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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I was going to say something snarky, like "Let the battle for 10th place begin!", then I realized his submission actually put him in 8th place! Awesome dude! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. There are so MANY games.. I've never heard of this one. Can't wait to give it a go myself.
  3. Wow, you literally posted this score 5 minutes after I woke up this morning! Sorry it took so long to update, I was making the new GOTQ threads! Way to take top spot too! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  4. Here we go guys! The next GOTQ (Game of the Quarter)... Kung-Fu Master! Hope you all enjoy it and get some good (legit) scores in! If anybody wants to check the current existing World Records, hope over to TwinGalaxies. I chose to go with the "Points [Marathon Settings]" version, rather than the "Points [Tournament Settings]" one because the only difference was that you had to use HARD instead of EASY Difficulty. This way you don't have to change anything by default. Hope you all enjoy it! Don't forget to vote. Happy Gaming!
  5. Kung-Fu Master is a side-scrolling beat 'em up game produced by Irem as arcade game in 1984 and distributed by Data East in North America. The game was initially released in Japan under the title of Spartan X (スパルタンX Suparutan X) as a tie-in based on the Jackie Chan film Wheels on Meals (which was distributed under the same title in Japan); however, the game has no bearing on the plot of the film outside the names of the main protagonist and his girlfriend, allowing Irem to export the game without the license by simply changing the title. The players control Thomas, the titular Kung-Fu Master, as he fights his way through the five levels of the Devil's Temple in order to rescue his girlfriend Sylvia from the mysterious crime boss Mr. X. Kung-Fu Master is regarded as the first beat 'em up video game.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] It had a NES port, which sold 3.5 million cartridges.[8] The arcade game also inspired a 1988 French film of the same name. The player controls Thomas with a four-way joystick and two attack buttons to punch and kick. Unlike more conventional side-scrolling games, the joystick is used not only to crouch, but also to jump. Punches and kicks can be performed from a standing, crouching or jumping position. Punches award more points than kicks and do more damage, but their range is shorter. Underlings encountered by the player include Grippers, who can grab Thomas and drain his energy until shaken off; Knife Throwers, who can throw at two different heights and must be hit twice; and Tom Toms, short fighters who can either grab Thomas or somersault to strike his head when he is crouching. On even-numbered floors, the player must also deal with falling balls and pots, snakes, poisonous moths, fire-breathing dragons, and exploding confetti balls. The Devil's Temple has five floors, each ending with a different boss (described as "sons of the devil" at the start of the game). In order to complete a floor, Thomas must connect with enough strikes to completely drain the boss's energy meter; he can then climb the stairs to the next floor. Thomas has a fixed time limit to complete each floor; if time runs out or his meter is completely drained, the player loses one life and must replay the entire floor. Upon completing a floor, the player receives bonus points for remaining time and energy. The boss of the fifth floor is Mr. X, the leader of the gang that kidnapped Sylvia. Once he is defeated, Thomas rescues Sylvia and the game restarts at a higher difficulty level. - Quote from Wikipedia
  6. 1st GOTQ 2019 Winner: Cynicaster - 244,400 Kung-Fu Master Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 Cynicaster 244,400 2 ExedExes 147,160 3 Mame Offender 140,790 4 rtkiii 114,440 5 patrickfx 77,890 6 Floyd Turbo 36,130 7 millerbrad 28,700 8 GimmeClassics 26,020 Last Updated by hansolo77: 08-30-2020 Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Kung Fu Master: ROMSet: KungFuM Difficulty: Easy Energy Loss: Slow Flip Screen: Off Cabinet: Upright Slow Motion Mode [Cheat]: Off Freeze [Cheat]: Off Level Selection [Cheat]: Off Invulnerability [Cheat]: Off Service Mode: Off Special Rules: None The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting your hi-score:
  7. Alrighty! Thus ends another successful competition! Congratulations Cynicaster on your amazing score of 351,570! You're king for the time being, hopefully somebody will beat your one day! Stay tuned all for the next GOTQ!
  8. Same from me. Happy New Year all!
  9. Updated OP, DB, RSS Also... I'm extending the Competition by an extra 2 days. It's supposed to end tonight, but I'm going to bed and won't be back on till after it's over. Tomorrow I will be going to bed as soon as I get off work because I have to work at 6:30 in the morning. I will update the boards with the new GOTQ and round of voting after that. Sorry for the delay. If any of the other mods want to jump in and do the updates, feel free!
  10. Sony cut their users short by blocking access to the PS3's GPU. You can only do so much with just a CPU. So it bombed because it was basically useless. Atari promises complete, unfiltered access to everything under the hood. Granted, the machine is designed for Atari emulation, so don't expect $3k in parts compared to a new gaming PC. But just the idea, that Atari is behind it's users and wants them to tinker.. it's something completely new! As for installing Windows/MacOS.... There are ways to do it... You can even run Windows inside Linux Distro's. I can't think of what it's called at the moment, although I believe it's called WINE. Plus don't forget that if you have a PC nearby, you can even stream games from STEAM using Moonlight (I've not tried setting it up on my RetroPie yet, mostly because I don't see the advantage of it over just using my PC connected to the TV). There's lots of things you can do.
  11. Happy Belated Birthday Adultery! Hope you had a good one and Happy Holidays too.
  12. OOOooooooo, @Luigimaker's not gonna like you for very long if you bump him off the Top 10! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. Keep at it! You can beat Michael at HIS game. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. That's all part of their marketing plan. " Gaming and Home Entertainment Streaming Device with Open Platform for Creativity and Customization! ". " Built on an open source Linux OS so you can add your own software and apps to customize your own platform. " Have a read here: https://medium.com/@atarivcs/the-birth-of-the-atari-vcs-operating-system-part-1-d8f43bfa0290
  15. It's only frustrating because everybody in our competition is just so dang good. You try so hard, think you have an awesome score, just to realize it's only good for 10th place. But honestly? It's really good. Probably the best in your family. It's better than me. You'll get better too. It's just a start! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. I'm mostly excited about the "sandbox" they're determined to include. Not only will the system be able to run current gen games (maybe not AAA games like Red Dead Redemption 2, but at least the a assortment of games like the Xbox Arcade or indie games) but it'll support a completely accessible sandbox mode that will let you install any OS you want and have it be able to use all of the hardware capabilities. So you can install Windows and have access to Steam (hardware can probably run Half-Life 2, which was a huge hardware demand for me years ago). Or, you could install a full on Ubuntu Linux distro. I'm thinking I'll install Windows and then install GameEx on that! I'll have access to everything Atari will offer as part of their package and service, but then also everything outside of that that's emulatable or can run on Windows. If it turns out Windows can't be installed, I'll at least put RetroPie on it. This is a huge thing. It will be the first console that has a somewhat proprietary system/os AND be free to accept 3rd party additions without needing hardware like a modchip to hack into it.
  17. Thanks for the update. Not sure why I'm not getting notified whenever there IS an update..
  18. Sneaky! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. Nice job! 30k improvement is always good. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  20. Not a bad first entry for this game. Gotta watch out for those holes! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  21. Dude! I used to have that same exact AV Receiver. Upgraded to a Denon after the fire. Updated OP, DB, RSS
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