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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. For the Download Service Utility, could we get some form of status indicator on screen when it's working? For a first time user, it appeared the program had just froze and wasn't doing anything at all. See thread: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=10173
  2. Wow, I go to bed, and my entire thread is flooded with more replys! I don't know where to begin. Hehe. Yeah, I guess I was a bit impatient. That was mostly because I was tired. I wanted it to work RIGHT NOW and didn't want to wait. Same thing with the registration. It wasn't that I was impatient there.. I thought it got lost or something, so I was asking around in hopes somebody had some power to push it. It's all good now. As for the downloader, I thought about that; that it was just loading or something. I didn't let it sit though, and just closed it for the night. I agee though, there should be some kind of status indicator. I'd like to see something simple, like just a one liner... "Loading Selection", "Downloading ______ for ROM _______: __%" Thanks for the tip though. I'll let it sit and see if it fixed the problem.
  3. Yes, via the Start->GameEx menu.
  4. I suppose I can give it a try. It'll have to wait until tomorrow though. I'm exhausted on games for today. Been up since 9:30 doing emulator stuff all day! Off tomorrow too, so it'll be another full day. Gee, hope I don't get to the point where I hate doing this, like I do my job.
  5. I can, only I don't really know what that would solve. I've never had to configure them before. They always worked fine. I don't want to screw something up either, in case it really IS something with the program. If I go in and mess around with my input stuff, I could really screw it up!
  6. Is the Download Service Utility (v0.90) supported in the GameEx forum or in the emumovies forum? I need a little help with it. I finally got my verification email (like 2.5 hours later, but I can't complain since I DID get it) and I'm trying to use the program. Going in order, I'm starting with the Fairchild Channel F. I selected the console, then "-All Artwork" as the media. Browsed to the Rom path. Created a Desktop folder called "Download Service" (this is the default setting). I then click [Go!], but nothing happens. If I click it a lot, and fast enough, I can see some kinda message that briefly displays under the EmuMovies logo.. something about Free Mode. But I can't read it. Any help?
  7. All I've done is enabled the Gamepad for use under GameEx Setup Wizard's "Input Settings" tab. Nothing else is manually configured (except for the global exit combination via the Input Settings tab as well). I'm not using a custominput.ini. I finished installing the latest DirectX and rebooted. It still does this. Clicking the mouse doesn't cause GameEx to minimize to the task bar, it just enables the pointer to be shown, then the mouse works like normal inside GameEx. Keyboard, GamePad, and MCE Remote don't work in either case. I get the same group of error's in the log: 20:46:34.0 8/10/2011: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 20:46:34.1 8/10/2011: at ag.s(Boolean A_0) 20:46:34.1 8/10/2011: at ag.ac() 20:46:34.1 8/10/2011: Trying reinitialising the display after sleeping for 4 seconds 20:46:34.1 8/10/2011: Exception count will be dropped to 15 I feel I should also mention that this never happened in the previous versions of GameEx. Only since the last 1 or 2 updates. I know I've been gone a while, but even so, GameEx worked fine with the version that was out when I came back. So it's definately something new within the last few updates.
  8. Yeah, nothing at all works until I click. After that, the mouse pointer appears, and I can hover things, select things, click them, etc. The other inputs don't work after clicking though, only the mouse.
  9. Updating DirectX now. Video drivers were updated just a few days ago.
  10. Well, when I click the mouse, it brings the pointer into the foreground. If I don't click, there's no mouse pointer.
  11. When I play consoles, I can exit back to GameEx and navigate to chose another game to play. When I play a MAME game though, I lose the ability to navigate inside of GameEx once I return. The only way I can navigate is after right clicking the mouse button, then moving the mouse. I can't control GameEx with the gamepad, remote control, or keyboard. Using latest 11.99 version. Log:
  12. I registered on the site; says I should receive a confirmation email within 10 minutes... haven't gotten one yet, been almost half an hour.
