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Everything posted by aldub516

  1. I tried everything on my office pc and it works fine. I am able to start gameex as admin, run games, and quit straight to menu with one key! But when im on my arcade pc, it gets hung up after loading a table. I now have learned that it DOES load future pinball with no problem.. Its visual pinball that wont load when pinballx runs as admin. Visualpinball runs fine outside of gameex when run as admin? So what can be happening between gameex launching visual pinball and the loading screen freezing? I have all apps set to run as admin. Even toyed around with setting compatibility to windows xp sp 3 (im on windows 8.1) nothing works. my specific problem is visual pinball doesnt get past the pinballx loading screen, when pinballx is run as admin. This is a huge hang up as i cant cleanly navigate to and from games now
  2. i would also try to write up a small documentation on it.. For instance, i had no idea that i need to add it to run from gameex's exit in the tweaks section. That im sure is important info to get this working. Thanks again, i think ill experiment shortly
  3. this could be a godsend. im just nervous to test it on windows 8 Let me ask. what can happen if it goes wrong? what would be the result? and are there any settings such as compatibility mode that would help? I will go ahead and test this but id like a little feedback as to my risks and such. Also i was wondering, how would you go about getting back to the windows explorer? would it automatically load it after exiting gameex from the first boot? or does it load it in the backround after the shell program? Say i shell it to gameex and follow your directives. I would power on computer, ideally gameex would be the first thing i ever see, and i am not playing games. What is happening in the backround, what would happen after i exit gameex, and how would i access explorer afterwards thank you by the way, i could never wrap my head around programming and such. great app! one that will probably be used for a long time
  4. does this work with windows 8.1?
  5. here ya go new log and ini log.txt PinballX.ini
  6. again i see its asked a million times. And i found a bunch of threads pertaining to it, but everything skates around my own solution. Just dont want to seem lazy ive also upgraded to v1.97 but still the same thing when running admin.
  7. sorry! didnt realize i didnt.. I started pinballx as administrator, picked a table and got stuck at the loading screen.. was able to exit out and exit pinballx. log included log.txt
  8. Hey all and thank you for the help as always. Im pretty knowledgable in mame..pinball is a new animal for me. I did a LOT of digging, searching and research and im still at a standstill. My goal is this: Select a table with pinball x, then be able to exit right back to my table selection without going to the visual pinball editor. Ive read tons of workarounds and simple fixes. First, to be clear, is pinballx MADE to automatically skip over the editor? Ive followed all instructions regardling setting keys for quit, and exit emulator, as well as setting all programs to run as administrator. Here is where i think my problem is. Whenever i set pinballx to run as admin, it freezes after i select a table. It will start fine and i can scroll through my games, but once selected it freezes at the loading screen. I can hit escape and get back to my tables, but i cant play anything. This ONLY happens when running pinballx as admin. Thus far, i feel this is the reason that my keys are not working and bringing me straight back to pinballx table selection.. so first, Does pinballx infact make it possible to go from pinballx table selection, to gameplay, and right back to pinballx table selection? second, what can resolve my issue with running as admin, as that seemed to fix most peoples problems.. Pinballx. ini included this seems like a very common problem. i hope i can clear this up PinballX.ini
  9. I have seen that before.. But it's not the most attractive app and somewhat kills the experience. Ideally once the system is up and running, it will never have to give me windows access, so shelling would be ideal. I guess I'll play with a variety of options, but I really wish I could boot straight into gameex
  10. so i can only find one old thread concerning shelling and windows 8/8.1, which never had a resolution. Im at the end of my build, and wanted to know what are the best options for creating a clean arcade interface, with minimal windows presence. I know i can set it as a start up program, but im having some problems with that with other startup programs throwing everything out of focus. I have msi fastboot which fast starts the pc, but it has a little window that pops up onstart up when enabled. I just cant seem to get windows to boot and start gameex without problem. Ive set gameex to run maximized, and all of those first step tricks. What are the best options for doing this? what setups do you have. Ideally this machine is only going to run gameex, with mame and a few consoles (nes,snes etc) Id like it to literally turn on, go straight to games, play games, and turn off. clean and easy. I dont want to try instant sheller and kill my whole machine
  11. Ahh. Gotcha. Well I got the result I wanted , and also learned how to use the theme editor. All is well, thanks man!
  12. Hey man. Yea, it was actually very interesting actually reading up on the editor and learning its actual current function. As for placing the image box, what can I say I guess. It just centered perfectly. Marquee art, game art/flyers all center perfectly. Happy to see what I can achieve now with the theme editor. Out of curiosity, why did u choose to have that text box in the new version?
  13. So i resolved this after digging through a ton of pages on the theme editor questions page. I now understand a lot more about the theme editor and its actual use/purpose. In this case, I opened the space invaders hd theme in the editor. I noticed in the first invaders theme, the bottom right box had "image 2" in it. The HD version had text boxes such as "title" "line 1" line 2". I now learned that you cant create or delete items, but move them instead. So i took all of those text boxes, and just set their X location to 4000, which put them way off screen. I then found image 2 in the object browser, and set the coordinates to 0-0 to bring it on screen. I placed in in its respectful box in the theme art, and boom, i am now displaying marquee/flyer art in the bottom right corner like the original invaders theme did. I wonder why draco chose to change this out in the hd version, but non the less, here is the workaround. random note, im not sure exactly how this works. But when i originally brought image 2 on screen and in place and tested it, i knew i didnt place it center, but rather was just seeing if art would appear. It centered itself perfectly in the box. So maybe it knows where to place an objects parameters as long as the item is on screen? I basically randomly placed it over the text boxes to try it and it was perfectly aligned to where it should be.. wierd.
