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Everything posted by Censored

  1. Thanks - screenshots taken But now there is another Problem: There are some Tables with no Playfield Picture. So I took the screenshots (with "s" ;-) ) and imported them in the Game Manager, but PinballX does not show them?! PinballX does not show the "no Picture" Picture - PX shows the Picture of the last table shown instead. Also strange is, that in Game Manager the Playfield is not marked as missing... Copying the Screenshots by hand in the correct media folder also does not work. Edit: Problem Solved! For those Tables I imported a playfield video before (which my PBX setup obvously cant play). I deleted the Videos and now everything works fine!
  2. Hmmm... O and U does Nothing - do I have to activate this somewhere? Gesendet von meinem SM-G903F mit Tapatalk
  3. Well, all OK now... Lets give it a second try: The sequences for left/right and starting a table are set and working fine, but how do I manage to tell the start button, that it should blink all the time in PinballX? What does SBA and PBA Code mean? I´m pretty sure I could find out how to do this by trying but......erm....I am a little bit careful now Edit: Nevermind, tried, set SBA and PBA and everything works fine BTW: What does SBA and PBA stand for?
  4. Hello Community! After I was playing around with the shineon plugin of PinballX and now I have a weird Problem with Ledwiz: The first Ports of my LEDWiz are Port 1 : COIN Port 2 : START Port 3 : LAUNCH Port 4 : EXTRA BALL Port 5 : MENU Port 6 : EXIT Now only the Exit Button is glowing when starting a table (sometimes the Coin LED too) When I start the Table the Start Button is blinking instead of the Launch LED ?! ExtraBall and Menu stay dark all time BUT: When I test the LEDs with Ledblinkys Simpleledtest I found out, that Port 1 to 4 take some time (about 3 Seconds) before they start glowing (low intensity, like they get not enough power) Port 5 (Menu) works fine and Port 6 (Exit) has the same Problem as Ports 1 to 4 Has shineon fried my LEDWiz? If yes - why is Port 5 still working and 1,2,3,4,6 not? (well, only in low intensity) and why is start blinking when launch should blink? Please help! Edit: Tried starting a table with and without PinballX Edit 2: In PinBot START is blinking instead of Launch In AFM COIN is blinking instead of Launch ?!?omg... Edit3: OK, I downloaded the LedWiz Command-Line tool form groovygamegear and LEDWiz responds to the commands as it should, so Shineon definately screwed up my Cab - but how? And how can it be undone?
  5. I think thats because I start the B2S in Exe mode for better Performance.... Well.... At least once it has loaded .... Edit: As a Workaround I changed the Resolution of the Backglass to 1920x1440 in PinballX Settings so the Grill is not visible anymore
  6. I know using dB2s would solve the issue, but it takes about 5 seconds to load the db2s Backglasses which does not look good when scrolling through the table-list - Images would load much faster
  7. Hello community! Is there a way to show the backglass Images without grill for my 3screen setup in PinballX? If not - is there a source where to get them? Many thanks in advance!
  8. Censored

