I built most of this 3+ years ago, but finally getting around to posting a few pics. I had the idea after reading Ready Player One (before the movie was announced) Nothing incredibly imaginative. I took some plans from http://www.lusid.net/arcade/, trimmed it down since I am not using a CRT, and spent a little time on the controls layout. The marquee and control graphics are slight customizations from some stock designs at https://www.gameongrafix.com/ , and I designed the bezel myself and had them make a professional print of it. The only regret I have is not having a CRT for shooting games. I have an IR based gun (similar to WII I think), but you need to stand so far back for it to work, it is not that enjoyable. But, its not like I don't have a few thousand other games to occupy my time.
Here are a few of the early construction pics.