  14. Hey all, and thanks as always. Draco or anyone else that may be of help. I used to use the space invaders theme as it matched my cabinet theme, and recently updated to the HD version. One thing i noticed was that in the original version, the bottom right box would display marquess as i went down the list.. In the new version, it replaces it with just plain text such as game name, company, etc... Ive opened both in theme editor and noticed the original has the box set to an image, where as the HD is set up for text. I dont know much about the theme editor. I cant seem to figure out how to link a layout to a reaction. If i create an image item in the editor and delete the text boxes, how would i link that image box to read marquees of a selected game? Here are two screenshots of the editor screens. The bottom right box is in question. Id love for the HD version to display the marquee or game art in that bottom box image hosting free image post
  15. Video of problem: http://youtu.be/oshOS9paVV0 Back in december i had a problem with my control panel crashing. that fiasco can be seen here http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/15592-resolved-cp-buttons-become-unresponsive-after-a-few-minutes-in-gameex/page-2 The following is the email i sent to arzoo, i just copied it since it explains my problem properly. His only advice was to update my ipac firmware, which is already up to date, and a few other small tricks. But thus far, i dont seem to have a solution for this problem. I will try to explain my situation as best as i can My Control panel is set up as follows2 players-6 buttons on each side plus joysticksMisc admin and play buttons at the toptrackballspinnerThey are all hooked up through a single ultimarc ultimate IO interface. My problem started in december. Out of no where, while running my gameex front end, i started to experience various problems with my control panel. While scrolling through games, wether with joysticks or spinner/trackball, my menu and panel would eventually either completely freeze, or get stuck in a command, for example, if i kept hitting down joystick or held it down, eventually down would get stuck and just go to the end of the list and id lose complete control. Even with my keyboard i cannot do anything, gameex loses all control from my panel. When i unplugged my panel, id gain control of gameex again and all the lag and crazyness would just clear up. It happened at various intervals with various controls. Sometimes just a quick scroll with the spinner would freeze, or sometimes i can scroll for a minute or 2. After endless trouble shooting, i just uninstalled gameex and reinstalled a new version, which fixed the mystery problem. Fast forward, i realized that i never knew about the gameex plugin manager, and thus no matter what i did to led blinky, i never disabled it in the plugin manager. Thats why it corrected itself upon re- install. So i now know for sure, that this problem happens only when my ledblinky plugin is enabled in gameex. It worked fine for a few weeks now, and out of no where, the other day it started freezing again. Ive deleted and re copied the files, and no matter what, it crashes gameex. When disabled, my gameex and everything works completely fine! I wanted to know what could possibly be causing this? In some instances when the problems begin, my control panel disconnects itself from my pc. Ill hear the disconnect sound and it will show that there was a usb problem in my desktop tray, sometimes not. In any situation though, i have to disconnect the usb plug, which then clears up the issues. So even if its showing as disconnected, its not until i physically remove the usb that everything corrects itself. Could there be some sort of conflict with my led settings that is confusing ledblinky to hell? Example of steps:start gameexled blinky begins with set animationsbegin scrolling list for xx amount of time with xx controlmenu freezes, leds all freeze, all control lost with CP or keyboardunplug cpre gain control, use keyboard to exit out of gameex please let me know if theres anything i can do. This is the last step i really need to conquer in my quest. Id hate to not be able to use it after becoming a member, it works great when it works for me!thanks in advance
  16. oh and to dazzle, the capcom game im talking about is marvel vs capcom 1 clash of fighters. This game always worked for as long as i know. Its M vs C PART 2 that doesnt work yet on mame that you are thinking of. Trade some knowledge for knowledge
  17. first off, you guys effin rock. So much help, all the time. thank you. I knew i used clrmame correctly and such, but i have solved my problem. It was simple. Someone else suggested that im missing "qsound.zip".. I checked my master rom folder to see if it existed and it did, then checked my working folder and boom no qsound. Copied the file over, and bam, we are fully working. I wonder what other games this does this for? Im sure its no luck that both games that didnt work because of it were capcom. Anyways guys, thank you as always! U can check out my current build in the rig section. You guys are always amazing. The support alone is worth the price of a gameex account Follow up question, since i have all the bios i need, clearly qsound.zip got filtered out somehow this time around, but never before. I assume its a capcom soundbank type of file? Non the less, are there any other files i should be checking for missing that might mess up other game? Any support/sound/video.zips? This one file probably just fixed a gang of games
