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Everything posted by wrd1972

  1. No problem I can provide what you need. Please tell me what you want and where I can locate it.
  2. I am using 2.14 now. The logs from above are also from 2.14.
  3. Okay some good news and some bad news. Good news is now the DB2S backglasses are loading properly with no error ding or messages. In the "PBX setup"...more specifically in the "other systems" parameters for the multiple groups I have created. On my single screen VPX tables for "system type". I changed this from "custom" to visual pinball" After that, the backglasses all seem to be working (see attachment). I will do some more testing to confirm but as of now, it appears the issue is resolved. Bad news. I am now getting some random crashes when PBX is running. I will try to determine a pattern if any. and respond back. I do want to talk further about the "other systems" groups I have made but I will start a new thread for this one. Thanks Bill
  4. A few more interesting tid bits. If I launch the table through the "PinballX Game Manager" using the "launch" button. The tables and their backglasses load and play flawlessly. No ding or error window. Now execute pinballX and select the same game from the browsing menu. The DB2S backglass does not load as first thought load at all but rather, it shows the backglass screen shot from the browing menu. Again, no active backglass at all. Of course you get the error ding and window as described above indicating the DB2S issue.
  5. Carny, Yes to clarify, all of my 150+ VP9 and VP10 tables and there associated backglasses both DB2S and B2s, play absolutely flawlessly when not going through pinballX. Everything works great through the VP editors. Something broke when upgrading from PinballX rev 2.04 to 2.12 I believe. I created the following command to run VP10 Metallica from command prompt: vpinballx.exe -play "C:\VP 10.0.0\Tables_Single Screen\Metallica (Stern 2013).vpx" When I run the above in command prompt, the table loads along with its DB2S backglass flawlessly just like if I were to load it from the editor. I do NOT get the error ding or window about the "blah balh blah\directb2s not found. Please rename blah blah blah". I then tried to load the same table through PinballX and the backglass loads but with the error ding and window above. I am not an expert at these things but all things seem to point to PBX since table loading and backglasses work flawlessly through command prompt. Like I said before. Tables that were loaded into PBX prior to the upgrade run perfectly along with their backglasses. Tables loaded into PBX after the upgrade to 2.12 all have this issue with the error ding and window. I very much appreciate you looking into this. Thanks Bill
  6. Tom, Thanks for the reply and apologies for the delayed response. The "hide the backglass" buttons have been confusing to me. I guess I truly dont understand what they do. From what I have seen, they dont seem to have an effect at least on my cab...with allowing the DB@S background to show during play or not. With all of the buttons set to "do not show", I still had many tables where the DB2S BG appeared. Above said, I did uncheck the above function and I have seem some improvements with the more problematic tables. I also loaded up rev 2.14 so I am not sure if that factors into anything. So now all the problematic tables are showing their DB2S BG, but the the error message still appears on top of the playfield. If I hit the start button or click okay, it disappears. This seems to happen to the more recent tables I have added and to a lesser degree, the ones that have been on for quite some tim. Now when I exit PBX, I will have all of these error windows that must be removed by clicking okay. So in short, the backglasses are loading but along with the error "ding" and window. BTW, all tables and their backglasses are still loading and playing properly when loaded through the editor. No error dings or error windows. Regarding not using VP setting in the setup and using multiple "customs". I do this since the size of the many DB2S backgrounds can vary a great deal. This could be due to inconsistency from author to author or that some tables have a DMD display or not. Each one of my 6 or so custom setups have different DB2S display size parameters. This means that I have 6 tables folders as well. This ensures that I have total control over the size of the backglass being displayed for each table. If I loaded all of my tables into the VP setup. I would be forced to use a single DB2S size parameter since all of the tables would be in a single folder. Maybe there is another way to do this that I am not aware of. I would like to speak to this further once I have my bigger issue above resolved. Please advise on what I can do to help get this thing fixed. Thanks Bill PinballX.ini SetupWizard.xml log.txt
  7. I would need more clarification on what you want from the xml file. All DB2S backglsses for all of my tables load and operate launching through the VP editor. All DB2S backglasses for all of my tables load and operate launching through the PBX v2.04 A large amount of my DB2S backglasses for my tables do not load launching through the PBX v2.12. I get the error you see for a name mismatch. However, all names are correct or they would not work through the editor. Absolutely nothing of note changed went I went from 2.04 to 2.12 This must be an issue with PBX since all backglasses load and work properly through through the editor. It just seems to me that is table x backglass loads and work right through the editor then it should also through PBX. When will a new rev of PBX be out?
  8. Carny, Thanks for the response. Just to recap. Every single game and its B2S BG load and play perfectly if I go through the VP editor. Absolutely zero issues with no errors. However, if I load and play through PBX, for many tables the BG is not loaded. I assume that when your in VPX, once a selection is made, that selection goes through the the VP editor to load the table. Maybe I am wrong. Above said, I dont understand how this could be an issue with VP itself. I tried the suggestions you made and the problem remains. Any other ideas? Is there a repository for older versions? My PBX 2.04 worked perfectly. Thanks for the help. Bill
  9. Yep. They work every single time going through the editor.
  10. Draco, I added the log above. Moving forward, I will provide the info in the way you suggest. Thanks
  11. Some other info. The DB2S backglasses seem to work fine for "smaller" size table, such as pre VPX. However, even smaller VPx tables seem to do okay. For the huge size VPx tables such as Demolition Man, Dirty Harry or Monster Bash, 90% of the time the BG wont load with the table and you get the error that normally shows if the BG file is incorrectly named. On a freak occasion, the BG will load but never two or three times in a row. Thanks
  12. Log.txt (at the end, isa reference to dirty harry, which did not load BG>
  13. Here you go. Log is in next post. pinballx.ini
  14. Draco, Did you get my log and config files? No huge rush. Just want to check to see if you got them in your email Many Thanks Bill
  15. media library

