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Everything posted by mrserv0n

  1. I finally got mine working, careful to anyone who uses one of the xmls posted on this forum because Fantastic Four has an extra comma included in the NL ini that causes it to not function correctly. I had chosen to use that one originally because south park was already added into it, the one on the support page is outdated. Great software
  2. Hi Guys, I am adding a C64 collection to Gameex. My problem is the file names are different for the Snaps and game titles for example GAME NAME : ABOULDER.D64 SCREENSHOT NAME: A-Boulder_64.png Now is there an option somewhere for gameex to maybe link keywords as opposed to having the EXACT name for both screen shot and game title? I have like 1000+ Commadore games, I cannot rename all these and its a total bummer not having the screenshots or videos to look at when browsing through them all. Any suggestions? And if gameex does not support some kind of advanced naming matchup , maybe if its possible it could be added since I know this is a problem many have struggled with. Thanks
  3. Hi I think this is done in clrmamepro. Anyone know how to print a roms list like this where it says the title of the rom then the name of the game? When I try to see my "HAVE LIST" in clrmame it just says 005 10yard etc with no description of it after. You have 8003 of 8003 known mame 32 sets (+ BIOS sets) 005 | "005" 10yard | "10-Yard Fight (World)" 10yardj | "10-Yard Fight (Japan)" 11beat | "Eleven Beat" 1941 | "1941 - Counter Attack (World)" 1941j | "1941 - Counter Attack (Japan)" 1942 | "1942 (Revision " 1942a | "1942 (Revision A)" 1942b | "1942 (First Version)" 1942w | "1942 (Williams Electronics license)" 1943 | "1943: The Battle of Midway (US)" Thanks
  4. bkenobi is right. Since mame wont utilize really anything besides your cpu you will need to use zinc to run most chd titles. In order to run a chd game like blitz it can be done but the specs entail a overclocked quad core to 3+ghz. If you don't have that in your machine stick to the n64 rom
  5. Well you shouldnt see performance issues at all with that setup. You could try turning off 3d alpha blended video and run it at 2D and see if you can tell... Ive run gameex with 3d alpha blended at much worse specs, like an athlon 4000+ with 1gb ram and no video card like butter. Its not a graphically demanding program so I think your problem might lie with a hardware/windows/driver issue rather than gameex itself. Also there is a sticky if you havent seen it, try these tips Dont have your MAME game picture images, snaps etc in ZIPS. This really slows it down at the moment. 2. Check your Audio driver. I just upgraded mine to a generic driver, and GameEx really suffered. 3. If background videos are slow, disable alpha blending. 4. Dont use MNG videos. 5. Optimize your PC by disabling unused services, applets, and tray apps. 6. Try running at a lower resolution. 7. Use the latest device specific manufacuturer drivers. Dont always rely on Windows Update. 8. If you have less than 512mb RAM, an upgrade might help. 9. Dont install and run GameEx on a removable drive such as USB/Firewire. 10. Ensure you are running latest version of .net framework, and DirectX. 11. If using Windows 98/ME, consider an upgrade to 2000 or XP. 12. Try using the 16 Bit colour setting in GameEx. 13. If Pictures and Slideshows display slowly turn off Alpha Blending Transitions 14. Ensure you have the latest non beta version of the .net framework 15. NVidia unified drivers newer than 66.93 and older than 81.85 seem to have serious bugs with DirectX 2D support. Get the latest drivers, or you can get 66.93 drivers here direct from this site (English) or here from NVidia. Note: on older cards you may still need to use the older drivers. 16. Make sure your running the latest version of GameEx. Old versions may have bugs that cause slow down. 17. If MAME games launch slowly, then use the -skip_validitychecks command line setting. 18. If you have games stored on a remote pc or server and the list takes a while to show up for emulators, consider using a MAP file. GameEx automatically creates map files for your emulators. These are located in the data directory by emulator number. You can simply use these. 19. When updating the MAME games list you can avoid the long wait for the verify by turning Verify ROMS off, and enabling Only Existing. 20. If navigating lists is slow, try turning off find snap/artwork on best match basis under Tweaks/Performance 21. Turn off GameExtender if your not using it. It is designed to use as less resources as it can, but its at least possible that it may slow down GameEx on older systems. 22. If you have a game device attached with less than 6 buttons, disconnect it or disable it in GameEx config. 23. You can make GameEx run a lot faster (maybe nearly twice as fast on old systems) by telling GameEx not to wait for VSync, although the display animations wont be 100% smooth to the human eye. 24. As of January 2007, there are issues with the current ATI drivers. This affects GameEx alpha blending such as when using 3D menu transitions and picture slideshow transitions. You can either turn off these features, or use older ATI drivers. Note: Picture and slideshows are fixed in newer versions of GameEx. There is still an issue with 3D menu transitions and running game videos as the background when alpha blended. 25. Turn off video previews for actual videos/movies (not meaning for emulators).