  18. My quest for perfect roms continues. My last thread helped a lot and i got a very nice clean list for 149 as well as a new compiled 149 mame. Im running through my games and now find that some games that always worked are not working anymore. 2 in mind are marvel vs capcom clash of heros, and super puzzle fighter turbo 2. Both of these games always worked for me. Now they dont even run in mame. They say missing rom or chd files. Im absolutely sure i have the right rom, which is mvsc.zip, Ive replaced it, and redownloaded it twice incase clrmame messed up the file. I dont believe they need bios, but i do have all the bios i need anyway. Ive researched all i can, but beyond that I have no idea why i cant get these games to work. I guess the same would apply to a few random games that arent working for me, but these 2 i particularly researched and found no solutions. Im running mame .149 and neither gameex nor mame will run them, giving me a missing rom or chd file error
  19. I think ive resolved this. Now that i have my folder with only games i want, used the following settings only working games-false allow imperfect-true verify roms- false only roms available- true no filters adult games no majohng no casino It seems the last INI i included was near perfect, but stupid me had adult games blocked. As of now, im showing 2420 out of 2407.. which means I have 13 ghost roms, which is fine. Thus far, everything i want is here, and all is working. FOR NOW (because im sure something will stop working) I believe this issue is RESOLVED. I have the closest rom set im going to want it looks like
  20. I would always have my full .149 folder, so i can always update that easily, and then re-filter with my same romlister settings. Beyond that tho, heres where i stand. I filtered out about 2400 games to a seperate folder. Using no filters or options at all, the CLOSEST I can get is 2341 out of 2407. Which is still 100 missing games.. one of them being loverboy which was a specific request from a friend. . Can one of my support files like mameinfo, history or anything be wrong? Why am i having such a hard time creating a clean list, from an existing clean folder of roms? What supporting files of mame/gameex can be causing listing errors? Is there some type of name mismatching thats causing gameex to not pick up all of the games? I simply have 2407 games in my folder, and id like them all to show up in gameex. Ive included my gameex.ini. I deleted a bunch of info from the video section as it listed hundreds of roms and made the text too long to post. Note, i have tried various options such as only existing roms on and off, verify on and off, clones, clones, etc. Im trying to learn the overall idea of roms and such clearly, so maybe theres a naming issue going on? I have 2 1942s show up in my list, but one doesnt load, so im wondering why it shows up or whats going on. Thanks as always GameEx Support File Data [gameexonline] StreamQuality=0 [general] Xresolution=800 Yresolution=600 DisplayOnSecondary=False MAMEPath=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149 MAMEEXE=mame.exe ROMPath=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\Roms filtered for dizzle StartWait=False USeAdvanceMame=False AdvanceMAMEEXE=advmame.exe AdvanceMAMEPATH=C:\Emulators\AdvanceMAME ADVANCEMAMEOptions=-device_video_output fullscreen -quiet -dir_rom "C:\Emulators\Mame32\roms" UseZinc=False ZincEXE=zinc.exe ZincPATH=C:\Emulators\ZiNc ZincOptions=--renderer=.\renderer.znc Font=Trebuchet MS TitleText=MAME Games OnlyWorking=False AllowImperfect=True VerifyRoms=False OnlyRoms=True NoGameInfo=True GameFilter=Korea;Asia;Hispanic;Bootleg;French;German;Hack;Prototype;Hardware;Spanish;(Easy;(harder GameFilterOn=False NoAdult=True NoClones=False MameOptions=-nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo ArcadeMode=False UseLargeFonts=True SnapPath=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\snap AVISnapPath=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\Video Snaps AVIFrameSkip=0 flyerpath=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\flyers cabinetpath=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\cabinets CatverLocation=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\ini\Catver.ini nplayerslocation=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\ini\nplayers.ini HistoryLocation=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\dats\history.dat InfoLocation=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\dats\mameinfo.dat CommandLocation=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\dats\command.dat ShowGameInfoPage=True EnableStartPage=True ShowStartPageFirst=True skipintro=False AntiAliasFonts=True OutlineFonts=False DisplayBackgroundImage=True SnapBrightness=120 MusicPlayList=C:\Music MusicVolume=100 MediaCenterMode=2 PlayIntroSound=True AttractModeTimer=4 AttractModeAudio=2 UsingArcadeVGA=False StretchResToX=640 StretchResToY=288 TryToStretchto256=True NoWaitVSync=False Sleep=True HideUpdateList=False DisableExit=False HideShutDown=False StartUpVideo=C:\Video LaunchOnStart= LaunchOnStartNoWait= LaunchOnExit= LaunchOnExitNoWait= FontSize=0 VectorResX=632 VectorResY=264 AlwaysStretch=410x256 DisableEscape=True DisableRemoveGame=False theme=Space Invaders Language=English flatstartpage=False DontSwitchRes=True SnapDelay=4 AllowWindowResize=True ShowLoadingScreen=False Use16BitColour=False Widescreen=False DisableMAME=False ShellBeforeLaunch= ShellOnExit= EnableJukeBox=True jukeboxplaylist=Live! (CD1) EnableMediaControls=True ShufflePlayLists=True LoadPlayListAtStartup=False LoadPlayListThread=False DownloadArt=True TitleFont=Trebuchet MS DialogTextWhite=False TimeFormat=True HideToolBar=2 