got close to 3 easy. I haven't watched any weather reports yet today to see our totals, but we definitely got more than than they anticipated.

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Lol! One of those rare occasions where it's not so bad in Wisconsin. I better mark it on my calendar. ;)

Ditto in Montana with unseasonably warm weather. I think the winter blast in the East has been diverting weather patterns away from some of the western states. I'll enjoy it while we got it!

I can't complain out here been in the 70's - 80's for over a week now been nice out here in the west! That's why we pay so much to live here it's for the weather. Don't miss the cold at all! :D

Grumble Grumble, BAH HUMBUG

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A light dusting of snow forecast for last night, so no road prep. Was welcomed to about 4 fresh inches this morning! This was the good stuff too, packs real nice into a super slick surface,,,,,

Man I haven't seen snow here like this since I was a kid

Wish I still had my old trusty Flexible Flyer


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Another 6 inches of the good packing kind came down last night. I packed up some baseball hard snowballs before I came into work this morning when Vick asked if it was the wet kind. And no I didn't throw it at her :D but remember to have good form if you choose to do so....

I was working on my Star Wars panel at board meeting last night when it started, and almost didn't make it home. It just started pouring down, and it was a tough trip home even in 4X4. It's been quite a different couple weeks for this part of the country.

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