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Everything posted by thurmansevolution

  1. Thanks Draco! :-) Lol I originally attempted to post this under that category, but wasn't able to find the "Start a new topic" button. I think I may have figured a work around pertaining to a Sega Model 2 and 3 issue when it came to dual lightguns (the same type of issue that Mame has in reassigning IDs when reboot). The concept is pretty logical, and as soon as I get everything working correctly, I will be happy to share the script :-).
  2. Thanks! I changed the name to the one you suggested - it has a much better ring to it lol. Yeah, this process should work with any emu (or even a pc game) that uses a config file rather than setting saved in the registry. It takes a little time, but is well worth it in the end :-)
  3. Anytime, my friend! My next tackle is figuring out how to have two lightguns automatically reconfigure for the Model 3 (supermodel) emu...kinda like controllerremap...I may have to end up building something lol.
  4. Hello! I figured out something interesting last night and thought I would share this bit of information. I'm sure that some of you already know how to do this, but for the one's who find themselves in a "pickle", I hope this will help any. I was having an issue with the Demul emulator, specifically NAOMI regarding the regions bios. Since I live in the United States, I wanted each game that I had to be the US version, rather than Jap or Export. If I set it to Auto, all of the games would be the Jap versions. By deselecting "Auto" and selecting the US bios in NAOMI, this gave me the US version for most games, except one - "House of the Dead 2", which used it's own region bios. This created a problem when trying to launch the game via GameEx, as well as through Demul - If I set the bios to the US version and ran the game House of the Dead 2, there would be an error that the system board was not able to run the game. (Alternately, running all other games through the House of the Dead 2 bios would cause the same error). If you are having this issue, or you would like to customize each game's settings (video resolution, key mappings, bio regions, etc) this tutorial is for you! :-) First things first, you will have to have a little "know how" on creating batch files and would also have to have a little patience because this can be time consuming, depending on how many games you have for the emulator. For the tutorial, I will be using basic, simple paths (e.g. "C:\Demul"), but these paths will represent the paths for your emulators. For this tutorial, and as an example, we will just be having GameEx change the regions bios during the launch of a game through Demul. We will also assume that you have the emulator working correctly outside of GameEx, as well as having having GameEx configured to launching the game. Lets get started :-) 1.) Create a sub-folder inside the root of your emulator's path, and name it whatever you want. (e.g. "C:\Demul\regions and settings" 2.) Create another sub-folder inside the sub-folder you had just created and name it whatever you want. You will want to create additional sub-folders, one each per setting file. (e.g. C:\Demul\regions and settings\USA Bios ... C:\Demul\regions and settings\HOTD2 ...etc) 3.) Open the emulator, Demul for example, and make any changes you want in the settings. Close out the emulator and copy the *.ini file of the emulator (e.g. Demul.ini) and place the copy of the *.ini file inside the very last sub-folder(s) you created accordingly. (e.g. - the ini file for House of the Dead 2 bios inside of C:\Demul\regions and settings\HOTD2). Repeat this step for every changes you would like to make. 4). Create a batch file with the following command line: (again, we will be using a basic path for example, but customize the paths to reflect where your emulator is located) @echo off xcopy /Y "C:\Demul\regions and settings\HOTD2\Demul.ini" "C:\Demul\Demul.ini Exit 5.) Create additional batch files, one "template" per "setting group" or a game's settings. Have the first path in the batch files reflect where the *.ini file of the different settings is located at, and the second path to the emulator's root folder. 6.) Place each batch file inside the emulator's root folder, and name each batch file the exact same name as your rom accordingly. (e.g. the batch file for changing the region bios for House of the Dead 2 will be named hotd2.bat and placed inside of C:\Demul) 7.) Open GameEx Setup Wizard, and goto the Advanced Emulator Settings for the particular emulator (e.g. Demul). In the "Launch Before" field, type the following in (and again, the paths I type here are only examples, use the paths that reflect the location of the newly created batch files inside the root folder of your emulator): Start "" "C:\Demul\[ROM].bat" Make sure you keep "[ROM]" the way it is. In a nutshell, what this process does is - GameEx, before launching the game, will launch the batch file, which will copy and automatically replace the existing *.ini file inside the root folder of the emulator with the one located inside the proper sub-folder. When the game launches, the *.ini file inside the root folder of the emulator has already been overwritten, and the settings have already been changed. There is one "con" to doing this - If you decide to do this, this is an "ALL OR NOTHING" type of process - this means that you will have to create a batch file for every rom that you have for that emulator. If you have hundreds of roms for that emulator, this can be timely (unless you make copies of the batch files, which still can be time consuming considering that they would still have to be renamed to the proper rom name) I hope this helps, and if you have any questions about this, please feel free to comment, or send me a pm. LC
  5. My eyes dilated...My pulse raced...I aged 5 years...and I couldn't move for a solid 30 minutes. From what I seen on the video - absolutely amazing!!! :-D As they say in the states, "It is all that and a bag of potato chips". My hats and thanks to all of you who developed this wonderful next step in the evolution of front end software! :-D I have been, am, and will always be a proud GameEx user! :-D
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  6. Yep! There are two ways of doing this...one (and the easiest approach), is to adjust the settings in the Setup Wizard > Multimedia (?) (...not in front of my cab at the moment) and set the paths to your videos and music library. Then while inside GameEx, you should see your videos and music in Multimedia. The second way takes a little elbow grease, but is a little more customizable. Please let me know if you want to go the second route, and I will walk ya through it :-)
  7. Are you using a gamepad or joystick? Either way, I think there is a check box within the advanced emulator config in the setup wizard > advanced emulator setup that you can toggle the remap on and off for the emulator.
