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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. After installing 12.01 and using Draco's Sins of a Solar Empire theme when I disabled the change view option my menu font colors are very dim now.
  2. @Draco I would but I just don't get using the Theme Editor as it just isn't easy to use for me. I have ideas on what I want to design,, but I need a much user friendly WYSIWYG editor. Maybe we need a Theme Editor for dummies written up in pdf format
  3. Sent a XBL Friend request @Draco and @Adultery Be cool to get a 4 player game of Gauntlet! on XBL or even games like Pinball FX2, Outrun Arcade, Virtual-On OT or Hydro Thunder Hurricane. There are so many cool games on XBL Arcade. Tonight I just D/L Toy Soldiers Cold War and the original Toy Soldiers as well. Check them out!
  4. Yes that sounds like alot of fun playing against my fellow GameEx'ers I don't have the Halo series at all thou (Can get them pretty cheap these days at Gamestop might pick me up a used copy), but I do have the Battlefield and Call of Duty series of games. I'd say I have around 40 XBox 360 games and alot more of the downloadable XBox Live Arcade games as well like Geometry Wars 1 & 2 and Pac-Man DX ect ect... I'll send ya friend request by this weekend Draco! Anyone have a Wii maybe we can play against each other on that system as well with the likes of Super Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros Brawl
  5. I don't see it in there as that is where I was looking for it.
  6. Is there a way to add an option to change the name of the GameEx Arcade to whatever we want to name it. Under my listing it just says Arcade and I want to change that as well as my own Image for it?
  7. Looks freakin sweet Draco! Yeah I agree we need a newer NextGen Theme Editor for GameEx! I really don't like the current one at all. Maybe that's why we don't see more themes out there. Really looking forward to you releasing this one
  8. Another very good AB clone is . Very fun as well!
  9. Really need a PC version of the it's like Battlezone on crack! @hansolo77 Yeah! I have the Gamebox 1 & 2 as well The old arcade classics are always a blast (Pac-Man, Centipede, Missile Command) and especially it's really fun.
  10. @Adultery actually I've been drinking the cheap stuff called . $3.99 a six pack @ Fresh & Easy right now
  11. What are your 5 top favorite IOS (iPod/iPhone) games? Mine are: 1) Vector Tanks Extreme 2) Angry Birds (Including Rio & Seasons) 3) Siege Hero 4) Real Racing 2 5) NBA Jam I could go on and on as I have well over 47gb of games on my iPod Touch 3G and keeps growing every day.
  12. Thanks don't mind if I do! Label has turned blue!! must be cold ... Thanks Tom!
  13. Yeah that is what my Advanced ParaJVE config does as well I do that with all games/emulators that lose focus I just look for a program that is running in the background then create a advanced config file for it. Sorry if that was posted already, just thought I would share it with everyone else that might of not known how to do it. I saw your last post about using Wait Before keys to 10000, then in Keys To Send I put {F11} {F11}. So I was a little confused why you needed to use that when all you have to do is make sure that you have fullscreen checked under ParaJVE. Then when you run ParaJVE it will automatically go fullscreen and using the advanced config so it will not lose focus at all.
  14. Well I created an ParaJVE.ini advanced config file so that when you run ParaJVE thru GameEx it will not lose focus. I tried attaching as an attachment but firefox keeps giving me a flash crash error. So here it is (Save it as ParaJVE in your C:\GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS folder and select it under the advanced config): # This is an advanced emulator configuration file. It does things such as allow keyboard only emulators to be operated by a gamepad, wait for additional processes to exit and map keys. If this file is used it overrides the MAPKeys setting for the emulator. [GENERAL] # Enabled. Use this. Enabled=True #Make MCE Back button and X-ARCADE Escape and SlikStik Escape to close emulator process MapBack=True #Make Escape key close emulator process MapEscape=true #When exiting an emulator via the above mappings, you can specify keys in the send keys format to send instead of having GameEx close the process to cleanly exit the emulator. Such as the Q Key or ALT F4 which is %{F4} KeysToSendOnExit= #Wait for keys to be processed by the emulator EmuWaitForKeys=True #Additional processes to wait to exit or close on exit. Dont include the .exe. Leave blank not to use. Process1=Javaw Process2= Process3= Process4= [JOYMAPPING] # For mapping a GamePad to keys # Specify a virtual key code to send when the specific joystick control is pressed. Look at vkcodes.htm for codes. JoymappingEnabled=FALSE Left= up= Right= Down= Button1= Button2= Button3= Button4= Button5= Button6= Button7= Button8= Button9= Button10= Button11= Button12= [GAMEPADEXIT] #MAP Gamepad controls to exit and make controls exit process MapGamePadExit=True #Flag the controls that exit a game by placing True next to each control. To not use the control as part of the combination use a 0 Left=True Down= Right= Up=True Button1= Button2= Button3= Button4=True Button5=True Button6=True Button7= Button8= Button9= Button10= Button11= Button12= [MOUSEMAPPING] # For registered users, the ability to control the mouse with a gamepad and/or directional keys. # For example for PC strategy games. # Apparantly this functionality is similar to the software Pinnacle profiler. Remember you can setup an emulator # as one PC game. Specify enabled, and mousespeed 0-20. 