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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. I was gonna try to figure out if it can be done with AutoHotKey or something similar. Yeah it is one of the obscure systems I was gonna add and include in my theme. Anyways the background image is done and for now I guess I'll stick with WinApe until I can figure out how to write a loader for this one. I'll do it myself when I get the time.
  2. btw Here is a sneak peek at the Amstrad CPC background I made for my upcoming theme.
  3. ? regarding Amstrad CPC emulation. I have WinApe setup under GameEx using the WinApe Loader and it is working however it doesn't stretch to fullscreen under WInApe so I was thinking of using MESS, but it looks like we need a loader for that since MESS will not automatically run the dsk files without a loader. Does a loader exist for MESS or can someone write one that knows how to? I prefer MESS as it just looks much better than WinApe.
  4. Looks nice Adultery! Seems like we have alot to look forward too as it appears alot of themes are coming soon
  5. Draco is right, but I managed to work around that with my system. I have created individual backgrounds for each game, but it takes a bit of setting up (not that hard it's actually really easy) and it does work however a request for this feature has been put in and maybe they will add it in to make it more user friendly to setup. I'm glad everyone is looking forward to this theme as I'm trying to make it so your system can have that Hyperspin look, but without all the animated backgrounds as GameEx doesn't support that and it also works better with Custom Menus as that is how I am setting it up on my system. Even thou it doesn't have the animations it's looking really cool. By setting up Customs Menus that is how I created a Menu for Interactive Fiction and sub menus for the different systems like Infocom, ect ect with their own backgrounds.
  6. I just bought a smart phone the other night and if I get a chance maybe I will make a video showing this theme in action. Not sure but I already have close to 100 emulators in GameEx and it runs super smooth unless it's because my system is a very fast high end PC with 16gb of ram in it. That always helps.
  7. It's a well oiled machine runs super smooth my friend! and I backup every week on an external HD so I have a backup , but I'll keep you in mind if things go a foul
  8. Thanks Starbuck. I've already got the spectravideo, but never heard of the others. Will check into those systems when I get a chance.
  9. I have done seperate Interactive Fiction backgrounds Draco for Infocom, SAGA/Scott Adams, Magnetic Scrolls, ect... So you can set up each as a emulator as what I did since some use a different Interpreter to run. I have these under a custom menu in GameEx under Interactive Fiction I already finished: SAGA/Scott Adams Magnetic Scrolls Infocom and I'm working on Mysterious Adventures as well. Thanks for the good feedback as it helps me to improve it.
  10. Oops! Sorry this is the updated version with minor graphics added!
  11. Ok guys I know I've been telling you all about what I have been doing with my theme. So tonight I give you just a sneak peek at one of the Interactive Fiction backgrounds I'm including with this theme. Tonight I have completed these backgrounds: Super Gameboy Sony Playstation Infocom Adventure International/Scott Adams Adventures [Image Removed]
  12. Moving right along I might say if it weren't for College/Pro football on TV and my softball league I'd prob get more done. Tonight I finished working on: M.U.G.E.N Sega Model 2 Capcom CPSIII PopCap Games Flash Games Steam Arcade Remakes (This is for PC Arcade remakes) As you can see this theme will be massive!
  13. In the middle see the + button select your emulator then on the right select the emulator you want to import and press the + button in the middle.That will add the emulator to the slot you specify.
  14. From the setup wizard goto Custom, then Emulator Selection.
  15. Thanks!
  16. Been working on a few more today. Got the following done this morning: Nintendo Gameboy Nintendo Gameboy (Alternate) Nintendo Gameboy Advance Nintendo Gameboy Color Atari LYNX Got pretty much most of all the major consoles and portable systems done now. Now starting to work on more of the obscure systems. UPDATE: Well tonight I finished working on: Texas Instrument TI994/A Apple ][ I must say my GameEx system with my new theme has just gotten a major Hyperspin like makeover. Much much better! Looking forward to finishing this so I can release it for all you to enjoy as well. Still got alot more systems to work on and PC games too....I will more than likely release it without the PC games as I will release those as an add-on expansion to the theme.
  17. I'm working as fast as I can boss! Just for you I finished these tonight: NES SuperNES N64 Mega Duck Pokemon mini ZX Spectrum Commodore Vic-20 DOSBox TGIF tomorrow!
  18. So far here is a list of systems I have completed so far: Atari 2600/5200/7800 Atari 400/800 Atari Jaguar Commodore 64 Commodore Amiga Commodore CD32 Mattel Aquarius Mattel Intellivision NEC TurboGrafx 16 NEC Super Grafx Visual Pinball Future Pinball PC Pinball Daphne MAME Neo Geo Arcade Neo Geo Home Fairchild Channel F Bally Astrocade Vectrex Sega Genesis Sega 32X Sega CD Sega SG-1000 Sega Game Gear Colecovision ScummVM Entex Adventurevision Emerson Arcadia 2001 Magnavox Odyssey 2
  19. I hear you about clutter as I don't like it myself but with the MAME background it was a bit empty and the images I put in seemed to fill in perfectly. I even asked my wife if I should leave them in or not. I might make alternate backgrounds so there are a few to choose from. With the MAME or Neo Geo you can even make your own marquee for it if you don't like the one I made or anyone can create a custom one to match their own cabs. There are so many MAME Cab marquees out there it is limitless. UPDATE: Tonight I finished up NEC Super Grafx, Sega SG-1000, Vectrex and Mattel Intellivision!
  20. Thanks for the input as I am learning as I'm doing this. Most of the images are intact as I only stretch them myself because I want them to look a particular way on my 47" Vizio as that is my main display that I run GameEx on. I know everyone has different display sizes. This theme is for 1680x1050 display. @hansolo77 No I have been doing all this using Paint.net believe it or not. I've tried the others, but I really like this one the best. I was working on MAME this morning before work, but still not sure if I like all the images I've put on it. Here is a snapshot of it. What do you all think?
  21. Glad you like it Draco! I almost got MAME completed. Had a softball game tonight so didn't get as much done as I wanted too but I'll get more done tomorrow after work. So far I have about 25+ emulators done with many more to go. So ..... hopefully by the end of the weekend I'll be about 50% done with this theme. This theme will have close to 100+ emulators all with complete back/foregrounds .... if not more when it's all said and done.
  22. Here is a sneek peek at the Neo Geo (Aka WinKawaks) back/foreground for my theme!
  23. Thanks! Wait til you guys see what I did for MAME and the Neo Geo backgrounds.
  24. Glad you like it!
  25. Here is one more
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