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Everything posted by GAH1068

  1. Just updated to 3.47 and everything is fine. I'm at a loss for what in 3.46 was giving it problems
  2. Just updated to latest version from 3.45. I am seeing really slow startup in this version. I double click PBX, I immediately see the gray PinballX startup screen and then my screen goes black for 20-30 seconds. After that wait all my videos and backglass display normally. Based on the log files it appear to be something in the new Joystick changes. Is there a way to disable Joystick in PBX globally? Trying to clear the default values is leading to a lot of hung windows before I can change it from. I went and removed any Joystick config from my .ini file manually and it didn't help. I have a KL25Z that I use for nudging only along with the Ipac2 that is the built in controller on my Extensions cab. Reinstalling 3.45 fixed the problem so it appears to be isolated in the latest build. If you need me to try a test build or one with enhanced logging I will be happy to help. log.txt PinballX.ini [SETTINGS].log
  3. Very impressive work!
  4. I never wrote the script to handle pauses from PBX. Might be something that can be added in the AHK script that could be added to watch for the pause press and then the resume by having it show/hide by Window handle. When I get some free time I will take a look and see if this can be added.
  5. Yes, they script updates that xml file which defaults sets the table as the last one played and allows too script to simulate key presses to automatically launch it.
  6. I just went through and redid videos for all the Zaccaria backglass and uploaded to GAH1068\Zaccaria\Backglass for anyone that wants them 1360X768 and all very small videos. Definately an improvment over the previous ones from Zaccaria.
  7. Still would really like to see a scrollable popup keyboard using the flipper keys that would allow you to quickly jump through the tables. Something like hit popup button, A B C D E F ... Z are displayed. Hit the flipper button to scroll to letter and press launch to select. You jump to first table with that latter in your table list. Once you get a ton of tables even scrolling page by page takes a long time.
  8. Best bet would be to go to Pinballarcadefans site and post in the dedicated FCM forum for this.
  9. I would love to see this functionality added natively to PBX. Joyrider3774 has created a great utility that accomplishes this too. I finally got around to installing it on my cabinet a few days ago and it works perfectly so it is a great working solution too.
  10. Another new table released for Devil Riders 2019 <game name="devilriders2019"> <description>Devil Riders Remake</description> <rom></rom> <manufacturer>Magic Pixel</manufacturer> <year>2019</year> <type>RM</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidetopper>True</hidetopper> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game>
  11. @Tom Speirs - Just installed 3.31. FX3 is now launching properly again. Thanks!
  12. @Tom Speirs - reinstalled 3.29 and FX3 is working fine.
  13. Having crash problem with FX3 as well. FX3 gets to the point right before you start playing and then just exits and end back at PBX menu. Installed 3.30 32bit with no other changes. No issues when I was running 3.29 PinballX.ini log.txt
  14. Anyone doing Wheel images for Zaccaria? I have the ones that Draco and BrandonLaw did but still missing quite a few and the generic Zaccaria ones I use look like crap. I have zero graphic editing abilities otherwise I would take a stab at at.
  15. Totally agree with Outhere. I stopped using B2S in PinballX early on when I built my cab. It is a cool feature but the lag due to it having to load the backglass and rom when scrolling through tables really made it slow even on a higher end system. Videos are definately the way to go.
  16. @sauro - Here is a link to a utlity I found about a year ago. It is a little app that allows you to find X,Y locations on your displays really easily. You can just drag the window arround and size it to fit and then it gives you a very close value to use to fine tune your DMDExt settings. http://pinballbulbs.com/files/pbfx2dotmatrix.zip
  17. That certainly is a possibility. Hopefully Tom can take a look and see. What I have working now is ok but it means I have to maintain two xml files as Zen releases new tables to keep the FX3 list working. Not a big deal but would be nice to be able to include the defalt list that from the database instead.
  18. Creating a copy of my Pinball FX3.xml and naming it FX3.xml now added the FX3 Tables to the favorites like I list above. It shows j85 tables when I select the list in PBX which is correct. It doesn't make sense why it works so I still think there is some small bug in PBX. All the other systems I have defined show uo when working with groups and let me assign their list to it. I create a custom group called Arcooda and using the group manager can assign the Arcooda \ Arcooda list to it. <group name="Arcooda"> <database>Arcooda\Arcooda</database> </group> I create on called FX3 and go to assign my FX3 list to it and there is nothing in the drop down for Pinball FX3. All the other systems list display fine,. The group file contains the following. <group name="FX3"> </group> I guess in the end it works but seems like a very strange quirk. Thanks for everyone looking for me.
  19. Pretty sure I tried that already but will give it another shot regardless.
  20. Can someone else try and create a Group/List for just FX3 tables on their system and see if they can duplicate the problem?
  21. Attaching other database files as requested. Just to be clear I have 580 tables in PinballX from multiple different systems (VPX, VP9, PM5, PBA, Arcooda, Zaccaria, Malzbies, Pinball Wicked). When using default of all tables everything is fine. I see and can lauch all systems fine. For the systems that have a lot of tables I was just creating a new group and then assigning it's default list to it. This was I can select the list for Arcooda and only see Arcooda tables. This worked for the 200+ VP tables, the 78 Arcooda and 99 Zaccaria. If I bring up lists and select if from menu below it is displaying only those tables. FX3 tables are NEVER displayed in the list selector to assign to a group. All the other are though. Malzbies Pinball Collection.xml The Pinball Arcade.xml Arcooda.xml Future Pinball.xml Visual Pinball 9.xml Zaccaria.xml VPX.xml
  22. The group for vp is over 240 tables and fx3 should only be right about 100 so that doesn't seem like the problem. I created 4 groups in total. 3 work fine and work when selecting lists. The FX3 list does not display at all.
  23. I went to create a few new lists in PBX so I could save time from scrolling through my ever growing table list (Now at 580 tables between all the systems ). I created a few new groups for Arcooda, VPX and Zaccaria and was able to assign a list to the group no problem. For whatever reason the list for Pinball FX3 tables is not being displayed in the Lists drop down (see below). I tried to just copy the database name into the Group XML file that I created but it doesn't display in the List in PBX either. All the other lists I create are working fine so this appears to be an PBX bug or I am just not following how lists work since it doesn't even display the list in the drop-down. My Pinball FX3 database exists, all the tables/media display in PBX when scrolling through All tables and I have no problem launching them. When I try and select the list while in PBX the FX3 one isn't even displayed. All the other created ones do. Including my Ini, Log, FX3 DB files. I have deleted and re-added the group changing the name a few times but that didn't have any effect either. FX3.xml Pinball FX3.xml PinballX.ini log.txt
  24. New backglass look great
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