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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. I only use two emulator groups; one for Sega Genesis (combining one config for 3 button games and another for 6 button games), and one for N64 (combining several different N64 emulators). All the rest are single emulator slots. I don't think the groups would "correct" the sorting behavior (if anything I expected that to be the part that got messed up ... which it sort of did, but only a little). I think I would advise against resorting emulators as you're adding them, before you've ever run GameEx, but I've also never done that ... so who knows. That might be a contributing factor to the issue? As I mentioned, it's not that we're debating whether there's an issue (it appears that there is), only that if we can't duplicate the issue, it makes it that much harder to discern. If it helps (and if I understand the issue correctly) it's not that GameEx is showing the wrong number of games, but rather it's showing the entirely wrong list of games (correct me if I'm wrong Kicker75). So if emu_1 is Nintendo NES and emu_2 is Atari 2600, when he re-sorts the order of emus in the Setup Wizard emu_1 is now labeled as Atari 2600 in GameEx, but it still displays the NES game list when he navigates to it. Does that properly describe the issue you're seeing Kicker75? Edit: Actually as I re-read the last few posts you are correct about the misreported numbers in the game list(s) being the most recent issue. I was still thinking it was the issue reported in the OP.
  2. OK, I just tested it out and everything worked fine, save for one minor niggling issue. Do you use emulator groups? When I resorted my emulator list in the Setup Wizard it correctly recognized the modifications to emulator groups, except it added a "0" to the end of each emulator group. That "0" will be recognized as MAME by GameEx and thus will add your MAME list into the applicable emulator group, and thus will be added into the game list for that group. Once I removed the "0" everything was good to go again. That doesn't sound like what you're experiencing, but it is noteworthy. Other than that though everything worked as one might expect. How did you re-sort your emulators? Did you use the "re-sort" button in the Setup Wizard? What method did you use to sort? (i.e. "by name", "by system", "by emulator")? Also you didn't mention where you had GameEx installed or if you had ran GameEx as administrator after deleting your cache files? Look, I'm not saying that there isn't a problem somewhere, and I'm certainly not saying you're dumb by any means. But I am saying that taking an increasingly adversarial tone with the forum staff and (especially) the development staff won't do you any favors in getting the assistance you seek. Just some friendly advice.
  3. Just out of curiosity, where do you have GameEx installed? It's easy to say "the devs can't recognize there's a problem," but if the problem is unique to you and your setup, what is there to recognize when 99.9% of users have never seen anything like what you are describing? (Especially when it's been less than 12 hours since Tom responded to your question?) This is the only time I've ever seen an issue like this, and to be honest some of the stuff you're doing seems a bit "out there" in terms of what it's going to take to resolve the issue. I've never seen (or recommended that) someone clear GameEx entries our of the registry or clear temp files from the appdata directory in an attempt to redress issues within GameEx. I'm 95% certain that these actions are both wasting your time and increasing your frustration level. To be honest, I think it's a problem with your gameex.ini. It's the only factor that's been consistent through all of this. If I were you I'd start creating new emulator slots using the old settings to see if it resolves the issue. I know that you've been trying to avoid that, but again, your INI is the only consistent factor in all of this. Again, I'm not necessarily suggesting that you start over fresh, but just copy your old settings into new slots.
  4. Ha, yeah. Tangential to the topic, but I've always thought it was a potential source of confusion that we have an Advanced Emulator Setup screen, a selection of Advanced Emulator Configs, and an Advanced Config Editor. It all sounds very ... advanced.
  5. This is definitely not an emulator that I run, but I would recommend taking a look at the Keys To Send and Wait Before Keys settings found on the Advanced Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard. Stuff like this is basically what those settings are designed for. F12 is a "special key" and as such it needs a special notation (described here), so I think it would look like {F12}{F12}. I'd play around with those settings to see if they work for you. Good luck!
  6. Good catch Alan! I'm glad you got it figured out. Happy gaming!
  7. If this is exactly what you have in the Keys To Send On Exit field it won't work. You have a space between % and {F4}, which won't work. You need to enter it exactly as I described, %{F4}. The combination of {DELAY=3000}% {F4} really won't work since that field can only contain keys or a combinations of keys (as described here). Make sure you're editing the advanced emulator config you created earlier.
