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GameEx Moderator
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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. I've knocked together a gimp file whereby you can create your own theme by just swapping out a background. Quite complicated export process though, so you'd have to feel confident with GIMP and suchlike. Here's what it could look like: Naturally - all in layers and all editable (e.g. if you wanted to change the HUD/overlays from green to another color). If you're interested let me know as I keep meaning to get this out in some form of accessible state for people.
  2. Pah. These guys are just consumers, not builders/creators. OK - so maybe they can point a camera and use youtube's web editor... Now a vlog of Ben and Tom toiling away day after day at their code like that dude from LaunchBox - that I'd give big props for! Or of Hans or others building their Pi projects - again kudos.Or indeed, yourself Todd, on the hunt for that illusive last logo! All these buggers in these video would do is just go out + buy them, put them on a table and go "look at me!" /rant
  3. Dynamic Marquees? *perks
  4. stigzler


    Goosebumps again. Let's hope they pull it off..
  5. So mame.xml doesn't have genres + orientation... Got me sailing into territories new here - looking into history and mameinfo.dat - both huge files with bonkers formatting. How does gameex parse mame games and get the genre and orientation etc? got a feeling this is a path well known to some.... If it all proves too convoluted, maybe revert to plan A - parsing gamelist.xml.
  6. Naw - it's best to factor in all the possible requirements at the start, Draco, rather than try and hack/re-code them in later. I've got a solid idea about how to make the app flexible and allow different users to get what they want out of it, whilst still keeping it simple to use. All I really need to see is the input we're working with - whether that's this mame.xml or the gamelist.txt. A post of what's produced from the mame.xml proceedure would be helpful.
  7. Cool - well put something together and it may be helpful. Your skills are waaaay over mine, A, although that code did make sense apart from some mysterious references. The problem is, I have no formal training at all, so when you say things like "The piece about orientation requires a helper block to do some math...." you may as well be talking to me about women's netball (read: leaves me baffled). It might be I end up doing my own approach anyways as I'm a coding thug and have no grace or manners at all + when I meet with good etiquette, I get confused and bang my keyboard. Lets see how we go...
  8. So you taking this one, Adultery? tbh, not really that interested in being a gui monkey as have lots of other projects on the go... However, if you don't have time and there's some interest left in this for me, happy to prioritise over other stuff.
  9. Find out if this produces a list of games corresponding to user roms or full list and post example node
  10. Can't help it.... Adultery raises a point I wondered about. I was thinking why dont we use the name.db3 rather than parsing that txt file. However, when I looked at it, it didn't have horizontal or genre or anything.... Thus abandoned idea. However, sounds like there is a xml available with these details on? Then came the second question. Does the pinball mame.xml have to only be games the user has RomS for? For e.g. you could produce lists for all verticle games but does the user have to have all matching Roms? would it break pinball x? you could code this in of course, only add entry if Rom also exists.... Let's wait to see if A can do it. If not, happy to revisit. You work hard on the forums draconian, happy to pitch in with my bit.
  11. Can't help it.... Adultery raises a point I wondered about. I was thinking why dont we use the mame.db3 rather than parsing that txt file. However, when I looked at it, it didn't have horizontal or genre or anything.... Thus abandoned idea. However, sounds like there is a xml available with these details on? Then came the second question. Does the pinball mame.xml have to only be games the user has RomS for? For e.g. you could produce lists for all verticle games but does the user have to have all matching Roms? would it break pinball x? you could code this in of course, only add entry if Rom also exists.... Let's wait to see if A can do it. If not, happy to revisit. You work hard on the forums draconian, happy to pitch in with my bit.
  12. I understand, draco. But the point is it's preferable as shown by adulterys post as he could forsee dev issues that I couldn't. I think he's your best bet towards getting this developed as he's written half the code already! Other thing is I couldn't understand some of the issues not knowing pinballx so hard to pick up and run with his work... Lastly, he could do in an evening what'd take me a week!
  13. I think weve come back to my original reservation which is not knowing pinball and how the end use application would work. Read enough of your post to see youre on it, adultery. Ill leave it with you as you appear to understand the end use scenario more.
  14. Helpful. Narrowing it down. So further: a) So that would be your preference, but would other users want to be able to edit this field or have it be a different value - for example - I note B2K24 has a different format of field for this (i.e. 1942 rather than 1942w) b ) what kind of values could go in "type"? is this a list of possible values or free text? Also - what's the rating range? (guessing 0-10?) c) optional or automatic? d) Could you find me a total list of all the different genre options (e.g. "Fighter / Versus" / "Ball & Paddle / Breakout"). e) So all the game in gameslist.txt would be on a table. Along the left hand side, you'd have tickboxes for each game. You'd tick the games you want and then click "generate list" and the selected games would make a list. g) Tell me exactly what 'field/s' (i.e. the component of the gameslist.txt where I would find that that needs to be filtered) would contain the values that need to be filtered. Also let me know all the 'values' that you would want options on filtering out. So for example, where in gamelist.txt would I find "EM" or "Mature" or "languages" I've made a start already. if we can nail the above, will make it possible
  15. Yerp it's certainly do-able. Could parse the gamelist.txt into a table with user-editable coulmns. This could then be exported as the required xml. Few questions: a) So you're wanting <game name> to be the rom name and not <rom> to be the rom name? I could always put an option in so each user could choose the format of <game name> (either auto-gen'd game name or rom name). Not knowing pinball, don't know how this relates to end use. b ) Do you want the last five elements (<type> to <rating>) to be user editable before export to xml? b2) Should any other fields be user editable? c) In terms of any auto-generated game names, would you want an option to remove game name tags? e.g. "1945k III (newer, OPCX2 PCB)" would become "1945k III" d) Do you want to produce lists by filters on other fields. E.g. produce lists of "Sports / Football" games e) Do you want to be able to produce custom xml lists - e.g. only user selected games via tickbox f) you say "It would also be good for said application to allow for generating .xml files specifically for vertical, horizontal, or both" - wouldn't "both" be all mame games? g) How to filter out any entries that need excluding (you may have to look through the gameslist.txt for this) - this is better figured out at this stage rather than trying to hack it later on... Maybe @B2K24 can come in at this point too to advise on anything that would be helpful. This is all a little bit different because I don't know what I'm designing for as don't use pinball at the moment, so hard to visualise how it all works.
  16. Bonkers one this. So, my middle mouse wheel no longer scrolls the forum pages! No problem on any other websites. That feels totally browser based - anyone any ideas on wtf is going on there!?
  17. Thanks Draco - naw just leave that systems folder - I'll put the images in there once we get a full set. Update: 26 more systems done. Only a third left to do!
  18. Thanks @Draco1962. There were a few in there I could use. The folder on the FTP - is that from a pre-existing project? It's just that a lot of these images don't tie up to the systems list for GameEx and I was wanting to keep any 'final' folder tightly matched to the GameEx Systems list. It might be that we move these to another folder (e.g. "Raw Resources" or something?).
  19. As per the developer logos project, Draco, I'll upload to the FTP once we have a full set. In the mean time, the GDrive is WIP. I'll take a look + see if any usable.
  20. @Draco1962I'm in chat, Draco - go into there - easier to clarify that way
  21. Update: all systems renamed to GameEx format. Surprisingly, we're still only 56% of the way there! Cummon folks - stop leeching and start contributing!
  22. OK - you got me. Provide an example of the file in and an example of the file out (I'm assuming that's the one in the OP) and the method of getting from in to out (i.e. what field do you filter on in the "file in")
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