DoNotFilterROMS=pacman;splatter;;280zzzap;;alibaba;;ace;;attackfc;;banbam;;batmanfr;;bballoon;;bbprot;;beaminv;;birdtry;;bishjan;;bnstars1;;bowl3d;;boxer;;brdrline;;bullsdrt;;cannonbp;;cannonb2;;carpolo;;catacomb;;catchp;;catnmous;;claybust;;clayshoo;;couple;;crazyfgt;;cyclemb;;dacholer;;dai3wksi;;dealer;;demndrgn;;destroyr;;digger;;dorachan;;dribling;;dwarfd;;eggor;;embargo;;fcombat;;fghthist;;fgoal;;fireone;;fireshrk;;fitfight;;flyball;;fmaniac3;;galxwars;;ghox;;glfgreat;;goindol;;gunchamp;;hachamf;;hapytour;;headoni;;heiankyo;;histryma;;hrdtimes;;igmo;;invrvnge;;jongkyo;;josvolly;;kdynastg;;kickgoal;;kngtmare;;koikoi;;kong;;kov;;kovplus;;lagunar;;laserbat;;lastbank;;lastfght;;ltcasino;;luckgrln;;luctoday;;magodds;;marinedt;;mastkin;;mgolf;;mightguy;;minferno;;moguchan;;mpoker;;msisaac;;murogem;;ncv2;;ninjemak;;nsub;;olibochu;;onna34ro;;othello;;panther;;pipeline;;portrait;;ppcar;;primrage;;ptrmj;;quartet;;quiz365;;quizmstr;;quizrd12;;quizrd17;;quizrd18;;quizrd22;;quizrd23;;quizrd34;;redclash;;roadriot;;rockduck;;rtriv;;rumba;;safari;;salmndr2;;samurai;;sbasebal;;sexyboom;;sflush;;shpeng;;skychut;;skydest;;spacbeam;;spaceg;;spaceint;;spacetrk;;spcfrcii;;spclaser;;spclforc;;speedfrk;;spfghmk2;;spotty;;ssfindo;;sshot;;ssingles;;sspacaho;;sspaceat;;sspeedr;;ssrj;;sstingry;;sstrangr;;stactics;;streetg2;;strvmstr;;suchipi;;superbon;;superwng;;targeth;;tceptor;;tekipaki;;timefgtr;;tjsb;;tmek;;tomcatsw;;touryuu;;tranqgun;;tturf;;twcup98;;vimana;;warpsped;;wbeachvl;;wink;;winspike;;xfiles;;zerohour;pacman;splatter;bublbobl;simpsons2p2;tmnt2po;tmnt22pu;ssridersabd;xmen2pa; MAMEAudioMode=1 DisplayTitle=True AVIAudio=True MarqueePath=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\marquees PanelPath=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\cpanel TitlePath=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\titles ICONPath=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\icons CPEnabled=False CPPATH=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149\ini\controls.ini ShowVector=False ShowNeoGeo=False ShowOriginal=False ShowAdult=False ShowCPS=False ShowVertical=False ShowHorizontal=False EnableFavorites=True ShowMulti=True ShowAllMAME=True ShowLastGame=True ShowRandomGame=True ShowListNumbers=True AlphaBlendVideos=True EnableSound=True MediaCenterOpenCheck=true UseSharp=True CreateImageOnThread=False HideCreateSnaps=True HideLogoff=True HideStandBy=True DisableMouse=False ShowVideos=False VideoPath= EnableAlphaPage=True EnableJoystick=True EnableSlikStik=True KeyboardDirectInput=True NoMahjong=True VIDEOFFDSHOW=0 JoystickDevice= EnableCustomInput=True EnableCustomJoyInput=True AttractVideosEnabled=True AttractVideosRatio=1 AttractVideosPath=C:\Video AtractModeNewGameTimer=2 AdvancedGFX=True HideZinc=False TransitionType=0 Bypass=True DontBlitWait=False ShowMostPlayed=True excludedmameroms=;lostwsga;;cybertnk; DeadZoneX=0 DeadZoneY=0 JukeBoxMode=2 EnableAmbiance=False HIDEDESKTOP=True UseSnapBestMatch=true IngameVK=121|122 EnableThemePicker=True DisablePleaseWaitAnimation=True EnableRipCD=False DumbyValue= DVDPath=G:\ AttractOnlyFavs=False rotateplus90=False ShowButtons=False DisplayTitleText=True PlayExitSaverSound=False ShowAtari=False ShowGolden=True ShowHorizVert=0 UseModel2=False Model2PATH=C:\Emulators\Model2 ShowModel2=False ShowLightGun=False EnableBezel=False autoupdate=1 NoMAMEOnStartPage=False HideRestart=False EnableStartScreenSaver=True SortMAMEThE=True SortEmuThE=True ShowMCEEXport=True NoRotationRestrictions=False MakeToolbarTextWhite=False ExitGameAfter=0 ShowTrackball=True ShowSpinner=True LoadEmusOnThread=True LoadRadioOnThread=False StartPageAni=True EmusAttractMode=False MuteEmuAttractMode=False Show4Player=False CabControlFriendly=False ManualPath= HideShowTaskbar=True CustomMAMEFolderPath= MAMEFavoritesini= MenuFontSameSize=False PreviewVideos=2 ShowStatistics=True DisableMouseWheel=False ErrorReporting=0 ReduceCPU=True ShowNotPlayed=True ShowOnlineLists=False ScreensaverMode=0 AttractText=Touch screen to start... 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URL_7=http://www.spesoft.com/news.xml URL_8=http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?app=core&module=global§ion=rss&type=forums&id=1 URL_9=http://www.hulu.com/feed/highest_rated/videos URL_10=http://www.hulu.com/feed/popular/videos/this_week URL_11=http://www.hulu.com/feed/recent/movies URL_12= URL_13= URL_14= URL_15= URL_16= URL_17= URL_18= URL_19= URL_20= URL_21= URL_22= URL_23= URL_24= URL_25= URL_26= URL_27= URL_28= URL_29= URL_30= Enabled=True URL_31= URL_32= URL_33= URL_34= URL_35= URL_36= [radio] RadioEnabled=True Enabled_5=True Name_5=Kohina - old school game & demo URL_5=http://acamar.org:8000/listen.pls Enabled_6=False Name_6=Bangkok Radio URL_6= Enabled_7=True Name_7=Kohina - Fresh Tracks URL_7=http://anka.org:8080/fresh.ogg.m3u Enabled_4=False Name_4=Delta Uno URL_4=http://www.deltauno.it/home/delta1.asx Enabled_1=False Name_1= URL_1= Enabled_2= Name_2= URL_2= Enabled_3= Name_3= URL_3= Enabled_8= Name_8= URL_8= Enabled_9= Name_9= URL_9= Enabled_10= Name_10= URL_10= Enabled_11= Name_11= URL_11= Enabled_12= Name_12= URL_12= Enabled_13= Name_13= URL_13= Enabled_14= Name_14= URL_14= Enabled_15= Name_15= URL_15= Enabled_16= Name_16= URL_16= Enabled_17= Name_17= URL_17= Enabled_18= Name_18= URL_18= Enabled_19= Name_19= URL_19= Enabled_20= Name_20= URL_20= Enabled_21=False Name_21=Capital Gold URL_21=mms://ms1.capitalinteractive.co.uk/gold_high Enabled_22=True Name_22=Slay Radio URL_22= Name_23=XFM URL_23=http://rope.icgo.fimc.net/staticweb/onair_players/onair_xfm_abacast/player/onair_xfm.asx Enabled_23=False Name_24=Radio Woodstock URL_24=http://nick8.surfernetwork.com/Media/RWST.asx Enabled_25=True Name_25=Club 977 Alternative URL_25=http://www.977alt.com/977alt.asx Enabled_26=True Name_26=Radio Paradise URL_26=http://www.changeip.com/radio/rp_128.asx Enabled_27=True Name_27=Hitz Radio URL_27=http://www.hitzradio.com/hitzradio.asx Enabled_28=True Name_28=Club 977 URL_28=http://www.club977.com/club977.asx Enabled_29=True Name_29=9412 Rock Station URL_29=http://www.9412.com/9412.asx Enabled_30=True Name_30=Power Hitz URL_30=http://www.powerhitz.com/powerhitz.asx Enabled_31=True Name_31=Radio Wazee URL_31=http://www.wazee.org/128.asx Enabled_32=True Name_32=The Edge Radio URL_32=http://mfkrboard.com/edgeradio/edge.m3u Enabled_33=True Name_33=WFUV 90.7 FM Public Radio URL_33=http://www.wfuv.org/wfuvlive.asx Enabled_34=False Name_34=Pirate Radio URL_34=http://www.loudcity.net/Portals/0/LCPlayLists/90/123.asx Enabled_35=True Name_35=EYE 97 URL_35=http://www.loudcity.net/Portals/0/LCPlayLists/157/eye97.asx Enabled_36=True Name_36=Hit Music Station URL_36=http://www.hitmusicstation.net/ecoute_haut_debit.m3u Name_37=Radio