  8. I think this should be an easy fix, after which you can play some PS2 games. and I can get back to drinking on the job. Let's try the following: Open the set up wizard and go to the advanced config setting for PCSX2. Make sure you have the proper advanced config selected. Now we'll edit the config to send Alt+F4 upon exit Next to the Advanced Config setting you'll see a "..." button. Click that. This will open up the advanced config editor. Find the tab labeled General and click that. On this screen find the setting labeled Keys To Send On Exit Enter %{F4} for that setting (this is the shorthand for Alt+F4) While your there make sure that Map Escape, Wait For Keys, and Enabled are all enabled (they probably already are) Hopefully that will get us to where we can exit the emulator properly. And if that works I'd probably go back through my PCSX2 Bonus configs and set them as No GUI (personal preference on that one though).
  9. I would actually contend that this is not the best method for doing this. There are ROM auditor tools available for this express purpose, and while they won't tell you the version of a particular ROM, they will tell you whether your ROM set is simpatico with your version of MAME. They'll even try to "fix" your ROM set for you so that it is compatible with your version of MAME if you let them.* *This is probably more advanced than you want to get on your first go around, but once you become familiar with the tools can become an invaluable resource. It would probably be a good idea to start with a backed up subset of ROMs, while you're learning the ropes of these tools. For new(ish) users I tend to recommend ROMCenter for the purposes of ROM auditing. It’s a great tool to have in your arsenal. Here are a couple of tutorials to help get you started with ROMCenter: Romcenter 3 tutorial ROMCenter Wiki Another great tool to be aware of is the venerable ClrMamePro. ClrMamePro is not nearly as user friendly as ROMCenter, but it’s got a lot more history behind it, and occasionally you’ll see the grizzled old emulation veterans using CMP over ROMCenter. Here’s the complete guide to using ClrMamePro. YMMV with these tools, but I feel like they really take some of the guesswork out of matching the ROM version with the MAME version.
  10. It sounds like the PCSX2 GUI is remaining open. Double check your PCSX2 Bonus configs to make sure that you have the No GUI option checked. That will be the first thing to try, and it might clear up your issue. If it doesn't, proceed onwards: We also might need to make one adjustment to your Advanced Emulator config. I'm not near my gaming computer, but does PCSX2 close properly when you press Alt+F4?
  11. I think PCSX2Bonus has the same issue as ePSXecutor. Namely PCSX2 Bonus is a game launcher and doesn't continue to run after it does it's job (since PCSX2 is running at that point). The problem is that GameEx is watching the PCSX2 Bonus process rather than PCSX2 itself, so when PCSX2 Bonus ends GameEx takes back focus. You need to tell GameEx to watch PCSX2 in addition to PCSX2 Bonus. That's what your advanced config will do for you. Once you've made one like it, they're pretty easy. So do the following: Go to ...\GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS and make a copy of ePSXecutor.ini (the one you made earlier) Rename the copy to PCSX2 Bonus.ini (or whatever you prefer) Open the set up wizard and go to the advanced config setting for PCSX2. Select your new advanced config. Now we'll edit the config to recognize PCSX2 Next to the Advanced Config setting you'll see a "..." button. Click that. This will open up the advanced config editor. Find the tab labeled Process Wait and click that. Here's you'll see that Process 1 is specified as ePSXe. We need to change it to recognize PCSX2. Double click the ePSXe process, and then click it one more time. This should open up a file selector. Navigate to your PCSX2 executable and double click on that file (make sure you don't select the setup executable!). Now the advanced config should be setup to recognize when PCSX2 is running. Hopefully that helps with PCSX2 Bonus. Good luck man!
  12. I'm pretty sure that this is your issue: ePSXecutor requires the use of an advanced config file. Since ePSXecutor only acts as a launcher for ePSXe it doesn't stay resident in memory after the game has been launched. The trouble is that GameEx is watching the ePSXecutor process as an indicator of when to come back into focus. So when ePSXecutor goes out of memory, GameEx responds exactly as it would when close any other emulator, it takes back focus. I know you reviewed the old thread, but pay special attention to this part (just for fun, I'd recommend reviewing that whole post again): Put that file in the following directory: ...\GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS Now open up the Setup Wizard again and navigate to the Advanced Emulator Setup screen for your ePSXecutor config. On that screen you'll see a field called Advanced Config. Your new advanced emulator config should appear in that dropdown list. Select your new config and exit the Setup Wizard. Give that a shot and see if it works for you.