  8. I fully agree with Draco - please submit a copy of your log.txt and gameex.ini files. Just by the sound of the issue though, and I could be wrong...I would check to see if your drive letter changed when you hooked your hard drive to the new motherboard. I had that happen once, and it changed my drive letter from "H" to "C" and ended up having to go back into the setup wizard and changing the paths. It was weird that it happened, but worked in the end. Hope this helps! :-)
  9. For some reason, that comment reminded me of "Team America: World Police" - "I like you... You have balls... I...like...balls" Lol
  10. Hello I had a similar issue when I first setup the psx emulator...it turned out to be a very small issue. We are on the way back from Florida right now and I have about a three hour drive left. As soon as I get home, I'll take a look at my settings and let ya know what it was LC
  11. If my memory serves me right (I'm away from the cab at the moment)...if you are talking about a startup video which plays before GameEx is launched - There is a setting in the Setup Wizard in the "HTPC and Multimedia Settings" towards the top that somewhere near the top. I believe it's something like "Startup Video Directoy". Anyway, point it to the video file (avi or mpg) or directory (GameEx will randomly play a startup video during boot this way). I hope this helps! LC
  12. Hello and good morning/afternoon/evening! I recently updated my cab and instead of using pre-compiled versions of mame (mame32), I decided to compile my own version of Mame UI with hiscore support. I used Headkaze's MameCompiler64, and compiled Mame 136 with no errors. I couldn't find any of the update patches, but after googling around for awhile, I heard that the source code I downloaded from the MameDev website had the updates worked in. I also applied the hiscore.diff patch for 136 with no errors, and with using hiscore.dat, everything is working as it should...except for one thing - I cannot...for the life of me...get GameEx to show the High Scores within the game's menu. I enabled the high score support in the Mame Advance Config section using the Setup Wizard. The "High Score" section still does not appear within the game's info section (I tried Donkey Kong, Pacman, etc) and sometimes, HiToText seems to crash. Lol, I would normally upload my config ini and log files, but presently away from the cab at the moment and won't be able to return for another 8 or so hours. But, off the top of your heads, is there a step that I'm skipping somewhere?...does anyone else have this problem? Thanks in advance! LC
  13. Pllllleeeeeaaaassseeee lol ...It would make a great ending to my very busy work week (I literally worked over 40 hours since Tuesday morning...we had a bad ice storm blow through Tuesday afternoon which rendered the roads useless. I have a 35 mile commute to work, so after I arrived at work Tuesday morning at 6:30 am, I finally made it back home around 3 hours ago...sooo glad to be back lol ) I promise to keep it a secret...hehehehe What I would do for GameEx Evolution: - I would volenteer to walk my neighbors dog...even during times when they don't know about it. - I would entertain old people at a nursing home by doin' the Macarena followed by a weird-retro version of a one man show about a blooming flower - I would clip our neighboorhoods grass with a set of dull fingernail clippers and a boiled herring You name it....I'll do it
  14. Hello! I came across this a little while ago...thought I would share. Its a news story from 20\20 (used to air on Friday Nights on ABC many many years ago) from 1988. ...how things can change in 26 years... On a side note, I should be getting back to being more active here starting in about a month. We have one more vacation we are planning for (to Orlando, FL) near the end of February, and afterwords, finally...finally back to my little projects . One thing I was very excited to hear about was GameEx Evolution...it may seem a little too much to ask....but can we get a small "taste" of what it will have to offer?...maybe one or two small breadcrumbs of info of what it will have us drooling over? .....pleeeeeeeaaaaaaasssseeee LC
