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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. What does that have to do with Pinball Arcade btw? or you just curious what Mame version I'm using. I know that is a long shot in the dark but ..... hahaha or your thinking that has something to do with autohotkey by chance? I don't see how .....
  2. Ok seems like there is an issue when running the scripts in GameEx. GameEx seems to randomly send extra key commands. When I run the scripts outside GameEx they work perfectly. So again this project is on hold. Maybe someone else here on the forums that know alot about AutoHotKey can try to tackle it.
  3. Ok here is a sneek peek at the Pinball Arcade theme. I have also made a custom banner to go with this theme as well. Obviously I don't have all the tables setup yet but at least you can see what this theme will look like.
  4. Well SOB I think I fixed the issues with the table AHK scripts and so far got it working without any issues. Will have to test it further to make sure it is working without any issues but looks like I'm headed in the right direction now with this. Been scratching my head all day today well part of the day that is trying to figure it out.
  5. There is an issue currrently with Pinball Arcade and AHK scripts that I haven't narrowed down so for now I'm putting it on the back burner until I get it resolved. Note: The strange thing is I can run the script 3x in a row and work perfect and then the next time it doesn't move or press enter when it should very strange. Maybe an issue with AutoHotKey not sure.
  6. Well currently I have the script working outside GameEx but inside GameEx it works up until it selects the table wheel image. For some reason inside GameEx the AHK script won't send the Enter key within the script no matter what I do very frustrating. Still trying to troubleshoot and will report later.
  7. Pinball Arcade UPDATE! I successfully have an AHK script working that will load each table. Stay tuned!!
  8. Thanks GC! Well the theme is coming along (60 system themes done!) but still has ways to go to be considered complete. Release date that I am setting for this theme will be on Christmas Day!! My Christmas present to the GameEx community. In other news .... I am picking up a new MadCatz Arcade Stick (Converting it to 4-way) tomorrow on my way home from work to go with my pincab/cocktail cab project. Another upgrade to my system I did recently was replace my keyboard with the SteelSeries APEX another awesome keyboard!! Got this at Best Buy and I like this keyboard alot not only because of the customization with the LED colors but the key graphics are very large which is good for my bad eyes. I don't even need to use my readers to read/see them. Anyways I need to get working on those Pinball Arcade scripts.
  9. Well the monitor showed up today!! Man Amazon is fast .... had it for 2 day shipping but it got here in a day wow! Must say it looks sweet and works nice with Windows 7. Now the misses says I have to put it away til x-mas.
  10. Tonight I am finishing up work on the Pinball Arcade theme. I pretty much have it ready to go and will post a snapshot of it as soon as I have it setup and running within GameEx. Hopefully by this weekend. I just need to work on the AHK scripts next then after that I need to create the wheel art and videos and this theme will be done! I must say that I am really looking forward to Christmas this year as my wife got me a 23" Dell Touchscreen Monitor. More like I ordered it but can't have it til Christmas (hahaha).This will be my next project to work on as I have another PC just sitting around with a Dell monitor already and I'm thinking of using it to make a mini Pinball/Arcade cab with backglass as well that has PinballX and GameEx setup on. Kinda like a cocktail style setup that can be used to play pinball, arcade games, and other misc touchscreen games like Chess, Air Hockey, Card Games ect ect... That should give me plenty to do during my holiday vacation among other things. Sounds like I need to start designing my next theme for this setup next. Alot going on I must say but it's all good things. Cheers!
  11. I have this on my iPad and this just looks amazing on my HDTV. Maybe this weekend I will work on an AHK script to load the tables just like with Pinball FX2. Also I am going to work on a theme for this as well for my GameroomEX theme. So far I must say thumbs up on this I really am enjoying it.
  12. Now available on Steam!
  13. PCSX2 doesn't need a loader. For me I wrote an AHK script that will run before launching PCSX2 that will copy the pcsx2 config files for each particular game (they are stored in a seperate folder outside PCSX2) I select. So each game will have it's own memory card (using the naming system as my games) and the config files. Reason being as some games need to be configured differently to work and I like being able to have a memory card for each game that are seperate of each other. This is something that I made specific for my system and setup.
  14. It's not available yet. I'm still working on it .... I'll let you guys know when I have it ready but in the meantime you'll see updated pics of the system themes when I complete them here.
  15. Nintendo Super Gameboy done and complete (with custom banner)!
  16. Moving onto the next system: Sinclair ZX Spectrum done and complete!
  17. Going back to some of my earlier system themes that I did and making some changes to keep everything in uniform with the rest of the themes. To start with is the Atari 2600 theme in which I moved the cart wheel images to the top I know some of you like it on the bottom but that was not in uniform with the rest of the other themes so I changed it plus made some other graphical changes as you can see.
  18. Could ask Adultery if it's possible if he can add that request to his awesome QuickLaunch plugin.
  19. The only thing I've gotten recently were the new Star Wars tables for Pinball FX2.
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