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Top 10 Games Ever


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I thought this could be fun. When I meet people for the first time, the first thing I usually ask them is what their top favorite games are. This is a great way to get to know people, find common ground, and talk about what we're all passionate about -- namely, games! I couldn't find another topic like this when I did a search, so hopefully this is acceptable and catches on.

So go ahead and talk about your favorite games! I'm going to post my top ten. You can do the same if you wish, or stick to just a few or a couple games that really get you passionate. I happen to be a bit of an RPG fanatic, so most of my top games are classic RPGs.

My top 10 in no particular order:

Chrono Trigger

Final Fantasy 6

Final Fantasy 10

Megaman X

Ys 1&2 (Hard to choose between TG16 or PC/PSP versions. They're all good!)

Lunar: The Silver Star


Pokemon Red/Blue (Nostalgia bias there)


Lufia 2

Most of these are games that I have great memories with and/or affected me in a big way, or that are just plain awesome to me. I could have put more thought into it, and someone might be able to remind me of an awesome RPG that would bump something off of this list. These are all just the first things that came to my mind!

If we're talking top series, I can talk about both Megaman and Ys for hours. I love almost every game in those series.

So what are some of your favorite games?

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Atari Football (oh man, I thought this thing game was it)

Lunar Lander (another fond memory of my early arcade days, and happens to be one the first games I played on GameEx back 5 or so years ago)

Space Invaders (Classic, nuf said. I've still got a chessy handheld version from the 80's that has the aliens visiable on the pcb)

Asteroids (needs no introduction)

Defender (never could master it, but tried like hell)

Star Wars (my wife and I were completely addicted to this game, playing for hours on end)

The Empire Strikes Back (see above)

Donkey Kong (speaks for itself)

Tempest (strangley addictive to me, even though I sucked at it)

Joust (best two player action IMO)

There are so many I loved to play, but that list has to be the biggest impact games for me, or well the ones that influenced me the most during those all so impressionable years. :rolleyes:

I'm leaving consoles and PC out, hard enough just listing 10 as it is.

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There are many times when I wish I had lived through the early era of arcade games. I'm trying to catch up now, but I can't imagine it's the same as being there and experiencing the arcade as it was meant to be.

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My first home game was one of the Sears Pong variants. I played the hell out of that. Then I discovered arcades. My late teen years and income went towards gas for my '69 Dodge Polara, pizza (& beer when I was old enough), arcades, and girls. Not that I didn't date, but often enough, the pizza, beer and arcades were my comfort and dependable. Girls, not so much.

My arcade Top Ten (not necessarily in order as I like them all equally):

Space Invaders (My First arcade Game)



Star Wars

Warlords (one of the first 4 player simultaneous games)

Sinistar (still get chills when I hear "I HUNGER")




Donkey Kong

Edited by Draco1962
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Lots of arcade games, and lots of people who grew up in a very different era than mine, I imagine. Several have been listed that I haven't tried yet; I'll have to give them a look.

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I always find these lists kind of hard - i've played sooooooooo many games in my lifetime and can't really pin any down as my all time faves, because no matter what i choose there would still be loads that get left out. And they shouldn't. A top 100 would make me feel more at ease with my choices - but i'd never make anyone endure that! :P What i will do is name a few that always rank high for me. In no particular order (apart from the top one - it really is my all time fave!)

Total Annihilation

Half-Life (first one)

FFX (but you knew that ;) )

Balls of Steel

Worms (original Amiga vers)

Phantasy Star Online (all versions. It owes me about 8 years of my life!)

Crimzon Clover

Tekken 2


Quite the mix :D I have broad tastes. I'll add more as they emerge from the pits of my mind.

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Not in any order:

1. Super Mario Bros

2. Zelda

3. TMNT Arcade

4. NBA Jam

5. Funhouse (pinball counts right?)

6. Killer Instinct/Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter (tied)

7. Dig Dug

8. Smash TV

9. Road Rash

10. Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball

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Actually, the real credit for EDM and even Hip Hop goes back further to the 'Amen Break' if you want to get technical, which happened by accident in the late 60's. :)

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My favorites(not necessarily in this order):

1 - Star Control II (3DO) - Absolute favorite game ever. 3DO version had speech! Even the computer didn't have that! Also had a great sense of humor. Still replayable to this day.

2 - Star Wars (Arcade Game) - loved the sit down version best. Sounded amazing.

3 - Demon Attack (Atari 2600) - I remember "beating" the game a very long time ago. After level 84 the game freezes. I've never done it since.

4 - Space Invaders (Atari 2600) - First video game I ever personally owned.

5 - AD&D Treasure of Tarmin (Intellivision) - One of the best dungeon crawls I have ever played even to this day. I still play it a lot.

6 - Tekken 2 (PSX)- 10 string with King is awesome! Yoshimitsu can eat it! ;)

7 - Metal Gear Solid (PSX) - This game gave me agita! I absolutely love the stealth games and this one was - and still is - the best in my opinion.