  13. Nah, this wasn't available in Steam. I don't know if it is now either, but I'm not about to repay to download it again. But it was a digital purchase. No discs for this.
  14. Ok, way back in 2008, I had purchased a license to this fantasic PC Racing Game. I received an email in which it had the order number, my account name, and license information. I saved all this stuff to a text file, and saved it on my home server. The drives in the server have all died eventually, but not in any way to cause me to lose the information. I still have this file with my information. However, I don't have the original install files. According to the website, you can freely download the "free" version (Trackmania Nations) or buy the "full" version (Trackmania United Forever). There are no download links except for the free version. When I look in their support area, they say there's a link in the original email that connects you to a downloader for the game. I no longer have this email, as I just saved the important stuff (like my licence key). They also say there is a link in the email that takes you to the website for a manual download of the files if you don't want to use the downloader. However, still, I don't have that url. I emailed them and asked for these urls over a week ago, but nobody has replied yet. I fear I'm out $40 bucks because of their inability to host support information on where to re-download their software. So I'm asking the GX community... Has anybody bought this game and still have their original email that can give me the URLs? Or perhaps just the install files? Thanks in advance if you can!
  15. Yeah, I just looked at the info, looks that way on all the MK games. That's just crazy! I figured it'd be setup like the way the Sega Genesis had their controller. It's pretty close, but for that 1 button. Guess I'll just have to manually remap for those games! Thanks for the help Frequency!
  16. LOL! Where did you find that? SO the revision of the ROM i'm playing is setup like that?! DOH!
  17. It's a basic gamepad, the Saitek PV2500. It has a 6-button layout. I use this controller because it's similar enough to the Sega Genesis controler, which has 6-buttons. Last time (pre-fire), I generally just remapped the buttons on a per-game basis, but now I'm wanting to just use the universal configuration and be done with it. Using the layout above works almost, but when I try to play "Mortal Kombat", the lower right button (mapped as 6, for low kick) just does a block. I wonder if the rom/emulation itself is buggy, because I can't even do a remap for that game itself.
  18. I'm trying to configure the universal controls for MAME, so I don't have to reconfigure for each individual game. What is the basic layout/correlation? When you [TAB] into the controls, they just list them as Button 1, 2, 3, etc. Apparently this layout is wrong: Button 1 - Button 2 - Button 3 Button 4 - Button 5 - Button 6 So what is the correct layout when mapping?
  19. Thanks Freq, I found the vsync option in the ini it created. Don't know whats going on with the UI. Used to work, before I started adding a bunch of roms to the emulators. OH well.
  20. Hey guys. Need a quick tip. MESS64UI doesn't load anymore. I can run the program, and it displays the application in my taskbar. When I hover on it, the popup window (Windows 7 people know what I mean) shows the program window in the thumbnail. But I can't click on it to open it up. It's like it's having trouble rendering the UI for full screen. If I click it enough times, eventually Windows will crash the program saying it's not responding. So I need a little help. Is there a work around for this? I have all my MESS emulators configured in GameEx to use just the mess64.exe and not the mess64ui. That's solved the problem of the emulators not running. But I need to be able to access the UI because I need to enable the wait for VSync global option. Unless there's some kind of command line or ini I can enable.
  21. UHG!! I need to buy a subscription!
  22. Confirmed; auto-update fixed font name display. Also, MAME exit still works without crashing! Good job Tom!
  23. I don't think it's an error, because you can bypass it by clicking the OK button in the window for each font. It's not saying "Error Loading Font..Arial" or anything like that. It's just a small, 1 cubic inch window with the font name and an [OK] button.
  24. Cool, will come in handy I'm sure.
  25. Not me, I like to keep it in proper ratio. That's why I was fussing about the Intellivision. There are some games that require precision, and with tall thin or fat squashed pixels, it's hard to do. I like mine nice and square like the way they display originally. In fact, I was kinda hoping somebody came up with a GameEx Mame bezel that would go out and fill the 4x3 to 16x9 space. That would be awesome.
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