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FINALLY! X-Wing and TIE Fighter games to be released tomorrow by GoG.com!


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That's awesome! I know a lot of people are skeptical about where Disney will take the franchise, but TBH I've been thrilled about the choices they've made thus far. OK I was considerably less than thrilled that they killed The Clone Wars without a proper send off, but I can understand why they did so. (But, but ... We'll never know what happened to Ahsoka! :angry:) Still even having said that, both my kids and I have been enjoying Star Wars: Rebels immensely.

Thanks for this great news Drac!

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I have been skeptical for a long time, but it is beginning to look like Lucas was the problem all along. I am hopeful that Disney is waking up to the interest that us old school gamers have in seeing these titles live and thrive.

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I don't have Disney XD. Wish I did, or I'd be all over Rebels. Still, I can stream it online via [link]. It's all legit so no need to worry about getting in trouble over it. Anyway, they have the season 6 of Clone Wars on Netflix, and coming out on BluRay soon [link] so we can still get our Clone Wars fix.

I too am severely concerned over Disney's takeover on Lucas. First of all, they destroyed LucasArts, and that means no more Star Wars related games. I was excited to learn about the new game Star Wars 1313 [link] just to find out that it's been canned with an indefinite release date. Then they get JJ ABRAMS to come on to direct Episode 7, and while I did enjoy his take on the Star Trek reboots, I felt like it was unnecessary, and completely ruined the series from a fans point of view. I fear a similar direction will be taken with Star Wars. They already announced that the past 30 years of created Extended Universe is now completely trash, even though it was all processed through George Lucas and approved to be canon. The final nail in the coffin was Disney taking Star Wars away from Dark Horse comics, who had done an incredible job over 20 years bringing the universe together. Now we're going back to Marvel's take on the Star Wars universe, and it sucked so bad in the 80's. I've already seen the covers to the first book and they look absolutely horrid. I fear for Star Wars. I really do. They couldn't leave well enough alone. I hope and pray everything comes out ok in the end.

Oh yeah, and I liked the Tie Fighter, X-Wing games. Still have them on CD somewhere. Granted they can play on current systems now, but I'm not at all interested in buying them again for that sake alone.

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We (my sons and I) had them on 3.5" floppies. We spent many hours together building our rankings in the Empire and the Rebellion. For $20 I get to traipse down memory lane playing two of my all-time faves.

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I ordered and had these games while waiting on my Gateway 2000 10th Anniversary Pentium 100 mhz to be delivered :P, good times!

I for one am hopeful the Disney deal turns out to be a good thing, George lost his way some years ago with seemingly everything. I remember when a LucasArts title was almost a guaranteed must have game,

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lucasarts isn't exactly dead just farmed out to companies like EA and the like. EA better not screw up Battlefront because the hate for that cock up would make the simcity incident look like a minor complaint compared to fall out of this. But as a developer they will be remember for it's last game and I wish it wasn't star wars kenict. Disney as this point wasn't really prepared to run another games studio after failing to do so twice. With X-win and Tie Fighter finally released it's only a matter of time before we see X-wing vs Tie Fighter and X-wing Alliance. might even see rebel assult I and II. may even see rogue squadron. you never know

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If anybody can screw it up, it's EA!

Granted they seem to be coming around, at least a little bit with Origin. I'm still amazed they give anything away, so there is hope that they are trying to control some of the hate.

I would love to see some dark forces titles too.

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