IO 80's URL_37=http://radioio.sc.llnwd.net:8240 Enabled_24= Enabled_37=False Enabled_80=True Url_80=FAVREMOVE Enabled_81=True Url_81=FAVREMOVE Enabled_82=True Url_82=FAVREMOVE Enabled_83=True Url_83=FAVREMOVE enabled_84=True name_84=radioio.com : 80s New Wave url_84=http://www.shoutcast.com/sbin/shoutcast-playlist.pls?rn=1269943&file=filename.pls Enabled_85= Name_85= Url_85= Enabled_38=True Name_38=C64.COM's SID Stream URL_38=http://www.c64.com/sid.m3u [htmlapplications] Enabled_1=True URL_1=http://10foot.cbuenger.com/mceWeather/index.php?start=1〈=2 Name_1=Weather Logo_1=Weather MouseEmu_1=False Enabled_2=True URL_2=http://gameex.net Name_2=GameEx homepage Logo_2= MouseEmu_2=False Enabled_3=False URL_3=http://10foot.cbuenger.com/mceWeather/index.php?start=1〈=2 Name_3=Weather Logo_3=Weather MouseEmu_3=True Enabled_4=False URL_4= Name_4= Logo_4= MouseEmu_4=True Enabled_5=False URL_5= Name_5= Logo_5= MouseEmu_5=True Enabled_6=False URL_6= Name_6= Logo_6= MouseEmu_6=True UseHTMLApps=True Hide_2=False Hide_3= Hide_4=True Hide_5= [externalapplications] Enabled_99=True Name_99=Configuration Path_99=[apppath] CMD_99=GameExConfig.exe Snap_99=GameExText ShowDesktop_99=True MapKeys_99=False WaitBeforeKeys_99= SendKeys_99= Enabled_2=False Name_2=Notepad Path_2=c:\windows CMD_2=notepad.exe Snap_2=GameExText ShowDesktop_2=True MapKeys_2=True WaitBeforeKeys_2= SendKeys_2= Enabled_3=False Name_3=Mad Dog McCree Path_3=G:\Mad_Dog_mcCree CMD_3=G:\Mad_Dog_mcCree\mdm.exe Snap_3=GameExText ShowDesktop_3=True MapKeys_3=True WaitBeforeKeys_3=4000 SendKeys_3=F Enabled_1=False name_1=Close And Restart GameEx path_1=G:\-DATA-\-MY PROJECTS-\GameEx - VB.net\bin cmd_1=CloseAndRestartGameEx.bat snap_1= showdesktop_1=True mapkeys_1=True WaitBeforeKeys_1=d SendKeys_1= Enabled_4=False name_4= path_4= cmd_4= snap_4= showdesktop_4=True mapkeys_4=True WaitBeforeKeys_4= SendKeys_4= Enabled_5=False name_5= path_5= cmd_5= snap_5= showdesktop_5=True mapkeys_5=True WaitBeforeKeys_5= SendKeys_5= Enabled_6=False name_6= path_6= cmd_6= snap_6= showdesktop_6=True mapkeys_6=True WaitBeforeKeys_6= SendKeys_6= Enabled_7=False name_7= path_7= cmd_7= snap_7= showdesktop_7=True mapkeys_7=True WaitBeforeKeys_7= SendKeys_7= Enabled_8=False name_8= path_8= cmd_8= snap_8= showdesktop_8=True mapkeys_8=True WaitBeforeKeys_8= SendKeys_8= Enabled_9=False name_9= path_9= cmd_9= snap_9= showdesktop_9=True mapkeys_9=True WaitBeforeKeys_9= SendKeys_9= Enabled_10=False name_10= path_10= cmd_10= snap_10= showdesktop_10=True mapkeys_10=True WaitBeforeKeys_10= SendKeys_10= Enabled_11=False name_11= path_11= cmd_11= snap_11= showdesktop_11=True mapkeys_11=True WaitBeforeKeys_11= SendKeys_11= Enabled_12=False name_12= path_12= cmd_12= snap_12= showdesktop_12=True mapkeys_12=True WaitBeforeKeys_12= SendKeys_12= Enabled_13=False name_13= path_13= cmd_13= snap_13= showdesktop_13=True mapkeys_13=True WaitBeforeKeys_13= SendKeys_13= Enabled_14=False name_14= path_14= cmd_14= snap_14= showdesktop_14=True mapkeys_14=True WaitBeforeKeys_14= SendKeys_14= Enabled_15=False name_15= path_15= cmd_15= snap_15= showdesktop_15=True mapkeys_15=True WaitBeforeKeys_15= SendKeys_15= Enabled_16=False name_16= path_16= cmd_16= snap_16= showdesktop_16=True mapkeys_16=True WaitBeforeKeys_16= SendKeys_16= Enabled_17= name_17= path_17= cmd_17= snap_17= showdesktop_17= mapkeys_17= WaitBeforeKeys_17= SendKeys_17= Enabled_18= name_18= path_18= cmd_18= snap_18= showdesktop_18= mapkeys_18= WaitBeforeKeys_18= SendKeys_18= Enabled_19= name_19= path_19= cmd_19= snap_19= showdesktop_19= mapkeys_19= WaitBeforeKeys_19= SendKeys_19= Enabled_20= name_20= path_20= cmd_20= snap_20= showdesktop_20= mapkeys_20= WaitBeforeKeys_20= SendKeys_20= Enabled_21= name_21= path_21= cmd_21= snap_21= showdesktop_21= mapkeys_21= WaitBeforeKeys_21= SendKeys_21= Enabled_22= name_22= path_22= cmd_22= snap_22= showdesktop_22= mapkeys_22= WaitBeforeKeys_22= SendKeys_22= Enabled_24= name_24= path_24= cmd_24= snap_24= showdesktop_24= mapkeys_24= WaitBeforeKeys_24= SendKeys_24= Enabled_25= name_25= path_25= cmd_25= snap_25= showdesktop_25= mapkeys_25= WaitBeforeKeys_25= SendKeys_25= EmulateMouse_1=-1 EmulateMouse_2=-1 EmulateMouse_3=3 EmulateMouse_4= EmulateMouse_5= EmulateMouse_6= EmulateMouse_7= EmulateMouse_8= EmulateMouse_9= EmulateMouse_10= EmulateMouse_11= EmulateMouse_12= EmulateMouse_13= EmulateMouse_14= EmulateMouse_15= EmulateMouse_16= EmulateMouse_17= EmulateMouse_18= EmulateMouse_19= EmulateMouse_20= EmulateMouse_21= EmulateMouse_22= EmulateMouse_24= EmulateMouse_25=-1 LaunchBefore_16= LaunchAfter_16= AlsoLaunch_16= LaunchBefore_17= LaunchAfter_17= LaunchBefore_1= HelpText_1= [text] mameCHDlist=CHD mameCHDstart=MAME CHD Games steamlist=Steam steamstart=Steam Games uplaylist=Uplay uplaystart=Uplay Games originlist=Origin originstart=Origin Games banner=Banner Downloading=Downloading Seeking=Seeking Download=Download PlayBluRay=Play Blu Ray GetMetaData=Get MetaData Touch_Help_1=Control is located at bottom of screen. Touch_Help_2=Continuously tap bottom right for credits and top right to start. Touch_Help_3=Controls are located bottom and middle of screen. Touch_Help_4=Control is located at bottom of screen. GameExArcadeStart=Arcade GameExArcadeList=Arcade RipDVD=Rip DVD SearchMusic=Search Music Dialog_RippingCD=Ripping CD Dialog_PleaseWait=Please Wait Dialog_ScanningFolders=Scanning Folders Dialog_ScanningFiles=Scanning Files Dialog_LoadingDatabases=Loading Databases Dialog_LoadingSettings=Loading Settings Status_ListUpdated=List Updated Status_FavRemoved=Removed from favorites Status_FavAdded=Added to favorites Status_ItemRemoved=Item removed Status_NextTrack=Next track Status_PreviousTrack=Previous track Status_Pause=Pause Status_play=Play Status_AddedToQ=Added to queue Status_NetPlayReq=Requested NetPlay Status_NetPlayCan=Cancelled NetPlay YouTube=YouTube News=News SearchYouTube=Search YouTube RequestNetPlay=Request NetPlay CancelNetPlay=Cancel NetPlay Request MAMENetPlayStart=MAME NetPlay NetPlayList=NetPlay Accept=Accept Now=Now Next=Next