Thanks! I just tried to purge the Gamebase cache files, but that didn't seem to do anything. To confirm, the cache files are located in the GameEx/data folder, correct? The only cache-type file that I could find in that directory was gamebase_Gamebase Are there other cache files that I should try to delete/rename? The video files are being pulled from Emumovies and are MP4s. I really believe that hansolo77 was right. In order for this to work with Gamebases like the Commodore 64 version that has subfolders, the coding for the video matching would need to be tweaked to alllow for subfolders. The /screenshots folder in Gamebase 64 only contains subfolders from a to z. If you put the screencaps in the individual folders, GameEx won't find them. - Wait a sec, I just had an idea.... Sure enough, Success!!!!! For Gamebases that have subfolders (Like the Commodore 64 and Amiga versions), you must save the videos in the ROOT of the screencaps directory (and the video filenames MUST match the filenames of the screencap files) Then the Gamebase video files work fine in Gameex! Yeehaw!! Gamebase videos in GameEx do in fact work well, and now with the above info, it's easy to sort out where to put your files. This is awesome, The Gamebases are now just as cool looking as the rest of my GameEx setup. Man, GameEx continues to get better every year... Feel free to mark this this topic as solved! MacGuyver