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Everything posted by aldub516

  1. Thank you for all of the above advice! As of now, i disable left right navigation, so when i do go up to that top menu, i can only choose "back" which really cant harm anything, besides going back in the menu. Im just super anal and it is bothering me to death... Ill see what i can do to work around it. otherwise ill suck it up and just stop being a baby thank you all! My main issue of the default menu popping up has been fixed so im happy for now.
  2. I would like to focus my question now on removing the top tool bar where it has "by name, by company, etc" i want to completely remove any top options
  3. I reinstalled gameex... Its working now. This issue hasnt really been resolved, but i guess it worth noting this problem for future bug fixes.. Now lets see if i can hide everything up top to avoid this happening again
  4. I feel like im running circles trying to finish this machine. Its one redundant problem that just arises out of no where for no reason. I guess ill try a fresh install, which im sure will lead to another 2 days or game list updating, setting adjustments and other random senseless problems. Its just weird. It starts as the default theme.. When i manually navigate to the mame menu, it turns into the space invaders theme. When i escape back, it goes back to the default theme. BUT, when i initially start at the default theme if i go to the top and click "change view", it will take me straight to my mame menu with space invaders theme, but i am then locked in that menu and escape is disabled.. So clicking "change view", and going the my mame menu manually is giving me two different reactions. I also just tried 3 other themes, and they are NOT experiencing any problems. Id say it could be the space invaders themes, but they were working perfectly fine and then just broke for no reason
  5. I just learned that draco released an HD version of the space invaders theme, so i downloaded that and completely changed my theme.. But it is still doing the same thing. It is loading to a boring default gameex theme. When i go to "my mame games" and enter my mame menu, it will switch to the mame invaders theme, but anything before that is stuck in the default theme.. wtf
  6. They dont. They escape key setting is fine. I can use my escape key up until i change view into my intended space invaders theme, then im locked into the mame menu and my mame items. I can work on removing options later to minimize the bar, but my main issue is why am i booting into a default theme?
  7. I was on the ball with that answer because I foolishly missed that option in the enable disable features page, and it annoyed me for a whole day until tthurman pointed out the silly miss. Congrats on the resolution
  8. there is a way i believe to add a confirm to the exit, but i think its unnecessary if you follow my setup.. Having to go to "exit...then exit gameex" should be confirmation enough when its time to exit. As tthurman said, if this has been fully resolved, edit your initial post and add [RESOLVED] to the title... as I just learned in my earlier thread lol..
  9. i couldve swore i [resolved] it.. for some reason every time i go to edit a post, when i hit submit, it tells me i cannot edit and have to log in (at which point i realize for no reason ive been logged out), so i guess i didnt realize i never added the resolve to my title.. sorry, thought i took care of that.
  10. Yes indeed.. in the "enable/disable" options page, set "enable auto gameex updates" to disable.. should be good further more to eliminate issues, u can go ahead and turn "hide update list" to YES.. IF your list is where u want it and you dont need to change it. This will stop your players from hitting the update list button in the mame menu and going through that process..
  11. My set up allows the "escape key" to go all the way back into the first menu, but not quit.. to do this, go into your settings. Under the gameex input buttons, find the "back" input under keyboard input and set it as escape key. Then go ahead and change enable escape key exit to NO..also leaving the other global exit inputs empty.. finally go to "enable/disable features" options and change disable escape key to "yes" this will allow you to escape all the way to the first menu, but never out of gameex. To exit gameex, you can now just manually go down and exit/shut down.
  12. thank you !!! yea that cp lock up was the death of me i almost incinerated my whole pedestal lol. You guys rock..
  13. thank you very much for that quick response! I assume i can discard all other files in the download completely? thanks again. I just bought another year of gameex as mine recently expired, and finally tinkering with the online function
  14. Using gameex online, and my iphone to view, its telling me i need to have "ffmpeg" installed in my gameex directory.. The ffmpeg website gives me tons of download options, as well as ending up with a tar/7z file.. even when fully extracted i dont see any exe at all? Where can i find the appropriate ffmpeg files, and where would i install them. thanks as always
  15. Hilarious. You solved a problem/annoyance of mine without even trying. Thanks a million!!!
  16. there are actually no speakers, as per my friends request.. I wouldve LOVED to have two speakers on each of those slanted feet, but alas, he wanted everything just to run through hdmi into his mancave tv. I was looking forward to it, but also saved myself time, so im not complaining.
  17. thank you. Im humbled by it because even though my final products come out nice, im no where near a professional. Some would cringe watching me go through hell sometimes to achieve simple things. But a lot of research and patience go a long way. As i said i will update with a lot nicer pictures, of the inside and such as well.
  18. so i went ahead and deleted basically everything, uninstalled everything. Reinstalled winipac, ledblinky, gameex. And thus far it seems to have fixed my problem!.. for now ::crosses fingers:: I need to re-run through all my settings now to get my menus running smooth. Ill update with any problems, which im sure will arise. But for the moment, I am no longer freezing my menus
  19. ive stripped down my ipac to nothing but the joysticks and the buttons and usb cord plugged in. I removed all spinners, all power to led buttons, and even unplugged my fans to give max power to the board to test it. I am still freezing up and this is now having me at full aggravation. I am considering reformatting my whole damn pc and re installing everything just to avoid days of trouble shooting nonsense. Im at my end with this and it sucks because ive built a whole machine and now spend days on this stupid issue.. BTW I have now posted pics of my pedestal in the rig section so you guys can see where all your hard work and help goes.. Im up early and today is a full arcade work day.. lets see how it goes.
  20. Hello all! Ive finally gotten around to uploading some new pictures of my newest build. I need to take much better pictures and such, but people have been giving me so much help here i thought it would be nice to show them its actually going into a nice product!. This is being built for my friend as hes a huge arcade fan, and me as a hobbyist told him id gladly take on the project for free and have him just pay for parts and materials. The artwork and all are inspired by his ideas, and i just went to town with the custom art. All the art is covered in lexan, with aluminum edging. I made the back bottom flip open like a door to access anything. Pc is mounted inside the cp and i shall upload pictures of that as well, along with full details of pc specs and everything else. As i said i just wanted to show everyone whos been helping me what their help has achieved so far! Be back tonight with better pictures and a much better write up.
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