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Everything posted by aldub516

  1. I wish this all wasn't so ahead of my understanding I'm still trying to kill these issues on my regular gamex run system.
  2. Without the program in front of me, off the top of my head, there really shouldn't be much. You add the emulators in the add emulators screen in gamex settings,Then in emulators setup, enable it.. Enter a name for it to appear as on your menu, the working path should be set to the folder for your emulators exe, and the rom path should go to that emulators rom folder. That actually, should be it. I did notice there are settings in the command line field such as "fceux.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" but I think that gets populated when the emulator runs with whatever settings you set within the actual emulator
  3. I'm gonna bite the bullet... << who knows if I used that saying properly.. Anyways. I backed up all my configs and settings. I'm going to try and use windows 8 refresh tool. If not, clean install of windows. THEORETICALLY since I have everything I need, and know all my settings, I should be able to restore my cab to its former self fairly easy, even avoiding all the toying I did with settings. Either that, or I'm going to spend the next two months redoing everything
  4. ok, so i can set the start up programs again.. and yes i checked the power settings. i went through ALL of that stuff thoroughly, checking shut down procedures, sleep, hibernate, everything. i checked devices, and even rolled back to a restore point before i installed my wireless adapter. I guess this problem cant be fully solved until i solve my problem of gameex not starting up properly. With that happening, i cant tell if steam is messing up window focus. A part of me feels this started with the new version of gameex
  5. i give up lol. this is now veering off of the topic of problems. I am now unable to get anything to boot with windows. I put a new gameex shortcut in my startup folder, and i set steam to start with windows. Neither is starting now lol.. i dunno guys, something happened at some point and everything is messed up. And after all this work i really dont want to start fresh with a new os. damn this all.
  6. dazzle, would u suggest setting steam to start with windows through windows actual startup programs, or should i set it within steam. This will sound newbieish, but with either method, please advise how to add the silent command to the start.. i assume if i go to my shortcuts in the start up and click properties i see "start in" with a path to said program.. do i set it there? and if you suggest doing it through steam, how do i set it to silent.. thanks so far guys!!! Im going to try your suggestions.. i would like to say, my main problem left with steam is that after i start it, then open an old console emulator(nes,snes), when i exit those emulators, i lose control of the gameex interface until i alt tab once.. this ONLY happens with steam running, even when its minimized.. The way i have it set up is that steam starts when i start pinballx.. It logs in super quick and i can play my steam pinball with no delay.. Its just the fact that i lose focus of emulators when i exit them. i will try all suggestions and report back
  7. Will check and update today. Are there any windows event logs or anything that can help anyone?
  8. For me, I like the idea of having a physical button that you can hit whenever you want to turn on as play, or shut off immediately. I'll check all above suggestions today as it's another free day for me to work on it. As for the periods of time of holding the button, I don't believe it's that. My PC started and shut the same way for months now, the push of a button. Over the last few days I did something that messed up everything and I don't know what
  9. Hey man. thanks for the response. First off, I wasn't running in big picture mode, but I realized I can set my favorite window to friends since I have non and there's not much in that screen. So when steam launches it only launches a small window so the input problem is solved I guess. To my recollection (which is jumbled after days of playing with settings) the only reason I don't start steam with windows is because of focus issues and such. I'm not concerned about computer use. I have a pretty strong system and it's never really doing anything except gamex stuff.If I can get all my other startup problems resolved, I'll try again with steam running in the back from start. It gets messy because I then have the option of setting steam to start within steam settings, or set it as a windows startup, or startup within gamex. Too many options with various outcomes. Finding the sweet spot sucks. All I want is to turn on my PC, start with gamex. The only other process that comes into play is steam for pinball arcade. 3 simple processes and I have so many road blocks
  10. I'm on 8.1 by the way. The other day I turned "windows 8.1 feature" on in bios. I remembered that last night and got excited thinking that was The problem. But it wasn't.
  11. I will check that when I go home. This started within the last few days. I even suspect it happened when I updated gamex when all my problems started happening. It's a brand new PC and everything was fine so I can't imagine a pinout problem.
  12. I've resorted to crying. Anything else? Something is making everything feel weird. As i said, sometimes I close my chrome browser on the arcade PC and my screen / desktop flashes like its refreshing or something. I'm trying to think of any settings I toyed with
  13. But how can that be. As I said I'm shutting down with a button running straight to the mobo power pins. And half the time it shuts down completely fine. Why would it switch between a hard shut down and a hibernate mode from the same Button
  14. thus far using shutdown /s has shut down perfect with out the fans running. I tried it about 5 times so far. And ill keep trying. This is, the way i shut down, i have a push button connected to the shut down pins on the motherboard, Always had it like that. Ill check my shutdown and sleep settings maybe i did something
  15. ok so i set the app in the gameex settings to launch at start, launch at start dont wait. I then tried it in quick launch to run before, and nothing works. Anything i do gameex starts minimized.. Remember, this is ONLY when i set gameex as a start up program. Otherwise i can run it fine
  16. my pc is showing some generally weird signs. Sometimes for instance, when i close a folder or program, or any random open item, my desktop will flash the default blue backround for a quick second.. almost as if my pc is refreshing itself. This is all new and came hand and hand with all these focus issues
  17. i would easily accept your program sir. I dont know what entails making a program lol, but if you whip something together i will absolutely try it
  18. when i enter that command in RUN, it does not kill nor do anything to steam. I assume thats a good way to test it yes? The shut down problem is actually happening without steam as well which is VERY worrysome to me Everything shuts down but the main fans and cpu fans keep running. I have to kill it by holding the power button down. I can only assume itll take me years to figure that one out
  19. hide task bar is already set. As i said i never had this problem with these settings. The thing about the start up is, nothing else is starting up besides gameex. why did the hide os never take the focus away before?
  20. im gonna wait a little longer before trying the delay software. Im HOPING this is a new bug in gameex and tom can blast out a small patch. Either way, your suggestions help a lot, and i may actually look into that delay program because even when gameex does start fine, it takes a while to start. I could toy with the start up app timings. Thanks man... still awaiting a cleaner work around
  21. i will try your suggestion for the delay app.. just annoys me to have so many workarounds, i feel like my whole system is working on a thread. As a note, i just went ahead and disabled hide operating system in settings. but when i boot up gameex from start, the hide os app seems to still be running as i see it when i alt tab to my windows. Should that not be running when i disable hide os? or is that another app that always runs with gameex. This is so stressful. Gameex fully starts up, then just minimizes itself and gets covered by a black screen until i tab over to it
  22. i was literally typing a very polite time estimate on it, as i know zero about what updating a plugin requires on your end, and the new reply box popped up. Thank you.. Kid tested, me approved. Thanks brotha!
  23. Im sure that would help, but my question is, i did not have this problem ever, and it just started. So why would hide os suddenly be operating on top of gameex? I will try whatever you may suggest. If that would solve my issue great, but id still like to understand why this issue started. I dont know how to use event viewer very well, im trying to use it to see what kind of things are starting up with the pc, or that may be overriding it. The shell works great for speed, but adds the problems of launching explorer after, or having issues during a crash or error. If i can just figure this out id be happy to leave it as a regular start up program. Me sad.
  24. thank you. I actually read through the whole quicklaunch thread you originally made, trying to find a solution. As you can see from the board, im pulling my hair out with new endless problems. Atleast i know this problem has a solution. I shall patiently await your update. Thank you sir!
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