  15. Anytime ..and it's 100% free. They do have a pro version (and I'm not sure how much it costs lol) but the free version has no ads, etc...and will let you back up files to a hard drive, or even keep one drive synced with another. I have mine backing up to an external hard drive once a week (it will first check for any changes that were made from the source destination and "update" your backup drive with any files that were modified or added) around 4am when everyone is asleep. I've never tried carbonite, but I found that SyncBack fills all my needs for what I want in a backup program...and again, lol it's free
  16. Not meaning to sound like I'm selling out lol, but I use a program called "SyncBack". It's free, and it takes care of everything that I want it to when it comes to backing up files. You can even create scheduled backups
  17. Hello! I'm not 100% sure what you are asking, but I will do my best to answer your question (If I'm wrong, I apologize...please correct me lol) Are you talking about GameEx Screensaver?...or Windows Screensaver? (GameEx Screensaver shouldn't come on when a game is launched...I don't think.) The way I have my cab set up, Windows screensaver is always off, and the power options are disabled (computer and monitor never automatically turns off or goes into sleep mode). Then in GameEx Setup Wizard, under "Attract Mode" (going through custom setup) I have it set up for GameEx to go into attract mode after 4 minutes of inactivity. Also, (and the "bread and butter" of what I think your asking) there should be an option in "Enable or disable features", or the one after that (I can't remember the name, but they are the last two options of the Custom Setup in the Setup Wizard...or it may even be in the advance emulator setup, can't remember)...there is an option that has GameEx exit out of the emulator after so long of inactivity....make sure that option is disabled. My cab is somewhat setup like that, and after a game is launched, that game will stay on and never exit out unless someone hits the exit button...it will even stay up for days or even weeks lol. I hope this helps any! LC
  18. I would use AutoHotKey IMO On my cab, I have the mouse mapping feature turned on, and a ahk script remapping the mouse click buttons to two of the arcade buttons...works rather nicely.
  19. This is probably a little late, but "The Rescue of Pops Ghostly" is a little scary...the only scary thing about the game, is that they actually made that
  20. Hello! Before I begin my day to day routine again, I would like to share more pics of the trip to Las Vegas and Los Angeles. We had a blast! These are just a few of the many pics and vids that we have. I would love to return there one day, not too sure of the flying thing though - I don't think I could ever get used to the turbulence lol. Thanks again for letting me be apart of the GameEx family, and I hope to be of any assistance for many, many years to come! Best Regards, LC trim.6F5C04FB-6A2A-4D8A-A2A8-71291523212D.MOV
  21. Thanks Draco! We made it to Houston lol. (We are on the way to Vegas, and have a few hour layover. So far, I've learned that flying is not all that bad (except for the benign worry about equipment malfunctions, which a margarita onflight helped resolve it for a little while lol). We were on one of those smaller planes, which added the turbulence from the cold front from, what the weather channel calls "Winter Storm Atlas" and the re menace of Tropical Storm Karen, made for a little bit of a bumpy ride but all is well so far lol. LC
  22. The day after the wedding - I find myself in Gulfport, MS waiting to fly out on my first time on an airplane...I'm pretty nervous as f#%k right now lol. I would like to share with you a couple of photos of the wedding (Grooms cake; Jen and I). More pics will be coming soon - that's if I survive the flight :-/. LC
  23. As always, great update! Thanks Tom and Flash for all the hard work!
  24. I know this is late, but I'm glad to hear that you are ok Draco, and also lingpada! I've seen my share of twisters and extreme weather, and know how dangerous they can be. This is going to probably sound cliche, but building and items can be replaced, but people cannot.
  25. I know it's a little late, but happy belated bday GameEx! I might be getting married soon, but you will always be my one true love GameEx, I can see us: - Riding a double seated bike together through the park - Making a snowman - Enjoying a snuggle time in front of a fireplace - Singing karaoke as a duet - Listening to a mixed tape that I made for you on the cassette player Ahh, GameEx, you're one of a kind! I hope the next nine years are at least as good as the first!
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