GameMusic=Game Music TVAdvert=TV Advert Commands=Commands RecordVideo=Record Video ResumeGame=Resume Game ExitGame=Exit Game InGame=In Game Stopped=Stopped Play=Play ResumeDVD=Resume DVD NoItems=- NO ITEMS FOUND - Hibernate=Hibernate MenuMore=More AllGamesStart=All Games AllGamesList=All Games NotAvailable=Not Available HiScore=High Score GetLyrics=Get Lyrics OtherSystems=Other Systems OpenMedia=Open Media Biography=Biography MenuView=Change View MenuBack=Back MenuExit=Exit MenuHome=Home LastPlayedList=Last Played LastPlayedStart=Last Played SEARCHTITLE=Enter criteria then select menu SEARCHTITLE2=Press select to release cursor SearchList=Search SearchStart=Search SearchMedia=Search Media SearchJukebox=Search Jukebox Items=Items MediaPlayerStart=Library MediaPlayerList=Library NoMediaFound=- NO MEDIA FOUND - eBookViewerStart=eBooks eBookViewerList=eBooks Artwork=Artwork PCB=PCB Statistics=Statistics InsertCD=Insert CD: SearchGames=Search Games GameManual=Manual PlayStation=Playstation mame2simlist=2 Players mame2simstart=2 Player Simultaneous mame4simlist=4 Players mame4simstart=4 Player Simultaneous MCEEXPORT=Export To MCE StartScreenSaver=Start Screensaver Visualize=Visualize SelectVisualize=Select Visualization About1=Windows Emulator Front End and HTPC About2=Written By: About3=For Latest Version, please visit: byalbum=By Album byartistalbum=By Artist/Album byartist=By Artist bycat=By Category bygenre=By Genre bymanu=By Manufacturer bysys=By System byname=By Name bytitle=By Title byyear=By Year Selectplaylist=Play list / More createsnaps=Create Snaps CreateSnaps1A=You are about to create snap shots or videos for every game in the [EMULATOR] Games List. This option can be removed from GameEx, by enabling the Hide Create Snaps option in the configuration. CreateSnaps2=You should be aware this is a lengthy process CreateSnaps3=With your current settings it is estimated that it will take at least: CreateSnaps4=[MINUTES] Minutes to complete this process if you use a 20 second pause between snaps. CreateSnaps5=You should also be warned that the SNAP shots will be saved in the SNAP Path defined for this emulator CreateSnaps6=This process is not recommended on Windows 98 CreateSnaps7=To exit this process once run HOLD down ESCAPE. CreateSnaps8=Do you want to proceed? Exit=Exit GameEx HTMLPleaseWait=Please Wait IsUpdatingList=GameEx is updating the MAME game list: jukelist=Jukebox jukestart=Jukebox Karaokelist=Karaoke Karaokestart=Karaoke StartKaraoke=Start Karaoke Player LaaunchingGame=Launching: laserlist=Laserdisc laserstart=Laserdisc Games logoff=Log Off favlist=Favorites favstart=Favorites mamealllist=MAME Games mameallstart=All MAME Games mamecpslist=CPS Games mamecpsstart=CPS Games mameAtarilist=Atari Games mameAtaristart=Atari Games mameGunlist=Lightgun mameGunstart=Lightgun Games mameTrackballlist=Trackball mameTrackballstart=Trackball Games mameSpinnerlist=Spinner mameSpinnerstart=Spinner Games mameModel2list=Model 2 mameModel2start=Sega Model 2 Games mameGoldenlist=Golden Era mameGoldenstart=Golden Era Of Arcade mameneolist=Neo-Geo mameNEostart=Neo-Geo Games mamemultilist=MAME Multiplay mamemultistart=MAME Multiplayer Games mamevectorlist=MAME Vector mamevectorstart=MAME Vector Games Of=of shutdown=Turn Off System standby=Stand By System Restart=Restart System Start=Start.. updatelist=Update List UpdatingList=Updating Game List: UpdatingPleaseWait=Please Wait...... videoslist=Videos videostart=Videos LaunchingGame=Launching Game: PlayThisGame=Play This Game Recommended=Recommended Games: Series=Games in Series: Title=Title Flyer=Flyer Cabinet=Cabinet Cabinet3d=3D Cabinet Panel=Panel Box=Box Cartridge=Cartridge Marquee=Marquee FavoritesAdd=Add To Favorites FavoritesRemove=Remove From Favorites NoVideosFound=- NO VIDEOS FOUND - NoPicturesFound=- NO PICTURES FOUND - NoMusicFound=- NO MUSIC FOUND - NoArtistsFound=- NO ARTISTS FOUND - NoAlbumsFound=- NO ALBUMS FOUND - NoGenresFound=- NO GENRES FOUND - NoGamesFound=- NO GAMES FOUND - NoStationsFound=- NO STATIONS FOUND - NoNewsFound=- NO NEWS FOUND - CannotCreateSnaps1=Cannot Create Snaps CannotCreateSnaps2=Emulator '[EMULATOR]' Does not have a valid Snap path, so Snaps cannot be created. Setup a valid snap path in the configuration and try again. ViewControls=View Controls Instructions=Instructions ViewControlsKey=Press '[KEY]' to view in game. AllMusic=All Music ClearCurrentPlaylist=Clear Current Playlist ShufflePlaylist=Shuffle Current Playlist PlayLastGame=Last MAME Game ViewSlideShow=View Slide Show Pictures=Pictures Radio=Radio PlayDVD=Play DVD PlayCD=Play CD DVDonDiskStart=DVDs DVDonDiskList=DVDs Demo=Demo: Playing=Playing: MAMEOriginal=MAME Original Games MAMEOriginallist=Originals MAMEAdult=MAME Adult Games MAMEAdultlist=Adult ClearAndQueueAll=Clear and Queue All AddAndQueueAll=Add all to Queue RandomGame=Play Random Game StartMAME=MAME StartApps=More Games & Programs StartEMU=Emulated Games StartControl=Exit/Shutdown StartMedia=Multimedia ListMAME=MAME ListApps=Games & Apps ListEMU=Games ListControl=Exit ListMedia=Media TimesPlayed=Times Played LastPlayed=Last Played DeleteFavs=Delete Favorites DeleteMost=Delete Most Played Chapter=Chapter Aspect=Aspect Aspect0=Original Aspect - Not Zoomed Aspect4=Widescreen on 4:3 - Stretched Aspect5=Fill Screen Aspect3a=Widescreen to 4:3 - Zoomed Aspect3b=Letterbox to Widescreen - Zoomed Aspect2=Original Aspect - Zoomed Aspect1a=Widescreen to 4:3 - Shrunk Aspect1b=4:3 to Widescreen - Stretched Paused=Paused PlayVideo=Play Video ResumeVideo=Resume Video RestartVideo=Restart Video VideoQueue=Play All QueueAllRandom=Play Randomly More=More.. MostPlayed=Most Played MostPlayedList=Most Played VariousArtists=Various Artists ConfirmDialog1=Select To Confirm. ConfirmDialog2=Back To Cancel. RemoveGame=Remove Game? LocalDisk=Local Disk SystemDisk=System Disk CDDVD=CD/DVD Drive NetworkDrive=Network Drive RamDisk=Ram Disk FloppyDisk=Floppy Disk RemovableDisk=Removable Disk UpdateGameList=Update List? VideoQueueAll= playstationstart=Playstation