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Everything posted by Carny_Priest

  1. Just saying, it is weird to me that you are running both a bat and ahk. May not help but you could streamline by putting all into an ahk and compiling into an executable. If you haven't already gone through this process then try increasing sleep and key delays. Get it working and then start decreasing sleep and key delays. I know it works great outside of PinballX, but that only helps you if you intend on never running inside PinballX. Finally, my piece of advice is uninstall Pinball Arcade. It doesn't offer anything that Visual Pinball does not already do much better. But that's just one guy's opinion on the Internet. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. I've never had a problem simply installing an update over the previous installation, but you might try restoring pinballx.ini from a recent backup. I'm assuming that the system you are talking about is Visual Pinball. If so, check your screenres.txt file. Test if you are getting your backglass behind the playfield when you launch from the Visual Pinball editor. If so, it's not a PinballX issue. Otherwise, need more info:
  3. Based on their reputation, I was an early supporter of A.S.K. Homework in their Indiegogo campaign to add PC/cab support for their Zaccaria Pinball simulator. They launched on Steam last June and supporters got access to the gold pack of 38 tables. Cab support (portrait mode and support for gamepad controllers) arrived in Sept. Growing up in the states, I do not have a strong attachment to Zaccaria. I was hoping that someone else would do the work of getting together a solution for PinballX support, but... whatever. The launcher is based heavily on gigalula's work: I just put it all into a working script. Add "Zaccaria Pinball" as a system in the Other Systems screen in the Settings app. Assign System Type as Custom. Point the executable path to the launcher. Use "Zaccaria Pinball.xml" as your database file as-is. At least, don't change the game name tags as these are what the Zaccaria Pinball program calls the different tables. The launcher is specific to my particular configuration. I use the command line driven app Display Changer II to rotate my playfield monitor to portrait and antimicro to map my buttons to keys. The source code is included so it can be adjusted to fit users' needs. Now, the hard part is media. The Zaccaria Pinball app currently only supports the playfield so there is no backglass support. PinballX can display static images while in-game. Nudnick, a contributor for TPAFreeCamMod, put together a collection he made for all 38 backglasses: http://pinballarcadefans.com/showthread.php/11793-Static-Back-Glass-while-wait-for-Mod-Update?p=245857&viewfull=1#post245857 The link still works last time I checked. A lot of wheel images already exist under Media/Visual Pinball on the FTP or at VPForums. For the remaining, I did them myself. Media/Zaccaria Pinball/Wheel Images on the FTP. Quality varies. Cine Star and Red Show, I pulled from backglass images and the remaining from flyers. Look for flyers on the FTP - Flyer Images\300dpi - flyers.cdyn.com I redrew most of the instruction cards I could find when Zaccaria Pinball launched on Steam. These are on the FTP - Other Uploads/Carny/Z20160604 This leaves Table Videos. There is a lot of customizations available for lighting and camera views. It makes sense to have a way to generate our own table videos. I ported gtxjoe's PBXRecorder v1.5 for Zaccaria Pinball using Open Broadcaster Software as the capture engine. This was tested with v17.0: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/releases/download/17.0.0/OBS-Studio-17.0-Small.zip The same install instructions apply as described here: Note - Zaccaria Pinball must be setup with Full Screen disabled to capture screens. I could not overcome focus issues while exclusive Full Screen is enabled. You can always enable again after you are through capturing. It seemed to work well enough for me. The source code is available if you need to tweak timing or key delays. The process of launching tables and capturing screens requires the scripts to modify the Zaccaria Pinball's user settings xml file. Steam has a habit of reconciling what is on the local drive with what it has in its cloud backup. It may ask you to sync. The capture program will pause if this happens and all you need to do is sync/upload local file up to the cloud, and the program will proceed. If all else fails, reboot. Launcher and 64-bit executables included. Have fun! All sources are trademarks/copyrights of their respective owners. My work is free to use by the community without attribution and is to be privately used in PinballX or for other non-commercial (or at least non-profit) pinball-related applications. I hold no responsibility for their misuse. PBXrecorder_1.5Zaccaria.zip
  4. After all, they are also using the wheel images to help sell the software, a $20 premium for the BigBox launcher. .
  5. I don't believe any part of PinballX is coded with AutoHotkey. If you want to avoid built-in features of integrated system support, use a slot on the Other Systems settings page and assign to a Custom system type. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Try running with Task Manager in the background or try alternate db2s files for those tables. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Converted the latest ShorYukenToTheChin table guides to Flash. Uploaded to the FTP (Instruction Cards under #open6l) Alien_Isolation Aliens Alien vs. Predator Marvel - A-Force Marvel - Champions
  8. Try a system restore.
  9. There is integrated support for Visual Pinball as well as Pinball FX2 and The Pinball Arcade to make things easier for users to configure and run for the vast majority of setups which attempt to do nothing out of the ordinary. PinballX will auto-detect if the executable is VP 9 or VP X and run its delays and bring different windows into focus as needed. You are doing something out of the ordinary, so you would be better off setting up a Custom system for Visual Pinball with the System Type pulldown set to Custom. Then PinballX will not attempt to interfere. If you are doing whatever you need to do to get the system to run the way you want then it is not a bad thing. It just may or may not be as efficient as it could be, but it is not wrong if you are happy with it.
