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Rest in Peace, Robin Williams


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So sad to hear one of my most favorite commedians, Robin Williams has passed due to an apparent suicde. It seems the funniest amongst us often dig deep into their own hurt and pain to make others smile. Sometimes, I guess, there is nothing left to give. His wit and comedic wisdom will be missed.


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Shit man did this happen just now?! The guy was one of the most talented individuals to have ever lived. Great actor, even better comedian, there are few people in this world that can be so witty, and yet perceptively clean. Made children laugh, and adults cry. A genius.

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My wife and I just read about this, and both of us are shocked :(

I can still remember the Mork and Mindy Pilot/Series, almost like it was yesterday, and recall an article about him being a big gamer, Counter Strike at the time, I believe.

Sad news indeed!


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My wife and I just read about this, and both of us are shocked :(

... and recall an article about him being a big gamer, Counter Strike at the time, I believe.

He was also quoted in an interview as saying that he named his daughter Zelda after that Princess Zelda. Given my own fondness and personal connections to that game I always thought that was incredibly cool.

I am dumb struck and saddened by this news. The man was unequivocally one of the comedic geniuses of our time, and I would say possibly the greatest improvisational comic of all time. Good night you remarkable clown prince. Oh captain, my captain! :(

In keeping with Han's list, here are a few of my favorites (in addition to those already listed)

  • The Birdcage
  • Dead Poets Society
  • Good Morning Vietnam
  • Patch Adams
  • Jumanji

Too many to list ...

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My wife had the fortune of working with a company that was behind the scenes for the several Comic Relief shows that aired on HBO. She noted that while David Letterman seemed to struggle with his rehearsals of his jokes, Robin Williams just opened his mouth and was funny. She said you could tell the depth of intelligence and sincerity. Even if he flubbed a joke, unless you were really familiar with his routines, he would just spin it into another joke and work back to his original schtick without missing a beat.

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My daughter and I just finished Jumanji on Monday night. Afterward she went to get her p-jays on and I jumped on FB. And saw all the posts...such a sad ending to a great comic.

Even his lower known darker films he was great in as well. I will miss his work.

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Sad news indeed :( I have fond childhood memories of Jumanji and Hook !

Birdcage and Good Will Hunting are great performances by Williams. I even like What Dreams May Come and I absolutely love his standup comedy shows.

This comedic genius will be missed ! Rest in peace...

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