themepickerlist=Themes themepickerstart=Theme Picker playstationlist=Playstation mameVertList=Vertical mameVertStart=MAME Vertical Games mameHorizlist=Horizontal mameHorizstart=MAME Horizontal Games mamenotplayedlist=Not Played mamenotplayedstart=MAME Not Played mamemawslist=Live - MAWS mameMAWSstart=Live - MAWS Hall Of Fame mameGameExlist=Live - GameEx mameGamEexstart=Live - GameEx Favorites ripcd=Rip CD ripthiscd=Rip This CD Now cantrip=- No CD, Invalid CD, or no CDDB data - ViewPlaylist=View Playlist KaraokAllSongs=All Songs KaraokaMode1Click=Instant Play Mode KaraokaModeQueue=Queue Mode KaraokePlaylist=View/Edit Playlist KaraokeStartMenu=Start Karaoke mammodel2list= CreateSnaps1=You are about to create snap shots for every game in the [EMULATOR] Games List. NoeBooksFound=- NO EBOOKS FOUND - QueueAll=Queue All TV=TV NetFlix=NetFlix SearchNetFlix=Search NetFlix [favorites] ReplaceDash=True ReplaceUnder=True Capitals=True RemoveBrackets=True [dvrms] DVRFFDSHOW=0 CODEC= [atractmodenewgametimer] When in attract mode start a new random game or video each time this value is reached.=2 [attractvideospath] The folder your videos are located.=L:\GameAds [gameextender] RemoteGameExLocation=\\workstation1\g$\-DATA-\-MY PROJECTS-\GameEx - VB.net\bin Enabled=False Windowed=False DisplayOnSecondary=False RemoteExtenderLocation=G:\-DATA-\-MY PROJECTS-\GameEx - VB.net\bin IPADDRESS= Port=8383 RefreshRate=20 SysUserName=Al-Dub Username=User33549 ComputerName=AL-DUBS-PC Publish=False UserInfo= GameExtenderCustomImage=False GameExtenderImageNotFound= [gameextenderviewer] Server= PORT=8383 DisplayOnSecondary=False RefreshRate=7 StartWithGameEx=False ExitWithGameEx=False Windowed=False [karaoke] Enabled=False Path=C:\Karaoke mode=False [arcadesoundplugin] Volume=8 [emulator_] SelectionMusicFolder=C:\Music [ebook] Enabled=False Paths=C:\eBooks Quality=0 fittopage=False [mediaplayer] Enabled=False AudioMode=0 [cpwizard] CPWizardEnable=False CPWizardPath=C:\Program Files\CPWizard\CPWizard.exe CPWizardStarted=True CPWizardStartup=True EnableExternalPlayer=False UseWMPWMV= CMD= [advkeyboard] Forward=60 Rewind=61 PageUp=62 PageDown=63 VolumeDown=64 VolumeUp=65 Stop=66 Play=67 [cursorhider] DoNotHide= DoNotHideInGameEX=False [defaultpaths] EmuPath1=C:\Emulators AssetPath1=C:\Assets RomPath1=C:\Roms Enabled=False [gamebase] Enabled=False Path= MapBack=False ShowDesktop=True [dvdrip] Format=MP4 DVDRIPFOLDER=C:\DVD RIPS Profile=Normal CUSTOMCMD= [gameexarcade] Enabled=False [touchscreen] Touchscreen_Enabled=False Touchscreen_HidePointer=True TouchScreen_ShowHelpScreens=True TouchScreen_SingleClick=True TouchScreen_OnlyCompatibleGames=False TouchScreen_CheckForExit=True TouchScreen_SendCredit=True TouchScreen_ShowMouseAnimations=True [laststatus] specialfilter= oldspecialfilter= curemulator=0 listtype=0 curbak=bak maxgames=2341 gamename= [steam] LaunchBefore= LaunchAfter= Enabled=False [mappeddrives_1] UNCPATH=\\Nasusa\roms_mint Drive=R [uplay] Enabled=False UPlayEnabled=False LaunchBefore= [origin] Enabled=False OriginEnabled=False [login] Enabled=True [netflix] Enabled=False [iNTERNAL] currentstation= VGenre=--- OPTIMIZED=0 version=13.32 timesruncount=1 startpagethumbscount=24 selectedgame=1 gamelisttop=1 windowed=False lastglaunchlist=0 glaunchlistselected_0=1 glaunchlisttop_0=1 viewalbumtype=0 catfilter= manufilter= yearfilter= listtype=8 emulator=0 yearlisttop=1 catlisttop=1 namelisttop=1 manulisttop=1 yearselectedgame=1 catselectedgame=1 manuselectedgame=1 nameselectedgame=1 romname=berabohm romname2=berabohm specialfilter= currentstationurl= donemenulistviewinitialchange2=true mameexe=mame.exe mamepath=A:\MAME Master Folder\Mame 0.149 mamefilemodified=6/11/2013 12:09:59 PM mamefilesize=78017536 mamepromptupdate=False mameis32bit=True bezelversion=3 mameversion=0.149 mamevideolists_reset18_mameall=False mamevideolists_lastmodified_mameall=12/27/2014 6:05:16 PM mamevideolists_lastmodifiedlist_mameall=1/22/2015 1:16:58 PM mamevideolists_list_mameall=berabohm.mp4 mamevideolists_reset18_original=False [CachedImages] res=2073600 bakres=2073600 [CachedImagesMenuFont] res=0 [CachedImagesGameFont] res=2073600 [CachedImagesGameFontFaded] res=2073600 [CachedImages3d] themedir=\themes\Space Invaders\MEDIA\ titlefontres=2073600 titlefont=Impact titlefontstyle=0 titlefontsize=20 outlinefonts=True use16bitcolour=False gradienttitlefont=False lowercasetitlefont=False antialiasfonts=False windowed=False [setupWizard] EmuPath1=C:\Emulators AssetPath1=C:\Assets RomPath1=C:\Roms DefaultPathPrompt=True DownloadDatabasePrompt=True DownloadEmulatorPrompt=True WizardMode=2 CustomArray=Display Settings|Input Settings|MAME Settings|Enable / Disable Features SearchArray= SavePosition=False SectionIndex=39 SearchText= EmulatorIndex=0 EmulatorGroupIndex=0 DaphneIndex=0 HTMLAppsIndex=0 ExternalAppsIndex=0 RadioStationsIndex=0 NewsFeedsIndex=0 MappedDrivesIndex=0 SystemIndex=0 ShowPanel=True FontSize=1 WindowState=0 WindowSize=979,651 WindowLocation=248,158 [list_SETTINGS_8] displaybackgroundimage=True displaybackgroundimageemu=False displaystartpagemenuimage=False displaystartpagemenuimage2=False displaystartpagelistnotforcebaksnap=False displayimagelist=True [Weather] Enabled=False
