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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. The ability to change the color of the selector bar for each system list. Atari 2600 could have a different color than Atari 5200 as an example. I realize that this wont get added to the current state of GameEx but something to think about for the future update to GameEx if it still has a feature like this in that version. As it stands noone knows what the next version of GameEx will even look like or what features it will have not at least on the forums/community it's just been said that Tom is working on it. With no time table of a release date then this would be a cool feature even to the current state of GameEx. Thanks guys. Really looking forward to seeing what GameEx will look like and themes we can create for it.
  2. Thanks man! Look here for future updates to this updated theme.
  3. Sorry guys this theme is no longer available and all links have been removed to make room for the upcoming and improved GameRoom theme!! The main theme is still available from the GameEx main site under the themes but all addon packs are gone forever. If you are interested in the new updated version that is currently under developement then look here. Thanks.
  4. So how is everyone liking it so far? Well I've already started work tonight on the next update. What's new in 2.0? Well take a look at the new revised frontend!
  5. Never mind there is noway currently that this can be done. I have figured out a way to work around it using another method just need to do more testing.
  6. Is it possible to have GameExtender not turn on until you select a system. I'm using custom menus and I don't want GameExtender to actually display anything unti I actually select a system. This might be a feature request as I looked all over and haven't seen any option to do this. If so then I'll move this over to the appropriate forum. Thanks guys.
  7. An option when creating a custom menu folder the ability to have a custom background/foreground image assigned to that folder like the emulators can have. Currently you can only assign a logo.
  8. Yes no watermarks when you buy it (I have the paid version of both Fraps and Action!). Another one I know if is PlayClaw. Hmmm not sure what settings you are using. I have no issues on my end with slow down. What are your settings? Yes I record using MP4@720p with a video framerate of 60. Sometimes you just have to mess about with the settings and see what works. I switch between Action! and Fraps if one has issues with recording I try the other. I found thou Action! works perfectly for Visual Pinball recordings as Fraps for me had slow down/choppy issues not sure why. Some of it might depend on how fast a PC you have.
  9. The program I use is Action!. I also have Fraps but I found Action! to be much much better.
  10. Here is my 2nd theme in my series of candy cab themes! This theme I enabled pop-up descriptions that you can use with this theme. [uPDATE 11/30/13] - Changed the interface a little bit as I have a bunch of new enhancements that I'm making.
  11. You can take it a step further and change the word Box under the Text/Language settings and name it to what you want since the game info screen would then have two Box options. On mine I called it System Logo.
  12. @stryker You don't have to move your box art folder just create a custom art in the setup wizard and call it 'Box' or whatever you want to call your box art and have it point to where you have your box art folder located. @ClassicGMR Your welcome and thank you! Alot of hours that is for sure.
  13. Thanks for reminding me. Yes I uploaded it there and it's now available on GameEx's site.
  14. Ok here is the first MAME theme that I am working on and this is working under GameEX's MAME settings not as a separate emulator. Since this theme is based on an arcade cab (this theme is being developed on a HTPC @1920x1080) I thought these type of MAME themes would look perfect. Gives new life to my old Gameroom themes.
  15. Here is the newest progress now with custom logos that I'm working on.
  16. Thanks KRC. It's the Sega Astro City candy cab color palette. Here is my first system theme WIP ... the "Atari 2600" with my own custom wheel art that I am making for it and yes since I am making the wheel art myself I will include it with this theme as seperate packs.
  17. For special notes on setting this up see the first page under the d/l link.
  18. The Astro City theme is a tribute to the Japanese Arcades. I am not going to create different system themes like I did for my GameroomEX theme. Instead each system will look very similar but will create a logo art using the same Astro City font and color pallete. Keeping this one much cleaner and simple.
  19. GameroomEX theme has gone GOLD!!!! Look at the first page of this post for the link to d/l it.
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