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Everything posted by hlr53

  1. No, didn't know you could do that. I just shut down for the evening. Wife and I have some DVR stuff to watch. Can try tomorrow after work.
  2. Sure thing Done from the cab. I can log into the cab via Windows Remote Desktop Protocol because it has Windows 10 Pro installed. You cannot adjust the displays remotely via RDP. I guess I could make attract videos for my Future Pinball tables. The videos in attract mode have lust their luster for me after 2 years - LOL. Bigly FUN when I started out but they get old after awhile.
  3. FAQ SECTION, PinballX documentation PDF page 5-17. There is also a YouTube video out there somewhere. Docs are old but should work. I need to do the same.
  4. Yep, it is all set ok. What is interesting is the table videos for VP and FP all display correctly. It is the images that are rotated. Maybe Tom can take a look?
  5. This is how they are coming up on my portrait TV monitor. Sorry so small I resized the print screen.
  6. Correct and I set to horizontal in Settings. Just to double check I pulled up an FP image outside PBX. I dunno? PinballX.ini
  7. I tried both earlier and no change. Still rotated to the right. It started doing this with version 3.
  8. Fresh install (32 bit forced) and the table images are rotated to the right. I thought in the past you could set Display to no rotation? That option is gone. Now, when I load Future Pinball via FPloader the table is not displaying in the playfield. Works perfectly outside PBX. when I launch direct. I have FP set up in Settings the way I always did using TerryRed's 2016 directions in the FAQ here. Am is missing something else obvious? Hate setting up new systems. Giving my old cab to my son. PinballX.ini log.txt
  9. Shouldn't the PBX installer set this as false as a default? Many off us spend a lot of time setting our hardware controllers to things like JoyToKey or X360CE, etc. and have different numbers of buttons installed in the cabs.
  10. Building a new cab and working on software for it. Question: In the wheel menu the table images (I do not want videos this time around) are all rotated 90 deg to the right. How do I fix this? AND WHY IN THE WORLD ARE THEY DEFAULTED TO THIS ROTATION??? EDIT: I am going to NUKE PBX and uninstall with Revo Uninstaller (removes all remnants of registry items) and reinstall to fix the stuck loading problem. log.txt PinballX.ini
  11. I cannot get PBX to call my FX3 dmdext batch file or directly calling dmdext to load DMDext for FX3. The batch file works correctly from Windows Powershell. I don't have a log file like that? I'm about to say screw it. I've been fighting this program long enough. It should not be this difficult to call a simple batch file. And yes, everything is set to run with full permissions.
  12. I'm playing with my cab today because it is a rainfest in the Cincinnati area.. I think I am having problems with it loading now also. Are you using the latest v1.7.1 dmdext?
  13. That would be stellar. Haven't purchased yet due to the speed bugs. Once fixed I may buy for my birthday in September. Using Free Cam Mod for now.
  14. hlr53

    Create Videos

    There are various flavors of MP4 and different type of codecs. If I record MP4s of VP tables using PBXRecorder (from gtxjoe) PBX won't play them. This is on Win 10 Pro. If I take those MP4s over to one of my laptops (Win 10 home) and convert then to 1920x1080p 30 FPS YouTube MP4 and bring them back to my pincab, they play fine in PBX. An easy way to check which codecs you have installed is to fire up Windows Media Player. Bring up the menu bar if not already showing (left click) and goto Help | About Windows Media Player | Technical Support Information (blue link) and scroll down to Video codecs. Post those and maybe someone can help you out. Here are mine on my pincab: I never even noticed the Create videos button in GameManager - LOL. EDIT 07/07: OOPS SORRY! I didn't notice it was for Future pinball. Should have paid attention! I think a few years ago I used Windows game video capture for FP because I only had 12 tables to do from Slam.
  15. Just installed the latest PBX and there is no option to add PINemHi in the PluginManager? It was installed and is in the PinballX directory. Running latest version from March 30th. It also works at the Windows PowerShell command line. log.txt PinballX.ini
  16. I'm launching via NoEx's TPAFreeCamMod.exe now and it launches DX11 automatically, so I didn't fool around with renaming. I just launch PBA and pick a table in their menu system. Why doesn't PBX launch it (always launches DX9) and FCM does? Not a dig on the software just curious.
  17. I don't know WTF happened with my cab's Win 10 Pro but the Visual Pinball MP4s table videos wouldn't play. I tried them outside of PBX and they still wouldn't play. I copied a couple over to my laptop and they wouldn't play. I ran them through my NCH VideoPad Video Editor and exported them out as HD 1080p. Now PBX runs them fine. I did take the opportunity to move PBX over to my SSD drive. Eat me Microsoft Other than that, HAPPY FOURTH!
  18. PBX was 10 sec on 100meg Spectrum Cable WIFI (mother-in-law's house) Tried it again on 07/04 from my home Fioptics network (1ghz) and it took 18 sec.
  19. Wow! I was really close to pulling the trigger but decided against it due to performance problems some people were having. I'll let FS shake out the bugs and may revisit. Using FCM for now.
  20. Sorry, I haven't gotten that advanced with the DMD yet.
  21. No, that is all I have in the root directory of my secondary drive. I have never played with xdmd.dll or xdmdnative.dll. Not sure what they do? I haven't tried anything fancy like playing colorized DMD videos or single color DMDs videos outside of the emulators. My DMD is only active when a game is playing that utilizes a DMD. Inside PBX I run FX3, Future Pinball and Visual Pinball with the DMDv3 just fine. I launch PinballArcade via NoEx's Free Camera Mod. DMD runs fine with it.
  22. I have in a directory: dmddevice.dll dated 09/27/17 dmddevice config file dmddevice.log dmdext.exe dated 09/27/17 dmdext.log My batch files: For FX3: ECHO start D:\dmdext mirror --source=pinballfx3 --no-virtual --quit-when-done For PinballArcade DX11 .\dmdext mirror --source=pinballarcade --no-virtual I haven't updated to v1.7 yet.
  23. Haven't used the FTP server in awhile but just DLed the latest PBX. Took about 50 sec to Cincinnati, OH. I'm on a 1ghz fiber optic connection.
  24. Trying this from my iPhone. I bought a DMD filter from Pinball Life in Huntley, IL and had to trim it to fit. It cut the brightness too much so now I have it laying flat at the back of the table glass. Zero glare when standing at the table. Some glare when sitting on a stool but very tolerable. I don’t even notice it being there now.
  25. That would be the reflection from the DMD panel.
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