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Everything posted by cnells2000

  1. im not using scsi drives as far as i know. so whats the other commands w/o scsi in it? ill input these in the virtual loader boxes for mount and unmount.
  2. so why am i experiencing whats going on? its got to be 1 or two things thats not right...i feel like its almost there
  3. Ok. getting closer..i see dt lite mount the image, unmount it real quick then return back to Gameex. In the gameex menu should i keep ssf.exe [dtloader] in the gameex command line?
  4. i checked it, got to the configure options, but i dont know what command lines im supposed to use to mount the image and unmount commands afterwards. I Used ssf.exe "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]". i Knew that was wrong as two left shoes but i tried it anyway. In The Loader Section do i leave the C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe? or chg that too? my isos, bins, cues and nrgs are located in E:\Roms\Sega Saturn and show up in gameex. when i click daytona usa for example. the screen goes dark for about 8 seconds looks like its trying to do something in the background, then it returns back to gameex........
  5. hey null i dont know if u fixed it, but imay have changed it before i saw the post...the banner is showing up but it shows the same game......never changes. can u fix that?
  6. how to i enable the plugin as above?. i already chg'd the command line to the above.......
  7. Is there a simple step by step guide somewhere on the forums? Ive been trying to boot this up in gameex for two weeks now.........help
  8. Sorry im so late on this post. hope you (or someone) is still around...when i boot the game through Gameex i see dt lite mount the iso, stays there for one sec, then i see it unmount and it returns back to the frontend. But when i mount it in the same dt drive outside of gameex it loads correctly...plz help
  9. For some reason, when i start gameex up a random video starts before the frontend loads....how do i stop this? Kinda seems cool to wanna do later if i find a nice enough intro video. But for the meantime i wanna stop this random video loading before gamex starts....thx
  10. damn...still not working... someone please.....with either the shortcut way or the conf way that's the easiest.......man i hope phillips cdi isnt this hard. shortcuts seem so simple......but dosbox just opens, closes then returns right back to gameex
  11. damn.................... still not doing it right........................crap
  12. I Went Through All The Steps & Got Confused At: 6) Hit "Next Page" once or twice until you see an unassigned emulator (it will say "Emulator <#>" so "Emulator 13" for example). Select an unassigned emulator slot. Did That................. 7) From here, second option from the top, select "Import Emulator:" and choose the "[browse For File]" option at the very top of the list. Then click the "Import" button and browse for the "Dosbox Import Config.ini" file you extracted in step 4. This Is Where It Gets Confusing....... There Is No "second option from the top to select import emulator and browse for file. That post was in 2009. perhaps its been updated by now? Please Help
  13. thanks null!! that worked perfectly!!!
  14. I have been unable to find a link to d-fend v2. Only reloaded.
  15. I Know to go to advanced emulator setup to the controls section and set the folder for each emulator. but the help section on the side says: A single image file can also be specified to be used for all games. How would i go about doing that? B/C the controls section just leads me to select a folder, not a file..ive created a few layouts. A different one for each system.. im trying to make the sega layout for sega, nes layout for nes and so on. Attached is one file that i created for the nes. Plz help
  16. How do you get .lnk (shortcut) files created in D-Fend Reloaded to work in GameEx? I set it up just like my PC Games shortcuts (which work through the Gameex menu by the way), but when my dos game runs it opens, closes down and exits back to GameEx. However when I click on the D-Fend Reloaded .lnk file in my shortcut folder it runs fine. i know its gotta be like 1 small thing that im doing wrong...maybe the command line? couldnt be bc all the other games are working.would appreciate it if someone would help me... [Emulator] DATABASE= ManualPath= CartPath=C:\Download Service (Assets)\PC Games\Cart BoxPath=C:\Download Service (Assets)\PC Games\Box TitlePath=C:\Download Service (Assets)\PC Games\Title VideoSnapPath=C:\Download Service (Assets)\PC Games\Video BakSnapPath=C:\Download Service (Assets)\PC Games\Background SnapPath=C:\Download Service (Assets)\PC Games\Snap Command="[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" RomPath=C:\Users\CP\Documents\PC Games WorkingPath=C:\Emulators\PC Games StartPageLogo=Microsoft TITLETEXT=Windows Games STARTPAGENAME=PC Games Enabled=True ROMFilter=*.lnk configFile= ExcludedFiles= ControlPanelPath= lastgame= WaitBeforeKeys= SendKeys= CustomBackground=
  17. Hi peeps. I know how to use gammex well but now im trying to use pinballx and im having issues..i went to the setup wizard directed my FPB and PFX2 to their locations, verified, but when i start up pinball fx no roms show up but the three that are already with pinballx....help plz
  18. I have ssf.exe[virtual-drive] but it wont boot. I have DTlite installed
  19. I Just Downloaded the version r150 version and it skips a little less....not much difference tho...does r136 work better or something?......from here what do I need to configure to make this right? Here is the new cfg file on the 150 version
  20. My Version says 1.04 built sep 14 2011 in the help section.. here is my config file
  21. Hi guys. I know there is someone in here that can help me out with this. I Have A PC With an AMD Athlon II X2 245 (2.91) GHZ & 3 GB RAM. Also I Have I Nvidia 9300 GE Video Card. Im Using Null DC 64 bit 1.41 and im still getting speed issues. Im playing South Park stick of truth PC Flawlessy on this, NBA2K14 PC with Slight Speed Issues (Like at the matchup screen) but it runs sonic adventure, power stone, hydro thunder like s#!t.. can someone plz help me with the correct settings I need to have set in order to play w/o speed issues. I refuse to believe that I have to buy more ram or get another video card just to play some freaking Shenmue.....................much appreciated.
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