  21. As always, thanks for all advice. So heres my current status.. I took my 149 roms, ran them through clrmamepro, and cleaned them up as much as i can, or think i can lol. So i now suspect i have a pretty clean full 149 folder of roms. Now, im going to use rom lister to sort out what games i want, which usually gives me about 5,000+ roms. Heres a few questions. Should i let romlister remove the clones? or should i utilize gameex's no clone options? Would it be better to feed gameex a large list, or perhaps even the WHOLE folder and let gameex clean it up with filters and such? Or is gameex' ability not that thorough on the rom filter end. When "no clones unless better" is used, will that add the clone to the list along with the parent? or will it just use the better clone if i use romlister to remove clones, am i at risk of losing a lot of games? I remember someone saying certain games can be lost doing this. If you were me and had a folder of 18,000 .149 roms, with romlister and gameex, what would YOU do next to whittle down the list of games and get a clean list working. I know filtering japan for instance can remove a lot of good games. Hypothetically, if i had a folder of filtered games, couldnt i point gameex to that folder, and disable all the filters and options since that folder has all the games i do want? Im hitting a lot of weird road blocks getting a clean list. best next steps after cleaning my master rom folder? EDIT: This is my reading after clrmamepro runs. All of the roms that show up x'ed or with errors are games i dont care about.. Lots of megatouch and such, so from what i see, nothing i care about it showing as an error, but according to this as i understand, im missing like half the correct sets? Missing·Sets 10293/28662·ROMs 36921/213880·CHDs -/645·Samples -/4171·Bytes 35gb/152gb
  22. the problem is, i'm a perfectionist about things. Ive done research and now see that a majority of people dont bother with the chd games, or just grab the few chds they will need. The ocd in me makes me need to have a perfect set, but i think i will bypass that. Drive space is no issue whatsoever. I just got lucky and found a complete chd package for 149 in a single grab. Im going to research a chd game list and see what i actually even want, but have a question. Do any roms borrow from chds like roms/clones do or samples for instance? Meaning, will one chd folder ever be used by more than 1 game? Or can i literally just grab the handful of chds i want for specific games and be on my way
  23. Hey guys.. thanks for the advice. First off, yes i absolutely have an untouched folder of the .149 and associated files so i will always have that to fall back on. And while im basically focused on the classics, this pc and cabinet was built to be a beast, so id like the latest and greatest games available.. Im gonna go ahead and see what i can pull together as far as updating, and we'll see how it goes.
  24. Im sorry if this is in the wrong forum. It pertains to gameex as gameex looks for proper name for gamelisting. thanks for the constant support. As i constantly nail down the final issues of my new cabinet, having a good working rom list is one of the last but most important things. And im running into some issues. im pretty well versed in this hobby and know more than the average, but id like some opinions and advice A while back i obtained a FULL folder of mame .149 roms, chds, artwork etc. This was when i didnt really grasp the idea of rom naming and such to be an issue.. Anyways, the rom folder it self contains about 18,000 roms, (obviously split sets or clones, hacks, etc).. At the time again not understanding proper rom name changing, i acquired a few update packs to update my roms to a more current mame version, and since i was stupid at the time, i basically just copied the new roms into my old roms folder assuming the new ones would replace the old named roms.. but apparently thats not how it works, as clrmamepro is made to take the info of the new roms and adjust the old roms accordingly for the new mame. That just left me with my original folder, plus some new roms just floating around in there. Ive begun dabbling with clr mame pro, but am still lost on a few things. So rather than ask for another walk through of clrmame, ill ask this. How many major changes have been added since mame .149, and if you were me, would u suggest saving all that time of updating my art, roms and chds? or should i just stick to 149 now? I dont know how many names change and such, so for all i know its a minor change. But as i said, assuming i have a complete collection of .149 files, should i just stick to that and save myself headaches? Or would you be encouraged to properly download/update all of that stuff. I have a paid membership to emumovies so i assume getting new artwork shouldnt be the biggest problem. So please, give me a little hardcore schooling on rom functions, their name changes per version updates, and anything else that would make this make more sense to me. I cant get a clean working complete rom list for the life of me, and only now realize it could be because im running a new version of mame, with 149 roms. Clrmamepro has become a little easier for me, but i dont understand if i should updating 1 version at a time (ie: 149-150 then 150-151). Also i dont know if i should be using the dat that im updating to? or the dat corresponding to the version i already have. i dont wanna bug people for clrmame tutorials as im sure happens so id like direction on what to do moving forward from a complete 149 setup
  25. I cannot offer any assistance as this is beyond my expertise. But i will say it seems you added a lot of work on your end to achieve what a lot of front ends or emulators are made to do now a days. Or maybe im wrong, scripting and such was always beyond me. Gameex itself offers alot of options for music play, video screen savers and such. Im impressed by what you did as i wish i could, but from my perspective, that was a lot of unnecessary manual labor. Although some of your settings seem very specific such as the adult music and such. But I believe that can be done in front ends as well. With that being said, if you basically just need to run your own program through gameex, i believe it can be achieved and im sure someone will be able to help you using script launching, or other features within gameex, as it may need some custom settings to run. If you mainly need to skin, there are many themes available, as well as a theme maker. I found editing existing themes can be pretty easy with trial and error. Cheers on the build though! I would like to steer you towards becoming a gameex member, the program is top notch, and the support is beyond fantastic
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