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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Hey, Welcome to the forums, In the setup wizard go to advanced emulator setup for Nintendo NES/nestopia scroll down to where is says Map File and use the [Console] Nintendo NES - USA Map File, This will enable GameEx to show US games only.
  2. I think that ninjamas he mentioned is in the WinKawaks Map File you did.
  3. Hey, Welcome to the forums. In regards to question 2, you should use a map file that will show the full name of your roms within GameEx, as I didnt see one in your NeoGeo.ini Ive attached a NeoGeo Map File which needs to be put in the Map Files folder in your GameEx directory then go into the setup wizard then advanced emulator setup for Nebula look for Map File on the settings and put the following Map File there. Thanks to fRequEnCy for the Map File Neo-Geo 20091103.zip
  4. Sega Genesis/Megadrive alternative's.
  5. Thanks for the positive response vsl. Yeah DeviantArt comes in handy alot for the backgrounds , but I do always give the artist a heads up before using it, incase they get funny about it. Most of the character artwork is actually cut out by myself as some are the images are near impossible to find at a larger resolution.
  6. Thanks for the replies guys I managed to pick up a Seagate GoFlex 4TB HDD for £110 ($177). My Missus gave in and let me go all the way (Thanks Babe) The reason why I needed one was I'm running out of space and wanted to go from snaps to full set video's. They did offer a Western Digital 1TB for half the price but I thought naaah lets get 4TB I thought it would be more than that .
  7. Happy Birthday Dude !
  8. All media for all systems including: Videos Snaps Titles Manuals Box Art Just these mentioned I'm going to buy an new external 500gb HDD and wondered if this would be enough to house all this. What are you guys holding on your HDD in terms of Media (not Roms). Also is there any GameEx lag when holding so much media on an external HDD.
  9. celly, You should put this theme into the competition my friend.
  10. Unfortunately I couldn't get these out as I planned but shouldn't be too long, I'm just in the process of redoing a few and dropping a gloss layer on all of them.
  11. Nice. I should have another 3 of genesis packs soon, which include: Rocket Knight Adventures Kid Chameleon Robocop Vs The Terminator T2 The Arcade Game Micro Machines Turbo Tournament 007 James Bond : The Duel Golden Axe Golden Ax Golden Axe 3 Columns Eternal Champions Aladdin Castle Of Illusion Quackshot Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Sonic & Knuckles Dr Robotniks Mean Bean Machine And also a few others. Should be uploaded in the next few days
  12. Hope you get better soon Krak.
  13. Request. To adjust the amount of spacing between lines in the list (Theme Editor)
  14. Thanks for a Boxing Day update Tom and Adultery !
  15. Here's a finalized Popcap Screen, I've also updated the spoiler in my first post.
  16. Theme Title: Max Media (Crazy Green) Theme Version: V4 Theme Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Theme Type: Mainly HTPC, Desktop etc but has been tested on a 800 x 600 cab and looks good. Description: Crazy HD Green Madness. Features: A no-nonsense crazy green theme suitable for any setup, HTPC,Cab etc.. Staying true to GameEx by showing GameEx Name and Logo, also includes Time,Date, Scroller, full size loading screens etc. All of the graphical interface elements minus the logo pack for the theme have been edited and in some cases re-drawn by myself. Combined elements of craziness and simplicity. Date Submitted: 26/12/2012 Download URL: Here Download Size: 50.3mb Additional Notes: Nothing else really to say, it's a decent theme, already used by alot of user's who have given positive feedback. It's a pity I could not enter a few more theme's but they are nowhere near completion, and some are clocking 350mb + There are alot of awesome entries so good luck guys. (celly get your theme entered buddy)
  17. I've just got up and it's half 9 GMT, Merry Christmas all ! Off to do my community services now
  18. A .map file is what is used to determine how your roms are named/displayed within GameEx. If you used the .map file for Capcom CPS3 it would change the way the name of CPS3 roms are displayed within GameEx. For example: sfiii3.zip would be displayed in GameEx as Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future Some rom sets use numbers so it's always best to use a Map file to display the correct name otherwise you may not know what the actual rom is. There are many different Map files to display different regions/names etc. Here are a couple of links you may find interesting. Map File Maker by Adultery Configs,Wrappers,Map Files etc..
  19. I have updated my first post with a spoiler containing the progression of this theme.
  20. Thanks Tempest, Compliment's give me the will to carry on, all I have to say is I love theming and artwork in general. But the main reason is Draco due to his input, when I first started theming, if it wasnt for him I wouldnt be where I am today. So thanks Mike for showing me the light !
  21. Here's a finalised Nintendo GameBoy Color screen.
  22. Here is the finalised N64 screen and this alone took 25 minutes to complete and be ready for the theme. This N64 screen is absolutely flawless and this is how I want them all to be. Also when I manage to upload the theme, on user requests I can supply the PSD file for a specific system, so they can swap out background's etc if they wanted to.
  23. Most definitely, Me included.
  24. Thanks Krak, It's been great doing this theme, the thing is though that I haven't even done the main menu screen yet Ive just got a basic png running as bak. What makes all the difference in this theme are the glossy layers that sit behind the frames, without those it wouldnt look half as good.
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