20 Being fastest. This setting overrides the directional # mapping for the above and buttons 1 and 2 Button 1/CTRL becomes left mouse. Button 2/ALT Right mouse MouseMappingEnabled=False MouseSpeed=0 [bLOCKKEYS] # Use this section to disable and block key presses and mouse clicks. # To disable the mouse clicks use code 1 for left mouse button, # 2 for right button and 4 for middle button Enabled=False BlockKey_1=1 BlockKey_2=2 BlockKey_3=4 BlockKey_4= BlockKey_5= [KEYBOARDREMAP] # Remap Keys for the emulator. Specify from the from key, which is the key you wish to replace the to key # This should be good enough for real time gaming. Registered version feature. Look at VKCodes.htm for codes. Enabled=False Remap_1_From_VK= Remap_1_To_VK= Remap_2_From_VK= Remap_2_To_VK= Remap_3_From_VK= Remap_3_To_VK= Remap_4_From_VK= Remap_4_To_VK= Remap_5_From_VK= Remap_5_To_VK=
  15. Got it working! Thanks
  16. [Emulator_104] Enabled=True STARTPAGENAME=Vectrex (ParaJVE) TITLETEXT=Vectrex (ParaJVE) StartPageLogo=_Emulator__ParaJVE WorkingPath=E:\My Emulators\Vectrex\ParaJVE RomPath=E:\My Emulators\Vectrex\ParaJVE\data\roms ROMFilter=*.* Command=ParaJVE.exe -Game=[ROM] SnapPath=C:\GameEx\Box Scans\Vectrex MapKeys=True DATABASE=[Console] GCE Vectrex UseDbName=True ReplaceDash=False ReplaceUnder=True Capitals=False RemoveBrackets=True ShowDesktop=True ShowMostPlayed=True SelectionMusicFolder= RomsInFolders=True MAPFile=C:\GameEx\MAP FILES\[Console] GCE Vectrex.map configFile= No matter if I use the map file or not I still get the same error. Even the same with or without the Database as well.
  17. [Emulator] Enabled=True STARTPAGENAME=Vectrex (ParaJVE) TITLETEXT=Vectrex (ParaJVE) StartPageLogo=_Emulator__ParaJVE WorkingPath=E:\My Emulators\Vectrex\ParaJVE RomPath=E:\My Emulators\Vectrex\ParaJVE\data\roms ROMFilter=*.* Command=ParaJVE.exe -Game=[ROM] SnapPath=C:\GameEx\Box Scans\Vectrex MapKeys=True DATABASE= UseDbName=False ReplaceDash=False ReplaceUnder=True Capitals=False RemoveBrackets=True ShowDesktop=True ShowMostPlayed=True SelectionMusicFolder= RomsInFolders=True
  18. I tried setting this up as well but when I run the rom I get an Error from ParaJVE saying cannot find rom? Can you post your config so I can see how you set it up as I must be doing something wrong. I have ParaJVE running great outside GameEx.
  19. Yes d/l speeds tonight is still very slow. Will take forever just to d/l Draco's new themes. The forums site is very fast thou just not the main GameEx site
  20. Probably should move this topic to the Social group. Sorry
  21. @Draco Well in your case you are the one exception to providing the tools and helping others make your themes have much more longevity. Don't get me wrong we all appreciate the hard work that the theme makers are doing for the community, but I feel as a end user that if I was to make a theme and then distribute it to the community to use it for themselves I for one would provide the necessary files for those to expand that theme since there are so many emulators out there and the theme could be even better with additional backgrounds added to it. In turn that would be less work for the theme maker to do and the community to support such themes buy contributing back to them in a sense helping the themes become that much better. Anyways .... keep up the good work as your themes are getting better and better Draco. The Space Invaders theme is pretty kool. And your icons are thee best around no doubt about it!! I have so many ideas and if I had more time I would start messing bout with making a theme. Currently I've been making my own Boxee Box with a spare computer and setting up a workstation in my kitchen as I'm trying to get the kitchen computerized per say. All hooked up to the internet with a custom interface. So much to do so little time my friend. btw I'm not suprised you had thoughts on the matter my friend. I figured you'd be the first and I'm sure many others will follow too.
  22. Krakerman


    I've been looking over using a new theme and I like the new Bluebox theme mod v2 and it seems to me that many of these themes are just lacking alot of emulators. What I think most theme makers need to do is provide the necessary files, fonts and instructions on how to do it so that those of us that have alot of emulators on our systems could make additional background art for the themes. It sure would save them time taking request and each user then could post them with the authors permission so we could all enjoy it much better. I think it would make the themes that much better. Any other thoughts on that?
  23. Tom have a ? When I goto the GameEx website to d/l themes or GameEx updates it is very very slow. Like 70 kb/sec Any ideas why?
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