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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Congratulations on getting this theme out buddy!
  2. Don't You Just Hate Uninvited Visitors!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KRC


      My Mother In Law is a Milf :)

    3. DazzleHP


      HAHA nice one, and also a shame really, as MC Hammer would say...

    4. nullPointer


      Yes I greatly prefer Shadowgate visitors. Deja Vu was also good. ^_^

  3. The system banners Visual Pinball,Future Pinball, Super Nintendo etc.. Unless I am mistaken?
  4. Nice Work Helpman, Good to see my banner artwork being used again!
  5. Nice Work, It Looks Great!
  6. Happy New Year! There Are Exciting Times Ahead!
  7. Happy New Years to everyone!
  8. Yeah AV composite is the way to go, I'm running my nes on a 42" LG LCD TV and its looks pretty good but not as good as I would like it to be. Unless you want to perform surgery on your nes to get RGB to work.
  9. KRC


    This is all news to me
  10. Nice build buddy!
  11. Happy Birthday Adultery! Wishing you all the best on your Birthday!
  12. Keep up the good work Slashbot!
  13. I'm pretty gutted to be honest, I don't tend to buy things off steam unless they are 75% off or they are free, or in some cases gifted to me.
  14. Me too, I tried to download it yesterday at about 3pm UK time and it wasn't free, it was £7.49
  15. I'm pretty sure that the original ps3 fat had the most potential with running other software (the one that had backwards compatibility with ps2) but only with an early firmware version.
  16. Thanks for the share Dazz! If it's free I don't see why not.
  17. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!
  18. Aim For The Top!

  19. Well the composite cables I purchased are working a treat, I had to change some layout options and brightness settings but it's working great, I managed to pick up some good boxed and complete games yesterday like Super Mario Bros 2 and Mario & Yoshi for £1 each which is a bargain as these can go for £30 each usually.
  20. Just a thought Go into your Fusion folder and load Fusion.exe and look at your control setup, if they are correct close Fusion and look for your Fusion.ini in the same folder and right hand click/properties and set the file to read-only, then load up GameEx and launch Fusion. If it doesnt work please upload your GameEx.ini and Log files. Read this for the location on these files Do you have other emu's setup and if you have do the controls work for them? 1. Are your controllers Wired/Wireless 2. Are you using Joy2Key, Xpadder etc... I had this problem with Windows 8 and my controls not working for any emulators in GameEx but they worked outside GameEx. I had to disable UAC on windows to make it work properly but lets hope it doesn't come to that.
  21. NTSC is still an option as this machine plays both, but the majority of the time NTSC carts on a pal machine have clockspeed issues and glitches but it's for collection purposes more than anything else.
  22. Maybe you could use this for the Neo Geo theme. A little piece of artwork I did a while ago.
  23. Nothing 32X wise but keep a lookout for Jaws,Nightmare On Elm Street and Friday The 13th on the NES. It doesn't matter if it's cart only.
  24. Speaking of 32X that software is ridiculously expensive over here in the UK.
  25. Nice Work, I had forgotten about that logo pack I did
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