    1. stigzler


      foot pump biscuit?

  16. OK. Will try to do it tonight or tomorrow. Other thing I did not mention. If I launch tables without PBX...via the editor, the DB2S back-glasses always appear as they should. Thanks for looking into it.
  17. Hello, I recently upgraded to rev 2.12 and now when a launch a table using PBX, the DB2S backglass may or may not launch. It seems that when I launch the table the first time, I get the error you normally see if the DB2S file is named wrong along with the black screen. Now if I exit back to PBX and relaunch the same table. The DB2S backglass will launch properly. Weird. This all started with this latest upgrade. The version prior to the upgrade I think was 2.04, IIRC. Thoughts?
  18. OK I installed the Shark codecs. Huge improvement...no stutter when browsing at all. Thanks guys.
  19. I knew you guys worked some funky weird voodoo on that .wav file. Thanks for posting it. Bill
  20. Codecs...no clue. I simply installed PBX and ran with it w/ Windows 7. I will get the files you requested. Should I install a certain codec to improve the issue? Thanks Bill
  21. Ok I have videos only for every table available through PBX. But when browsing the selection of tables, I get constant stuttering as the tables rotate around. Seems like if I dont use videos but rather static PF images, its stutter free. Is this just the norm if I decide to use PF videos in PBX? Is this a issue due to my 3.0GHz Core2duo 4GBRAM PC? Short of hardware changes assuming thats the issue, is there any thing that can be tweaked to make the browsing of the tables, more smooth? Thanks Bill
  22. I loaded 2.02 and it seems to be working better. Maybe there was a bug in 1.99. Thanks
  23. In the media folder, there is another folder (something sounds), there is a .wav called launch...but it wont play. When you open it, it instantly closes without making a sound. The other .wav files in that same folder play fine. Weird. Maybe you guys can try to play it and determine if the .launch.wav is the file that plays when you select a table. If anyone can make it play, I would be grateful if soeone can send it to me. Thanks Bill
  24. Topic back from the dead. I am also seeing some minor FPS drop and slight video stuttering running PBX 1.99. I am running a Core2Duo 3GHZ, 4GB RAM, Nvidia 7600 video with Windows7 64bit, 3-monitors w/ B2s. Performance in VP not going through PBX, is totally smooth as silk. Regarding this from Tom: Also PinballX continues to render the backglass and 3rd monitor when running unless you tell it not to. That may be the issue. Can I get some more information on this please? Are these setting in 1.99? Any other tweaks I need to consider? Thanks Bill
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