  13. Tthurman's description above is probably one of the best descriptions I've ever seen regarding the relationship between the MAME executable and the constituent ROM sets. Basically, any time you change to a different version of MAME (whether that means switching to a newer version or even an older version) you should update your ROM set to match. MAME won't play well with "any old ROM set," the ROM version has to match the version of the executable. With a non-matching set you might (and probably will) have some functioning games since not every ROM set gets updated upon each release of MAME. But the greater the discrepancy you have between the version of your ROM set and your version of MAME, the more troubles you will have.
  14. I have a quick question on all of this. Does the emulator actually load behind GameEx (i.e. GameEx never loses focus) or does the emulator retain focus for a few seconds before GameEx "comes back" and steals focus? If it's the first issue, I really have no idea. If it's the second issue, you probably need to implement an advanced emulator config. I know for a fact that you need one for ePSXecutor, I can't recall whether you need one for PCSX2 Bonus or not.
  15. Hi Alan. Is there a compelling reason that you're running Project Tempest? That emulator is old to the point of being ancient. I would contend that Virtual Jaguar is currently a much more reliable choice at this point since it's been updated within recent years.
  16. You mentioned that you are familiar with emulation but that MAME is a different beast altogether, and on that count you are absolutely right. With other emulators, the emulator itself is separate and modular from the ROMs. With MAME the ROMs are part and parcel of the emulator to the point that they are inseparable, and as such, your ROM version must match your version of MAME (since they are basically one and the same). The same goes for your MAME support files since they provide metadata for your ROM set and if the versions don't match you'll see unsatisfactory results in your game list.
  17. Yep, I'm pretty sure you nailed it. Check out this old post:
  18. This is a weird question and probably not the case, but I had a somewhat similar experience recently when I dropped the guts for my system into a new case. After doing so I had a couple of system crashes. Coincidentally I also noticed that the power LED was not illuminating (which was kind of a shot in the dark since it was a new case and I wasn't entirely sure if it was supposed to illuminate, but I was pretty sure that it was). At the time I was installing everything I was slightly annoyed that the pin-out wiring for case illumination wasn't labeled for polarity. So I got back into the case, switched the wires for the PWR pins, and low-and-behold, no more system crashes and the power button lit up. Fan pin-outs are usually keyed in such a way that you can't reverse them, but if not, it might be something to check. It might also be possible to offset a 3 pin fan on a 4 pin header. Like I say, it's probably unlikely, but if installing the fan is when things started to go pear shaped, it might be something to consider. Probably nothing, but who knows.
  19. It's getting harder to troubleshoot on older OS and whatnot (can you believe XP is 14 years old this year!?), but in this case I'm fairly certain it's related to your .NET framework issues. You need a minimum of .NET 3.5 for GameEx. Are you using a streamlined or nLited version of XP? AFAIK (or remember ), .NET 3.5 should install OK under XP.
  20. Yep keep 'em green ... with envy.
  21. Awesome news Han! Glad you were able to score what you were looking for Ha, yeah I'm in the same boat with my NAS. I've been on the lookout for one more 3TB WD Red drive. The sale that Draco linked is fantastic, but unfortunately my whole saga described over here has pretty much expended my computer part budget for at least a few months. But hey at least my gaming machine is operational again!
  22. I should note that I don't run Model 2 in vertical orientation nor do I have a dedicated cab ... but here's the first thing I would try. In your emulator directory for the Model 2 Emulator you'll find a file called EMULATOR.INI. If you open that file with notepad (or even better with notepad++), you'll find that it has settings for FullScreenWidth and FullScreenHeight. You might be able to use those settings to force a vertical orientation/resolution. If you need to trigger an actual rotation operation, I have no idea.
  23. Looks great Dazz! Pretty sweet piece of kit ya got there.
  24. Awesome update greatstone! That's a great new set of supported games, as well as some really handy improvements! It's super cool that you've continued to support this fantastic project.
  25. I'd give it a shot with clearing the cache files as Draco suggests. The other thing I'd suggest is reinstalling with a fresh download from GameEx.com (your settings will be fine). We've had a couple of weird issues lately where we kept on making troubleshooting suggestions but that were ultimately solved by a simple reinstallation.
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