    La Crema

    Version 1


    A theme created by Censored designed to run at a resolution of 1920x1080.
  9. Have you unchecked Hide Backglass in the game manager? BTW: PinballFX2 is on this weeks humble bundle!
  10. Well, I think the problem is the size format of the flyers: The 2nd one you attached seems to be in 16:9 format, so the complete screen is filled. The other one seems to be 4:3 so it cant be shown in fullscreen until you make a 16:9 Version of it and cut the flyer on both sides. So you have to decide: Live with the non-full screen or make a crippled flyer (but fullscreen) Edit: Wait, I just noticed that the "full-screen" one is stretched. Is the Image stretched or does PBX stretch the flyer? Edit2: If you need a non-stretched one, get it here
  11. Use the Gamemanager to add the tables to your list, they are not added automatically like in GX
  12. Nice work - looks really great!
  13. Just made a sketch of the Steam Punk case. I think the most difficult thing (for now) is getting those gears...
  14. If this is your actual wiring +12V ---> Toys ----> Ledwiz--->-12V you wire it like this +12V ---> Night and Daymode Toys (Flashers, Strobe, ...)---> Ledwiz ---> -12V +12V ---> On/Off Switch ---> Only Daymode Toys (Solenoids, Knocker,...) ---> Ledwiz ---> -12V The switch sits right behind the coindoor in my cab The benefit of a hardware switch is that you can turn the nightmode on anytime and not only when starting a table The con is that you have one more switch on your cab - but its quite easy to hide that switch
  15. Good idea, but i lost my sonic screwdriver...
  16. Yes, I removed it (Its pretty easy to manage that) If I´ll ever do that I´ll post the plans here. But as I mentioned before I would have to sell the pinball first for the room and money (I think the Tardis would cost about EUR 1.500). So first I´ll think about giving the pinball an unique steampunk design...
  17. Its is an 42" TV. Well, it did not really fit - I had to cut out the sides of the cab a little bit (I cut out as much of the side parts as will be covered by the steelbars. Then I "raised" the LCD on the "players"-side as much as possible (until it touches the playfield glass) to give the playfield a little bit of depth.
  18. Thats BAM and Future Pinball with PS3 cams and IR. I tried that thing with an installed Kinect (cause you dont need those IR things on your head with this). The 3D Effect is great - for about 10 Minutes. But if you stopped dancing in front of your cab trying out every possible angle, it is quite unnecessary (for me). Why? First of all I like Visual Pinball more than Future Pinball. The second thing is.....well.... I am standing pretty still in front of my cab, following the ball with my eyes, not the head when playing pinball, so the 3D Effect is almost gone.
  19. Thats no matrix, we passed then. When? Just now. were at now now! (I know this is an old thread, but I could not resist )
  20. I uploaded a short video. Sorry, the video is pretty shaky, but it is not that easy to record a video with one and playing pinball with the other hand...
  21. I just saw your cocktail cab. This reminds me of my first arcade cab: and my Convertible Pin Now I built a pinball cab (I bought the "hull" at a garage sale, to my suprise my wife advised me to buy it (this is why I love her )) As mentioned in my original post I´ll start building a TARDIS with an arcade cab in it (this was also an idea of my wife ) if I find a way to get some room and money (e.g. selling the pinball cab) Projects are getting bigger each time I start one - and so will yours ;-)
  22. Nice work! I started building cabs wit a cocktail cab too, because "it looks better in the living room than a an arcade cab". To be honest it was a a cocktail cab because of my wife......
  23. Just wanted to share some pics of my (still wip) pinball cab: The "original" cab - almost all guts were missing... After painting the cab black (the original painting was in terrible shape) I had to build a (slightly smaller) backbox: Here is the Backbox with Backglass and "DMD": This is how I digitalized the Plunger with a micro switch: Horray, its alive!! The illuminated buttons, flasher, strobe and launch ball indicator. I use the original "coin-reject" button of the coindoor for inserting coins: Another pic of the flasher and its bezel: After assembling everything I thought it would be a good idea to install another 2 speakers right under the playfield. Those 2 speakers only play the table sounds like coins, bumper, rolling sound and no music. The 2 speakers in the backbox are only playing the sound effects and music from the rom. "Cool, now It´s done" I thought.....then I had another idea.....5 flashers are better than 3 - and so I installed 2 more flashers at not so common positions: Now its finished - not! Why? because I had another idea....To avoid the playfield being scratched by my cats (they think its quite funny jumping from the glass on the backbox and back) I have to install a topper (I chose an emergency light). Here is a pic of my cab with open coindoor and triggered topperNow, as the cab is almost done I tought about a new project: A TARDIS Arcade cab. Unfortunately I have no room for that right now (I have to sell the pinball first), so I´ll convert the pinball cab into a cool steampunk pinball - hopefully.....
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