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Everything posted by ehuonder

  1. I was trying to look at trying this Custom Lists plugin, but it fails when I try and configure it. I'm running GameEx 16.60 on Windows 10. I did NOT check the install 64-bit option during the install, so I think it should be running the 32-bit version. This is a test machine, so it's basically the default demo files/emulators for GameEx. I added 3 of the games to my favorites. I used the Repository Manager to download the plugin. Then I used the Setup Wizard to try and Setup Plugins. When I select the CustomLists plugin and press the Configure button, I get: Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. Cannot find column RomFile. Details: If I select Continue, the CustomLists - 1.3.0 GUI is accessible, but no favorites are listed as in the demo video... The Plugin's log file, CustomLists.log indicates: ERROR @ IMPORTING GE DATA: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SQLite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=db937bc2d44ff139' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. It also indicated above this ERROR that the /PLUGINS/SQLite.Interop.dll exists... I've attached the CustomLists.log, my GameEx log.txt, and my GameEx.ini. I also tried to install this on my WinXP cabinet with the same results, but thought that this simple GameEx setup would be easier to debug... Any ideas on what I can do to fix this? Thanks. CustomLists.log log.txt GameEx.ini
  2. @tthurman, Here is the main thread that I was referring to: Please Wait Bar - General - It has some information about the PleaseWaitBar. This post simply adds more information. Since I wanted more information about it, I figured that someone else might want more information about it, so I tried to add what I found here. It might have been better if I had added [TIP] to the subject line or something, but at least a simple search will show this thread as well now.
  3. Sorry for any confusion Tom. I was just providing a tip. Evidently, not a very well described tip at that! When I searched the forums, I did not find the displayed portion of the PleaseWaitBar described in detail. Those subject threads were closed, so I had to create a new one instead of just replying to them.
  4. I was viewing my old PleaseWaitBar scroll, and realized that it wasn't smooth like I wanted it. So, I checked the forums to get more details on it. I was unable to find a complete enough answer for myself on how the scrolling occurred, so I did a bunch of trial-and-error to try and figure it out. In case others are looking for PleaseWaitBar information, here's what I found. 1) As stated in other posts, use the same sizes for the pleasewait.png (256x154) and pleasewaitbar.png (695x23). 2) In operation, the pleasewaitbar image will initially show the left 200 columns (0-199). It will scroll right within the image until displaying columns (450-649). Then it will jump back to displaying columns (0-199). For any of you theme editors, this should help if you want a smooth transition, as columns 650-695 do not appear to ever be displayed. DISCLAIMER: The above numbers are a best guess based on experimentation. I do not have access to the source code, so this could be slightly off. Also, this was tested on a 1600x1200 theme. So, if the SW does different scalings for different resolutions, your actual numbers may be slightly different as well. But this should give you a better starting point than the 695x23 does. Good Luck!
  5. I came up with an idea on how I want to display/select my games, and since there are a lot of experienced GameEx users here, I figured I'd ask if there's a better way than what I'm thinking... I want to list my games (MAME as well as console and handheld games) in a chronological order in one list (not all games, only the ones I want). Sort of like a timeline of important games or games that I liked. For example, the list would look something like this: 1973.07-Arcade-Space Race [Atari] 1975.11-Arcade-Gun Fight [Midway] 1976.05-Arcade-Breakout [Atari] 1977.09-A2600-Combat [Atari] 1978.10-Arcade-Space Invaders [Taito] ... 1979.12-A2600-Adventure [Atari] ... 1991.06-Genesis-Sonic the Hedgehog [Sega] ... I am planning to basically copy the GameEx runitgame.bat file for each setup game into a separate Roms directory and change the name as shown in the example list to control the order, and then create an [Emulator_XX] that points to this directory of *.bat files for roms to execute. I've already done a simple test with a few games, and the execution method works. I feel that I will also have to copy over Art resources into this Emulator structure and rename accordingly... It seems like a lot of work, but I'm more than willing to put in the time if there is not already a better way to do this... Any thoughts? comments? advice? Thanks!
  6. Thanks for looking into it Tom. My rebuild is still on an old XP machine with no internet access, so I expected that Evolution would not run well if at all on it. I didn't think about the Arcade Edition simply because I don't know much about it. I was quite pleasantly surprised that the current version of GameEx still runs on XP! I'll have to look into Evolution and Arcade Edition and see what they offer! I'm glad you and the community are still here developing these tools! It looks like I'll have to figure out how I can build a pinball machine now as well!
  7. I've been gone for a long time... I'm glad to see GameEx still going strong! My GameEx 14.36 and WInXP cabinet ran great this whole time!!! But, I had a HD crash, so now I'm rebuilding, and I thought that I'd grab the latest GameEx! In rebuilding, I'm also trying to upgrade my theme along the way... I use the MAME CustomFolders feature that GameEx supports to create custom MAME game lists. This works great functionally, but I'm trying to control the background in the theme, and that's where my problem is. FYI. I'm also using CustomMenus, so that may add to the problem. I'm hoping that it's just that I need to understand the naming conventions that are in place now, as I've noticed some differences in the output of the Theme Editor... If my INI files in my Mame/CustomFolder containing my lists are: "1- Select MAME Games.ini", "2- Configured MAME Games.ini", and "3- Beta MAME Games.ini", what would the background filenames be or does GameEx not support this level of backgrounds? Also, do CustomMenus have the ability to indicate a background for a submenu? or does GameEx just use bak.png? In my run, the Root Menu = Media/Startbak.png Sub Menus = Media/Startbak.png Mame Emulator top level (CustomMenu Item=0,Mame Games,0,_Arcade__MAME) = MameAllbak.png or Mamebak.png (I can't tell as they are the same for me). Selecting one of my 3 CustomFolder INI's = Media/bak.png This is the one that I'm hoping that I can control somehow with GameEx's built in naming conventions. Any ideas? Thanks!
  8. @Stigzler - Thanks for the reply... In looking at the CustomMenu.ini file, I don't see a "Home" option: # The Item Types are as follows # -1= Submenu group. Goto other menu. Parameter = Menu number e.g Item=-1,Sub Menu 1,4 goes to [MENU_4]. # - Will be listed in GameEx as "Sub Menu 1" # 0=MAME # 1=Emulator. Parameter = Emulator Nunber # 2=Application. Parameter = Application Number # 3=Web Application. Parameter = Web Application Number # 4=Theme Picker # 5=Start Screensaver # 6=Configuration Application # 7=Statistics # 8=Export To Mce # 9=Most Played # 10=Last Played # 11=Random Game # 12=Favorites # 13=All Games list # 14=News # 15=Search # 16=Exit # 17=Log Off # 18=Shut Down # 19=Hibernate # 20=Standby # 21=Restart # 22=Videos # 23=Play DVD # 24=Jukebox # 25=DVDs on Disk # 26=Radio # 27=Media Library # 28=eBooks # 29=Karaoke # 30=Pictures # 31=Daphne # 32=Emulator Group. Paramater = Group Number # 33=Blank Line I just pulled up the GameEx Custom Menu GUI and I see that there are more options after Blank Line that are not documented in the file. But even in there, I do not see a "Home" option. I'm on version 14.41, so if it's changed recently, that could be my problem. UPDATE: From the Custom Menu GUI, I would infer that: #34=YouTube #35=GameBase System #36=GameEx Arcade #37=Steam #38=Netflix #39=TV #40=Origin #41=Uplay #42=Movie Database #43=Weather #44=Live - Most Played #45=Live - Favorites #46=Highest Rated If you were referring to the "Home" option on the menu versus the list, that doesn't really solve my problem. I need it selectable in the list, with my own text.
  9. I would like to request a Custom Menu Item option that causes the menu displayed to jump back to the ROOT menu.
  10. ehuonder


