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Everything posted by PcTeknic

  1. Upload new ZIP With all ZEN Megaballs.
  2. I usually add the tables by manually editing the xml
  3. Pinball M Megaballs View File Megaballs for Pinball M Submitter PcTeknic Submitted 12/04/23 Category Wheel Images  
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  4. Version 1.0.1


    Megaballs for Pinball M
  5. Has anyone been able to use color palettes for Pinball FX's Williams tables? In C:/Visual Pinball/VPinMAME/altcolor I made a copy of my color palette for Fishtales and renamed it 105, but PinballFX doesn't display it. Instead of putting that colored palette, I put a generic one of blue tones, but it doesn't show it either. I think I've seen somewhere that it worked, but trying I don't see that it works. Anyway, we finally have PinballFX's DMDs working properly, which is enough.
  6. Yeahhhh!!!!!!! dmdext- works fine. A lot of thanks, but I have a question. So far, every time I've updated DMDExt, I've had to download the x86 and x64 version unzip and put them together. Here only the x64 version appears. If I now open FlexDMDUI.exe, it shows me an error that I have different versions of DMDDecice.dll and DMDDevice64.dll Work everything works correct, but that error is displayed
  7. I use one monitor format 4:1 with 16:9 resolution. This monitor have the size of one RealDMD and uses HD resolution (1280x720) and show all windows desktop on the screen. There are other old models with size 4:1 and 4:3 resolution (1280x1024) and show olny upper windows desktop os this type. I set 1280x720 in all games, Visual FX2, FX3, ProPinball... and work perfect. Pinball Wicked and Pinball FX DMD´s don´t support custom resolutions, only standart sizes, 128x32, 256x64, 512x128, 1024x256 or 1280x320. For Pinball Wickd i use one Underlay to solve this because i can't use DMDExt. For Pinball FX i have set to 1280x720 and Pinball FX says no, 1280x720 no, i show at 1280x320, them the DMD in this monitors looks very short. Luckily we can now use DMDExt in Pinball FX and this solves the problem (when I manage to fix the glitch in the new Zen DMDs, Dotmatrix and Alphanumeric look great). The exact resolution used for the DMDs is 1240x680 so as not to lose part of the DMD in the rounded corners of the furniture and it moves 20 horizontally and 20 vertically to center it. I will try that version Thank you very much
  8. It's working fine for you from what I see. I put an image of how it shows me these new Zen DMD. They look oblique and a part is missing on the left is shown on the right. Also, they look black and white. I am using DMDDevice 2.0 I tried with DMDDevice 2.2.0 Beta but then the image of all DMD looks bad and I had to go back to 2.0
  9. Pinball FX now can use DMDExt. This is great for Real DMD Users and for Monitor users. Pinball FX can´t reaspect DMD (FX2 and FX3 can reaspect DMD), but DMDExt can reaspect DMD. One problem, new Zen´s DMD video style, don´t work fine in DMDExt. My intention is to make a .bat file, which depending on the name of the table (number) overwrites the Sttings.ini of PinballFX. But I don't know how I should put it in this script example or how the Pinball FX configuration parameters should look like in PinballX. @Echo off set strCheck=%1 set strCheck=%strCheck:"=% if xxxxxxxxxxx goto DMDExtOn (if table name=1, 2, 4, 10, 125...) if xxxxxxxxxxx goto DMDExtOff (if table name=146, 148...) Rem nothing found GOTO EOF :DMDExtOn copy "C:\PinballX\Scripts\FXDMD\DMDExtOn\Settings.ini" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX\PinballFX\Mods\Cabinet\Settings.ini" GOTO EOF :DMDExtOff copy "C:\PinballX\Scripts\FXDMD\DMDExtOff\Settings.ini" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX\PinballFX\Mods\Cabinet\Settings.ini" GOTO EOF :EOF
  10. Surely I do something wrong. It only opens .exe files for me if I call it game.exe. If I put any other name on it, it won't open it for me. But there are several games and only one can be called game.exe It also does weird things to me when closing. On the other hand, some games require the use of a launcher (PinCabView) to be able to be played in cabinet mode, sending DMD and Backglass to the rest of the monitors and establishing the view of the playfield, in those cases we tended to PinballX executing this Launcher which in turn run another Launcher that runs the game. I would like to thank Joyrider for creating this .ahk and for all their testing time, but using RocketLauncher is becoming easier for me, probably because I am used to using it in another frontend for arcade games and because of the number of possibilities it offers.
  11. I couldn't do the tests, although I'm sure it will work, if it's done by you there is a 99.9% chance. Now I'm going on vacation and as soon as I get back I'll test it and I'll tell you, I just wanted you to know the reason why I'm taking so long to answer you.
  12. Thank´s for new launcher with launch before/after suppot, i can test it today, surely it´s perfect now.
  13. Surely other user have 666
  14. This Download is for FX2/FX3 tables, this games havem´t new tables. For new Pinball FX tables you have this other Download:
  15. This is great and work fine with standart games or or many steam games. But some Standart or Steam games, may need prelaunch and postlaunch to mount and unmount the corresponding CD-Rom (ISO), may also need prelaunch and postlaunch to rotate the screen to portrait before and landscape after or to run scripts we already use in PinballX. I think it may be worth it and I will do more tests, but if we do not have the specific options for each game, as I mentioned before, an .ini with all the parameters for each game, integrating Rocket Launcher in PinballX may be the best option. I have to test more things over time using this launch script, it probably allows more things than I think. A lot of thanks for your excellent work.