8 - Funhouse! (Pinball) - Always my first stop when I go to Funspot in New Hampshire. Best pinball I have ever played.

9 - Final Fantasy VII (PSX) - That was a great ride. My ex-wife bought it for me with the strategy guide. I beat it first without and then did everything in the strategy guide on the second run. Fabulous. :)

10 - Everquest (PC 2000-2010ish) - Spent 10 years of my life playing with people from all over the world. I made some great friends I'm still in contact with to this day. No other game has ever recaptured the feeling I had playing that game. Still miss my Vah Shir Beastlord sometimes.

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6 - Tekken 2 (PSX)- 10 string with King is awesome! Yoshimitsu can eat it! ;)

I was thinking of Tekken 2 earlier, but it had been so long since i played it i couldn't decide. But now you mention it - hell yeah! And btw your King wouldn't get a hit in on my Yoshimitsu - it only takes one good guard/counter and it's over ;) Actually T2 made me into somewhat of a Yoshimitsu freak heheh My Tekken 6 vers is bad ass GRRRR

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1 - Star Control II (3DO) - Absolute favorite game ever. 3DO version had speech! Even the computer didn't have that! Also had a great sense of humor. Still replayable to this day.

Very interesting first choice! I'm going to have to pick that up.

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1 - Star Control II (3DO) - Absolute favorite game ever. 3DO version had speech! Even the computer didn't have that! Also had a great sense of humor. Still replayable to this day.

Very interesting first choice! I'm going to have to pick that up.

The Ur-Quan Masters - Sourceforge

Excellent port from the 3DO sourcecode that was released to the public.

The project started in August 2002, when Toys For Bob released the partially ported sources of Star Control 2 3DO version to the fan community. Our goal is to port this wonderful game to current personal computers and operating systems. It is and will remain 100% free of charge, and anyone can contribute to the project and thus help make it even better. For more information, look at our info page.
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Oh yeah :cheers: just never could master it, or SC for that matter!

For PC, the remake of Battlezone that came out in 98 / 99 is another favorite of mine.

This is a great thread, a good bit of diversity already!

Woah, you played TA too?! I personally think it's the best RTS of all time :D i can get quite passionate about so i'll restrain myself. As for SC (SupCom) i had such high hopes for it, and it is a good game, but it just didn't capture the magic that makes TA one of the best. Know what i mean? Or am i just being a total fanboy? :P

PS: I still have both original discs in original case, same with Half-Life, i'm proud of that :)

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PS: I still have both original discs in original case, same with Half-Life, i'm proud of that :)

Me too!



SC is a good one, but it will never replace TA. I recall Cavedog releasing "unit of the week", or something like that, I've got them all archieved, along with tons of maps. Used to play this on HEAT, which usually resulted in an old fashion butt whoopin, but fun never the less! I'd spend all my resources building nukes, only to find the other guy with excellent defenses. On the long shot you got one through though.........BOOM!

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Nice! mine:


:wub: :wub:

Yeah i remember Unit of the Week i have them all archived too, plus 100's of community units. They've made some real bonkers ones :D I've made around 10 myself too. Great fun! And about the nukes - you'd hate playing me coz i like to play the defensive game, building up my army with the 5k patch enabled. How awesome was TA online at the time! Watching 1000's of mechs collide in all out war. It was a sight to behold and still is. I still play it to this day occasionally. I usually load a 4player map and take on 3x hard Ai. Dam i think it's time for a re-install!

I wonder if there are any TA servers still running...

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Guess is my turn. I have no particular order here, but these are all games I truely love:

1. Final Fantasy VII (PSX) - First true RPG experience, will never be the same.

2. Super Mario Bros 1, 2, 3 (NES) I never owned the console or the games, but my friend growing up did and we played it afterschool... for hours... everyday...

3. Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2, 3 (Genesis) The first "next gen" console we owned and the first games we had for it.

4. Half-Life (PC) - Somebody else mentioned it, and I had to add it too. Better than Doom and Quake, it had a true story to the game. Counterstrike was pretty epic also.

5. Star Wars Galaxies (PC) - My 2nd MMORPG (Anarachy Online was the first) and I was madly in love/addicted to it!

6. Dungeon Master (Atari ST) - My dad's era of games, but the best game on the Atari. I would play it for hours.

7. Halo, etc (Xbox Brand) - One of, (if not the) best 1st person shooter game series for consoles ever made.

8. Jedi Knight 2, Jedi Outcast (PC) - Years ahead of Dark Forces, it introduced true Star Wars lightsaber fighting against other players online.

9. Sudoko (Pen & Paper) - You said best games, not just video games. When I learned how to play this, I've decided it's so much better than crosswords and seek/finds.

10. KOTOR, KOTOR2, TOR series (PC) - I played the originals and now am addicted to the MMORPG!

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