    Version 2.03


    A theme created by ehuonder designed to run at a resolution of 1600x1200.
  11. I have to agree that the Raspberry Pi is not a viable platform for GameEx. It's questionable for just the games... I have tried RetroPie, and it doesn't run well on the Pi... I'm sure that the recently released v.2 Pi is more powerful, but still unsure if it really runs games at an acceptable speed (I don't have one to test it on).
  12. Just in case Tom is checking back here and he asked... I do use Steam and Origin on my normal machine. I haven't integrated them into my arcade machine yet, but it's an interesting possibility now.
  13. Thanks Tom! Keep it coming.
  14. Thoughts and prayers are with you nullPointer.
  15. Congrats on the release!!! It is awesome!
  16. Nice job! I think this is my last score that still stands at the top... but, high scores were made to be beaten! Good luck!
  17. Tom, thanks for letting us know us status here!
  18. Wow! I didn't even know that the levels looped... I've never gotten past flying saucers... Those spinning bullets get me every time! I've just avoided the level ending plane for long periods of time to get to my scores.
  19. Don't let KRC know about this game... He'll knock us down a peg here as well!
  20. My score was more than broken... It was destroyed!!! Wow... You da man!
  21. Wow! I've never broken 300K before! I'll have to see if I can come back to it... That's got to be a long game... I wonder how many times you pressed the fire button??!?!?! My hands were tired at 208K.
  22. Thanks. I'm usually not gone very long, just reading instead of posting. I think this friendly high score competition is great! I'm pretty old school, and haven't played most of the newer games, but I need to try them!
  23. Well, like most of us I'm sure, I don't get to play as much as I'd like... but since I requested this game, I thought I should make time to play it!!! Here's my score: 208,000, with DIP settings as instructed.
  24. Thanks for the continual work guys!
  25. That is quite the nice bartopper! Excellent job!
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