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Everything posted by Mike_da_Spike

  1. 3.10 and before was working indeed. Never had issies with it There is a D:\ drive in the pc. What location should I put in there?
  2. Hello, I use pinbalx for months now and very happy with it. The new feature in game manger I get after upgrading to 3.17 (from 3.10) is really awesome. I noticed I missed some tables and it is corrected now. Put when creatinf video's from game manager, the missing video starts. After +/- 30 seconds, the screen rotates and won't finish the capture. After some time2 the 2nd instance is sarting with the same result. Downgraded to 3.16 and 3.15 give me the same result. Wen't back to 3.10 and works like a charm Log file and ini file attached. log.txt PinballX.ini
  3. I love the idea of the autodetect tables !
  4. Hi Tom This was indeed PBX recorder, just before I noticed rt hat PinballX had the new feature in it. Thank you for the feedbCk Cheers Mike
  5. When I use PBX on vpx 10.4 or higher tables, the tables will not close after capuring. This results in tables with wrong backglass videos Even wrong tables get captured. Vp9 tables getting closed nicely. Something I do wrong ?
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