@starbuck Look at my Xevious theme as that will show you that you can even make a custom video border around your videos at a smaller size. What ever image you place around the video transparency box will cover the video so on vertical games it gives you more room on each side to make a customized video borders for your themes.
Some videos don't display the full size like vertical games and SHMUPs especially so that is why I made my own custom bezels on my themes. Look at mine for examples. Pdn format is only so you can see and use my layers in the framework, but when you save it to use it in GameEx it needs to be in png format which will merge all the layers together when you save it automatically. You can save your theme then cut out the box using the magic wand at 50% then save it again (png format).
Save your themes as png. To have the video show thru using paintdot.net use the magic wand at 50% and cut out the video square not the border and that will make the video show thru. The reason I have larger files with a link to d/l is because Adultery has helped me with that so I can have larger files available for you. The forums don't give you a whole lot of space really. We might need to look into alternative sites for storing these themes to make them available. @starbuck I have fixed your theme. Also make sure you merge all the layers before you cut out the video box. Also btw your theme looks awesome! Runs great....How I make my bezels is I take a snapshot of the theme running that is how I can tell the placement of the bezels on both sides then cut and paste them into my theme.
Well my Thanksgiving vacation is over and glad I was able to get this out as I'm back to work and not spending all day long working on this thing as much as I would like too. Gives me a little break I suppose. @KRC your themes are looking really nice.
Yes if you copy my MAME.ini to your emulators .ini files then everything will work for each system without having to go into the theme editor and line it up. In it's current state all I have up and running is MAME but I am working on Daphne so I should have it ready soon.
To have your emulator display each game background you need to setup the emulator box art path to where you saved your game themes at not the emulator custom background as that should be blank. Since this theme doesn't use box art this is how it displays each game background fullscreen with the video window being transparent so your videos will show thru. The game themes are actually a layer being the topmost which needs to be set in the theme.ini
Yes I know it has taken me over the course of a year working on and going thru alot of graphical changes as you guys have seen. Now I have unleashed it upon you guys to take over and create some awesome themes for it. This will be the first theme for GameEx to be a community oriented theme. I believe this is as close as you can get for creating Hyperspin like themes for GameEx. I hope you guys like it as much as I did creating it. Hope it will give new life to your cabinets and HTPC's. Have fun!!
Here is my third release with the Taito Legends Pack for MAME. This includes: Colony 7, Elevator Action, Elevator Action Returns, Jungle Hunt, Phoenix, Pleiads, Space Invaders, Space Invaders Deluxe and Zoo Keeper.
Here is my Williams Greatest Hits collection for MAME. This pack includes: Bubbles, Defender, Defender II (Startgate), Joust, Joust 2, Robotron and Sinistar.
Cool looking forward to seeing what you come up with. The consoles I have not started yet except for the Atari 2600 system which I've put on hold for now since I've been focused on MAME and Daphne right now.
Here is the new Main screen. There are no sub menus anymore when selecting your systems as well as MAME. It will go straight to your MAME game themes now. That is one of the main reasons for setting up MAME as a seperate emulator than using GameEx MAME setup feature.
They are themes just in a pack set thats all. So I will release them as Atari Set #1, Stern Set #1 ect ect... btw I got a message from Adultery today sounds like he might set up an ftp again like I did the last time with my theme. Here are some themes that I did today. These will be included in a seperate pack. Most of these are in the Atari Collection Pack except for Bubbles of course which will be in the Williams Collection..