Tonight I am finishing up work on the Pinball Arcade theme. I pretty much have it ready to go and will post a snapshot of it as soon as I have it setup and running within GameEx. Hopefully by this weekend. I just need to work on the AHK scripts next then after that I need to create the wheel art and videos and this theme will be done! I must say that I am really looking forward to Christmas this year as my wife got me a 23" Dell Touchscreen Monitor. More like I ordered it but can't have it til Christmas (hahaha).This will be my next project to work on as I have another PC just sitting around with a Dell monitor already and I'm thinking of using it to make a mini Pinball/Arcade cab with backglass as well that has PinballX and GameEx setup on. Kinda like a cocktail style setup that can be used to play pinball, arcade games, and other misc touchscreen games like Chess, Air Hockey, Card Games ect ect... That should give me plenty to do during my holiday vacation among other things. Sounds like I need to start designing my next theme for this setup next. Alot going on I must say but it's all good things. Cheers!