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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. Very nice! ... Today I did the Zaxxon series... and maybe a few other classics
  2. Yes! Alot of people never really cared for DK3.
  3. Wow! Yes looks good...Glad to see that it worked ok in Gimp! I take it you had no problems? You can see you have way more freedom on how exactly you want your screens to look like with this theme. I should have this ready (knock on wood) soon! That way you guys can test out your game themes for yourself. I am really looking forward to see what everyone comes up with. Note: You just have to make sure the square box for the video stay transparent so the videos will show thru. If you fill it in with a solid color like black the videos won't be displayed. Every game can have it's own theme for each emulator so you can see why you might need a large HD for this theme. I have tons of HD space so it's not an issue for me but that is why I did this theme to begin with for me mainly but wanted to share it with all you guys as well. I think my dream of bringing Hyperspin'ish style themes to GameEx has come true. Wait til the day Tom adds the ability to add animations to our themes. btw Nice job looks like you got it right! The name of each game themes will be the name of your rom filenames. Soon as I put the theme out you'll see what I mean and how it works. When you switch between games there is a brief black screen that I made a default screen for and put it in the default-default theme folder that will be displayed when switching between your games. I don't know how or if possible to make it seemless so you don't see that but it doesn't take away from the teme at all as it is only a sec that it happens that is why I made a black screen with grey menus background by default thou you will be able to make your own if you want.
  4. Here you go. I included both psd and pdn formats. I have a plugin for PaintDot.net that saves to psd format. You can change the colors of course to whatever you want as well as add anything you like it's basically just for positioning of the windows with drop shadows included. I will update the framework file for the game themes that require a bezel later at least this can get you started. Enjoy! Looking forward to see what you come up with. UPDATE! I updated the framework file with the borders around the windows.
  5. Not sure I don't use or like GIMP myself. I can see about including 2 framework folders with the theme one in pdn and one in psd format. Both of those formats are very similar it's just that PaintDot.net has it's own format of course which is almost like Photoshop's psd. So all the layers can be saved in one file.
  6. I think it looks good on my HDTV as I don't own a cabinet (as of yet, maybe someday). I was going to try and get it ready by Thanksgiving. It's not going to be a complete theme like most as there is just too much to do. However I will release add-on packs for future systems and games. Plus any theme designer can create there own game backgrounds with the framework file included with the theme. It's kinda a work in progress type of theme. It will take a life time if I wait to finish it and then release it. Plus this way anyone can release there own game packs for the community.
  7. Thanks! Since you liked the Pac-Man game theme I finished up the Ms.Pac-Man one tonight as well. I'm on Thanksgiving vacation this week so I have alot of time this week to crank some of these out.
  8. Yes! indeed .... Thanks Tom
  9. Good job! Custom menus is the way to go.
  10. Today I re-did Donkey Kong! and working on the rest of the DK series titles. Also just a few more that I had to re-do .... and maybe a new one or two
  11. Have a Happy B-day!!
  12. The black background makes everything pop! Like em
  13. So what your saying is re-download and install 12.89 again?
  14. Ohhh WOW! like these ones. Nice job.
  15. Thanks Tom!
  16. Improved Dig Dug background.
  17. I might have this ready with just a few themes by Turkey Day! I might just skip the installer and put all the files and configs in there perspective folders and all you will have to do is just unzip the theme to your GameEx folder but still recommend backing up your GameEx folder so it doesn't break your other themes just in case. Everyone should do that anyways trust me I learned that lesson along time ago especially if your HD's ever go bad and they will. I have alot of emulators setup in GameEx that won't be setup but it can be a good reference for anyone on how to setup and run them. I will be adding those in later with the update packs. Everyone will still have to go in and change all the folders to match there systems. So it will take a bit of work still to get it to work but shouldn't be that difficult. This theme doesn't use the default MAME setup either as I run 2 different versions of MAME and have them config as emulators for good reason that I don't want to really explain but trust me this theme works 100% better this way and for those having probs setting up Daphne this theme will fix that for those as it will include all the configs to get that working as long as you just config the paths to your system. I will create a Daphne folder and put the GameEx ready framefiles (only!) in that folder so you can edit each one with the path for your system. As long as you have Daphne installed correctly with all the files it will work perfectly for those new to Daphne. That is the prob I think for most on getting this to work as they don't edit each framefiles with the correct paths. When I started out I had that same issue and was frustrated trying to figure how to setup this on GameEx and gave up. This shouldn't be an issue anymore as this theme will solve that prob! Also included will be a framework file so you can use it as a guide to create your backgrounds. It will be in .pdn format (PaintDot.Net) similar to .psd
  18. I have IGT Slots and and use shortcuts .lnk files for each one and have GameEx cmd line set as [ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE] and the filter as *.lnk just as Draco mentioned above. I made a folder for my .lnk files and had the Working & ROM folder point to where my .lnk files/folder is.
  19. My focus right now has been MAME and Daphne since this theme is really geared toward those two systems and then tackle the other systems later. Maybe I will release it with just those 2 systems in mind and then release the other systems in add-on packs later. That will most likely get this theme out the door faster. Hmmmm yes that is what I will do!
  20. Thanks! I know I am keeping all the fun to myself right now .
  21. Thanks! I'm having a blast making these. I just updated the Missile Command and have posted the pic above.
  22. Re-did a few more tonight.
  23. I did do that if you look at the recent 2600 screens that I posted a few days back.. For now I am concentrating mainly on MAME and also Daphne since I have to re-do those again as well. I'm on Thanksgiving vacation next week so I will have alot of free time to work on this.
  24. Well had to re-do all these backgrounds that I started as it was a bit off-center and was bugging me so I am fixing them. In the process I updated the framework as well. Sorry Starbuck I know you had been working on creating some but I needed to make a few tweaks to the menu locations for better visuals of the background as well as the video preview window. Note on the updated Millipede background. I added a homebrew bezel to the video preview window.
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