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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. I have updated the Theme layout with a updated Imagic logo for the box and new cart label. Note: Re-download this as I have included a new label background for the Imagic cart at the top.
  2. The other thing is you are using Cosmic Ark's cart image for the box on the left and then the cart on the right looks more like the default atari carts so it is a bit more un-authentic. That is why I included the Imagic cart and default box and all you need to do is supply the box picture and text logo and same for the cart and center them. Now that you have the correct Paint.net you will see that I have it in there makes it easier for you unless of course you like it the way you got it.
  3. Very nice but you need to change the cart info at the bottom as it doesn't reflect the game. Details details hahahahaha I have included the Imagic cart in the layout you can use.
  4. Do you have the latest paint.net installed on your system?
  5. Ok guys here is my Atari 2600 Layout you can use to create your own 2600 themes with. The only thing that I ask is that themes created using my layout(s) can not be used in any commercial use or any GameEx theme competitions. The file included in this zip file is in Paint.net (*.pdn) format. Enjoy and happy creating! Note: If you come up with some new controller, cart or box layers or improve any other layers within the Atari 2600 Theme Layout then please post them here to share with everyone else. Also if you design more 2600 game themes then please share them as well with the GameEx community along with a snap so we can see what they look like. Thank you!
  6. Another tip I suggest is when I create my layout for example with my 2600 themes I created alot of layers for different mfg games like Imagic and Activision ect ect so it makes it faster for me to produce the next game for that specific manufacturer or else it will take forerver to do them over and over. So when I come across a new manufacturer I will create a default layout for those carts or boxes if they are all the same so you don't have to produce them over and over it's just a matter of turning the layers on and off then copying or typing text, images, or just changing colors over the labels. Just makes thing easier to do at least for me. I hope the font link helps you understand and find fonts you are looking for I know it's just the beginning but google is your friend.
  7. The font I am using for Imagic games is called Imagica. There are tons of Sega fonts here. You just need to search google and you will find alot of the fonts you will need.
  8. Nope all Paint.net my friend no photoshop or online tools at all. Alot of cutting, pasting and drawing. Think I need to invest in one of those Pen/Touch tablets thou might make it a bit easier to clean up alot of images.. Really you could do anything you want to be honest there are no rules to this hobby it's what you want for your system. For me I look to be close to authentic as I can get doesn't have to be perfect but I want it to resemble what I remember growing up playing. Everyone's skills are different and what they want there system to look like hence the reason why I started creating my own themes because I wanted a different look for my HTPC than what was available out there. If you don't like it create your own as Tom and the GameEx team gave us an awesome tool to create themes to showcase our systems, games, movies, music and much more. I am still learning myself I just can't justify spending tons of ca$h on a paint program like photoshop to do this which is why I use a free alternative that is just as powerful as other programs that are out there. Practice practice and learning the ins and outs of the program you use it what will turn your themes into a work of art.
  9. Fixed the joystick layer and cleaned up the Imagic logo on the box. You aren't stepping on my toes at all. I will post the 2600 layout soon I need to clean it up and label the layers as it's a bit clustered since it was made for just me. This way you can create better game themes using my layout. I made a default Imagic box layer in the layout as well as the cart image since alot of the box and cart images out there are crappy this way I can just cut out the images that I need. It doesn't haven't to look perfect but much better looking than some of the artwork I can find. Granted these games are really old so finding descent art or any at all is challenging. The other tools you need to make things look more authentic is fonts. I just did searches on google to find fonts for the various manufacturers or systems and it's amazing what you will find. If I don't find any good images then I just tried to replicate it as you can see with my cart and box image that was all by me I think it turned out better than any images I could find. The hardest thing with the Imagic boxes is that they were that metallic type of box so as you can see I just used a metallic/silver type of background that I found as it didn't have to be perfect but it gives you that effect.
  10. Those are the model numbers of the game. Most of the time it's on the box or cart.
  11. I haven't had much time to work on the NES theme paks yet I do have the layout done so I can start on it once I get these 2600 themes done. My goal is to finish the 2600 themes first and foremost. Tough job with this project is finding descent artwork for so many titles and when I don't I have to either edit it or make my own so it will take time guys especially going thru some 500+ games in a game library.
  12. Ok here is the Atari 2600 game theme pak #5. This includes: - Carnival - Combat (Rev.) - Combat Two (Rev.) - Donkey Kong - Donkey Kong Junior - Mouse Trap - Smurf - Rescue in Gargamel's Castle - Venture - Video Checkers (Rev.) - Zaxxon Bonus theme: - 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (Rev.)
  13. Correct with the limitations of the current GameEx engine ... to use this style of theme you will need to use my map file or else all the other games will display as you mention. This theme is a work in progress so I created a map file so it will display only the games that have themes made for them. When Evo comes out this will all change but until then this is the only way. I have a default Atari 2600 theme that will work correctly and display all your game titles but you can't have the individual game themes using that layout. Back when I discovered how to display individual game themes most everyone thought it wasn't even possible but I was determined to find a way because as you can see it just really makes the system pop and just looks damn cool! Evo will change all that thou as I can probally .... well all most certainly think I can do alot more to create some killer themes and get around all these issues that the current engine can't do. I have quite a few themes missing as I haven't even come close to finishing this as it is a very large one man project that started over a year ago. I plan on converting this over to Evo but I wouldn't expect any release until sometime next year (maybe) . If anyone is really into this hobby getting a lifetime subscription to emumovies is a must unless you want to do all your own videos and snaps.
  14. I think it is possible to get Win 8 Apps to show up using shortcuts with the help of Stardock's Modern Mix program. I haven't tested this out within GameEx yet but I have managed to create Shortcuts of Win 8 Apps and Games on my Desktop and drag them into folders as well and yes they will launch as well from those locations so leads me to believe using Modern Mix that it is possible.
  15. I should have another 2600 pak ready by tomorrow night.
  16. Yes this theme was made for 1920x1080 displays. I run my PC setup on a 47" Vizio HDTV.
  17. Thanks I am glad you like it! Looking forward to see what you come up with on your vertscreen theme. No problem always nice to hear that my work has inspired someone. Now that I have the NES framework all done I can go back to working on more 2600 game themes. Tonight I am starting on some of the Coleco games.
  18. I am working on individual game themes for the NES system that I am dedicating to the memory of nullPointers mom!
  19. In rememberance of your mom Aaron. I am working on new individual game themes for the NES system that will go with my Gameroom v2.0 theme. Here is a sneek peek for you.
  20. Ok here is the Atari 2600 game theme pak #4. This includes: - Breakout - Canyon Bomber - Circus Atari - Golf - Human Cannonball - Maze Craze - A Game of Cops 'n Robbers - Miniature Golf - Slot Machine - Superman (Rev.1) - Yars' Revenge
  21. Work starts on the next pak! *Superman was revised.
  22. Ok here is the Atari 2600 game theme pak #3. This includes: - 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (Rev.1) - Defender (Rev.1) - Dodge'Em (Rev.1) - Hangman - Missile Command (Rev.1) - Night Driver - Outlaw (Rev.1) - Space War - Star Ship - Surround
  23. Here are a few themes that I revised and updated the graphics.
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