  10. I finally got around to purchasing the Aliens tables. I rely on the community for wheel, table and backglass media, but it does not appear to be anyone keeping up with DMD videos. so I wrote an AutoHotkey script. It's only semi-automatic in that the attract mode loops vary in length by table. If you want to do it right, you must take the output and edit it so that the loops are at least fairly seamless. The script captures two minutes duration losslessly to an mkv container. This requires ffmpeg, but if you are using PBXRecorder than you already have an ffmpeg install. Open the output file, dmd.mkv, in a video editor. I use the open-source freeware option, Avidemux. Make your cuts and then encode with the built-in x264 codec using constant rate factor 10 for really good quality. I have a p2k-style cab so I have some instructions that call the separate, open-source dmd-extensions app to render a mirror of the DMD that is flipped for projection onto my playfield. But this script should be easily adaptable for use with the native FX2 DMD renderer. It just may require some trial and error to determine the right capture parameters so that you don't cut off part of the image. I've also attached example output for Alien: Isolation. Again this is capturing from dmdext which renders as dots. The vast majority will just comment out the call to run dmdext and just capture from the native DMD window. Good luck and happy new year! CapFX2.ahk dmd.mp4
  11. Integrated support may work for some, but not for everyone. I get the same behavior as you. I'm not real motivated to do a work around. There is nothing that TPA does that VP doesn't do much better. Some people may not agree with that assessment and they are certainly entitled to their totally wrong opinions. An alternative for you might be working through the My Tables menu which would be set up as one big grid. Again, didn't work completely without errors for me. Where there is a will there is a way. If you are very determined you could control the selection very precisely if you code your own AutoHotkey script. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Forget it, my friend. It's Farsight!
  13. I never had issues with PinballX if I install it and ALL pinball apps, Steam, etc. anywhere else on C: drive outside of Program Files folder. And configure ALL pinball-related executables to run as administrator. Also make sure all exe and dll are unblocked. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. You need to update VPM and B2S Server http://vpuniverse.com/forums/forums/topic/2687-code-change-to-enable-sam-le-driver-board-support/ check first post and you will probably want to update VPX http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=35311&page=1 check first post
  15. The port of gtxjoe's PBXRecorder v1.5 to support FP is working Ok for me with the current version of FFMPEG and of OBS Studio: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/releases/download/0.16.6/OBS-Studio-0.16.6-Small.zip The install steps documented in this post still apply: x64 compiled executable, updated config folder, and source code attached ; 1.5FP Oct 7, 2016 ; Future Pinball support with playfield capture via OBS Studio ; Add support for · and recognition of · (i.e, middot as in PIN·BOT) in Table and Description names PBXrecorder_1.5FP.zip
  16. As mentioned in the first post I created some media pack images to be used with Big Score and PinballX. Just to spell it out: All sources are trademarks/copyrights of their respective owners. My work is free to use by the community without attribution and is to be privately used in PinballX or for other non-commercial (or at least non-profit) pinball-related applications. I hold no responsibility for their misuse.
  17. Just to spell it out: All sources are trademarks/copyrights of their respective owners. My work is free to use by the community without attribution and is to be privately used in PinballX or for other non-commercial (or at least non-profit) pinball-related applications. I hold no responsibility for their misuse. So, yes, I approve the image's incorporation into the Mega Docklet image. Good luck finding Evil Dead the table though.
  18. Just a quick note to spell it out: These works are free to use by the community without attribution and only for non-commercial (or at least non-profit) applications. Again, I hold no responsibility for their misuse.
  19. Hi, I am quitting the splash viewer part of this project for now. The solution is not compatible with true full screen VPX plus I'm simply running out of drive space on my cabinet. Moving the media off gives me more storage space for tables! Media will still be available on the FTP, Other Uploads/Carny/Z20160604 Inkochnito is responsible for pretty much all of the heavy lifting. Please support and donate to his site. He provides a great service: http://www.pinballrebel.com/pinball/cards/ The work I've put into cutting and redrawing on Data East/Sega/Stern Pinball cards are free to use by the community without attribution. All sources are trademarks/copyrights of their respective owners to be privately used in PinballX or for other non-commercial (or at least non-profit) pinball-related applications. I hold no responsibility for their misuse. I will at least continue to provide redraws of media for the Media/Instruction Cards folder as I add them to my machine, but at this rate I don't expect to be adding very frequently.
  20. Avidemux, ffmpeg, handbrake, etc. There are lots of free options. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. It's not F7, F8, F9 to go into the service menu and lower or raise volume. Just keys 7, 8, 9. As always make sure any executable associated with your pinball setup is set to run as administrator. All dll files should be unblocked. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. Nope, it's the right place. I just don't have an answer. DirectB2S has always behaved well for me as far as shutting down on table exit. That's without exception. Have to ask, but you are using key "e" on your keyboard to exit the table and not Esc or some other key, correct? Are you using a gamepad? If so, then you may need to use a keypadder type remapper to send an "e" keypress instead of what you may have assigned as a gamepad button press. If nothing else works, I suppose that you can run a little bat file that launches after table Exit that kills the process associated with the "Form1" window.
  23. It's a hardware thing. I don't think that there is anything you can do but relax, drink a beer, and close your eyes when the banner comes up.
  24. I call ffmpeg using a script. I would publish the script but it needs more work. I'll finish it up when there is a decent enough sale to pick up some tables I don't yet have. Maybe the Steam Winter Sale. Last purchase I made is the Star Wars tables from early this year (Ep VII and Might of the First Order). I don't have DMD videos for tables more recent than those.
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