  6. All of a sudden I have a bezel around most of my mame games, Golden tee 2k was full screen now it has a bezel around it showing the controls, is this bezel around games a gameex thing or mame thing and how do i toggle it thanks
  7. nevermind, conflicting codec packs. thx
  8. thanks I will try it, i think this is just to rename them to gamebase standards but there file names might be whole so could work. thanks
  9. yea unless im blind or its called something weird i didnt see it there. **Looks like they want to be run through gamebase front end.. if anyone knows a way to implement that list into gameex im all ears
  10. You guys know of a rename program I can run through my c64 games to see their proper game name? right now there just all like shortened coded names so I have no idea what im trying to play
  11. IMO, you could just buy a blank 2 player cp from mameroom and put your own happ super 8s, and buttons in it, this wouldn't cost much more and in the end would result in a much nicer cp.
  12. that quasi cp looks like a cluster fuck disaster
  13. 123 on the arcade monitor. This is one area you don't want to skimp out on .
  14. Besides a decent machine, for me to run KI & KI2 smoothly I had to buy a $30 audigy soundblaster instead of onboard and it fixed the game completely. No lag at all
  15. Thanks, your right it does take it, good thing I looked though because i didnt know the pc would only support 512 sticks max up to 1gb total. Price between 3200 and 2100 are the same so I can get the 2x512 3200 for 30 bucks and be happy. Thanks
  16. I have a old HP A400N PC laying around, it says it uses DDR 266 PC-2100 memory.. Do you think PC-3200 would work in this computer? Or know a place I can check, i googled around but only found the obvious PC-2100..
  17. I am using gameex with PSX emulator, problem is when daemon tools mounts the image it is autorunning, diplaying the discs contents which in turn drops my emulator from full screen, I went into the registry and turned the cdrom to 0 for autostart but its still doing it. What do i use to get rid of this ? I found tweakUI thing in the forums, solved the problem thanks
  18. Wonder why they werent on my theme list.. anyway thanks a lot man
  19. Yea I dont see it on there, If you happen to have them on your computer maybe you could megaupload.com it and send the link here? thanks!
  20. It looks like tom or whoever makes the stock themes changed the 2 of them, now there called Alpha blue and red, but I don't like either one of those new ones. Whats Config HQ? It looks like this one basically only the blue version and doesnt have that hotrod stick on it and the video lower
  21. I recently reinstalled my gameex and updated, I used to have this standard theme that was downloadable from the install pack, I think it was called MCE BLUE 800x600 and there was a 1024 one, there was also the same version called MCE red 800 and 1024, I could be wrong on the MCE part but its something like that. Anyway its not in the default downloadable themes, I couldnt find any good ones in the default list. I wondered if anyone remembered this theme and can link me to it? I don't know when they took it off but I think I had maybe version 7.5 or so?
  22. Awesome thx!
  23. My buddy out of state just built a CP and doesn't know much about emulation etc. If he mails me a hard drive, can I install gameex on it and configure all the paths for say E:\ and send it back to him so he can just plug in the drive, assign it E: and play, or is this gonna be an issue due to installation, registry etc, being it was installed on my windows?
  24. What is this emulator for, looks like regular mame roms, Whats good about final burn alpha
  25. True about the cps3, and I figured there was a three year time frame like VP but must be 5-7ish for mame.
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