  16. I'll try it and tell you, although if I'm not mistaken, we couldn't put different custom parameters for each game, such as launch before or after. I think in most cases it would work.
  17. After all, that's basically how systems based on PC games work on other frontends. For emulator-based systems, the database makes the emulator run the roms that are all in one folder, but for PC game-based systems, the database tells which game to look for in the file. ini which is the one that contains routes and parameters for each game.
  18. I think it would be great if when we select a type 4 system (exe files), PinballX read an .ini file with the name of that system that includes the parameters of each of the games (Steam.ini, Pinball PC Games.ini or whatever our system is called). This .ini file would have a structure similar to this: [Pinball Wicked] WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball Wicked\PinballWicked\Binaries\Win32 TablePath= Executable=PinballWicked-Win32-Shipping.exe Parameters= WaitForProcess=PinballWicked-Win32-Shipping.exe LaunchBeforeEnabled=False LaunchBeforeWorkingPath= LaunchBeforeExecutable= LaunchBeforeParameters= LaunchBeforeWaitForExit=True LaunchBeforeHideWindow=True LaunchAfterEnabled=False LaunchAfterWorkingPath= LaunchAfterExecutable= LaunchAfterParameters= LaunchAfterWaitForExit=True LaunchAfterHideWindow=True [SlamIt Pinball] WorkingPath=C:\PinballX\Scipts Executable=LauncherSlamIt.exe Parameters= WaitForProcess=BigScore.exe TablePath= LaunchBeforeEnabled=True LaunchBeforeWorkingPath=C:\PinballX\Scipts LaunchBeforeExecutable=BeforeSlamIt.bat LaunchAfterEnabled=True LaunchAfterWorkingPath=C:\PinballX\Scipts LaunchAfterExecutable=AfterSlamIt.bat [Demons Tilt] WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam TablePath= Executable=Steam.exe Parameters=-applaunch 22510 WaitForProcess=DEMON'S TILT.exe LaunchBeforeEnabled=True LaunchBeforeWorkingPath=C:\PinballX\Scripts LaunchBeforeExecutable=BeforeDemonsTilt.bat LaunchBeforeWaitForExit=False LaunchBeforeHideWindow=True LaunchBeforeParameters= LaunchAfterEnabled=True LaunchAfterWorkingPath=C:\PinballX\Scripts LaunchAfterExecutable=AfterDemonsTilt.bat LaunchAfterWaitForExit=True LaunchAfterHideWindow=True [Worms Pinball] ......... etc I think something like this might work if PinballX, knowing it's an .exe file system, were to look for the corresponding .ini file.
  19. Thanks, Mike. At the moment, I see that RocketLauncher is still the best option, it's a shame that PinballX doesn't support this type of system and we have to resort to external launchers.
  20. What happens is that the function already exists, it is not a function request, what I want is information on how we should use this function. Before PinballX only allowed adding systems based on Future Pinball, on Visual Pinball or Custom, for some time it has allowed type 4, custom with .exe files, but there is no information about it.
  21. .lnk files in one table folder named as you like and setting as TablePath don´t wok. .exe files compiled from .ahk in table folder don´t work. I have ussing [TABLEFILE] parameter. AlternateEXE tag on database don´t Work. Only can it mede to work with external software as PinCabView or RocketLauncher or made a Custon Launcher. If you create a custon launcher with AutoHotkey based on tablenames and files to ejecute and compile as .exe then work. I can made it to work with 2 or 3 external solutions, but I think that this should be much easier for any user, I think that if PinballX offers us the possibility to create these systems, there must be a way to make it work without external software or additional programming.
  22. I think so, but I'll try it again in case something went wrong when I did it.
  23. I have added those same games so far in PinballX, each game as a system. This is ugly because you have to enter the system and it shows you the same game 5 times since there is only one table in that game. If you at least run it directly from the system list, without accessing that system, it might work, but it doesn't do that either even though you choose the custom exe file system option. In addition, you have several systems that are not really a system, they are a single table game and the best way I think it would be is to create the "Pinball Pc Games" or "Steam Pinball Games" system and have all those games displayed and run on that single system.
  24. No, altenate exe tag don´t work. I need a PC Games System, this database have TimeShock Ultra, SlamTilt, Pinball Wicked, Demons Tilt... each game has its executable, parameters, process to monitor, pre-launch, post-launch... Now I have managed to do it with external programs (unrelated to PinballX), such as PinCabView Launcher, RocketLauncher or other launchers. But I find it very strange that when adding a system in PinballX it offers us to select if it is a system si a Custom System, Future Pinball System, Visual Pinball System, or a Custom EXE Files System (Type 4) and that the latter cannot work without 3rd party programs other than PinballX.
  25. When we create a custom system, we can create it for EXE files, system type 4. This is great, however I can't find information on how to make it work correctly. I have found an external program capable of creating the PinCabView system that works correctly with some specific games. But my intention is to create a "Pinball PC Games" or "Steam Pinball Games" system that shows several games that are only 1 table, such as Timeshock Ultra, SlamTilt, Pinball Wicked or Demons Tilt among others.
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