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  1. Yes, no problem at all. Attached you can find a new version with the parameter useRotation. Set to no, if you do not need rotation, you even do not have to install display.exe then. PBA_Starter_1.1.zip
    1 point
  2. Happy New Years Tom and thanks again for making these available. I scrolled through every MAME game in my setup and only see a small amount of videos missing. I have to figure out if the video didn't get made or if it's a XML creation mistake on my part. Just thought I'd throw these up now before I lost the listing. Thanks again for your work and making these available Air Duel (airduel) Arm wrestling (armwrest) Astropal (astropal) Dragon Spirt (dspirt) Evil Stone (evilston) Exciting Soccer (exctsccr) Gekisou (gekisou) Hang Pilot (hangplt) Konami 80's AC Special (konam80s) Megatack (megatack) P-47 The Phantom Fighter (p47) Pepper II (pepper2) Psyvariar (Psyvariar) Psyvariar -Medium Unit- (psyvaria) Quaterback (quaterb) Shikigami No Shiro (shikigam) Wing Force (wingforc) ******** This will be in MAME 0.170 XII Stag (xiistag) Zig Zag (zigzag)
    1 point
  3. I found that my using custom xmls for just those table I wanted to create videos for actually created a lot more work (many of my tables in PBX reverted to older table videos under different names). I guess I have multiple videos of each table, so I may go back and delete all but those I now use. I let PBXRecorder run through all tables in my main xmls and after correcting a few errors, all looks good! Now when I add or change a table, I can run the recorder again and it's SO much faster to go through. Many thanks again to gtxjoe, Carny and gStav for the help and great work on this. This is one of the most efficient and useful tools on my pin cab!
    1 point
  4. Hi Guys, attached you can find the PBA starter (incl. table rotation using display.exe) like promised above. HowTo: Unpack attached ZIP fileEdit Settings.ini (please note comments in the upper part of the file)Create Windows shortcuts for PinballArcade11.exe (and PBAFreeCamMod.exe if in use, if not please set "ModStart" to "no") in the same folders as the executables. In the attached ini they are named StartPA11 and Start_PBAFreeCamMod. Note: Renaming of PBA executable is no longer necessary !Set PBA as a custom emulator in PinballX (see attached image) and disable PinballX onboard PBA emulation in the page before !For table rotation please unpack display in a desired folder (see http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/17239-pinball-arcade-disable-the-keypresses-provided-by-the-integrated-support/#entry152109) AHK Sourcecode is included, feel free to modify ! BTW, if PBA is started with the parameter "skipwhatsnew" (without quotes), it skips the news screen ! You can add this parameter to the PBA shortcut and edit Settings.ini in PbaFreeCamMod directory (if MOD is in use): ; Path to the game executable. ;GamePath=C:\Spiele\Steam\steamapps\common\PinballArcade\PinballArcade11.exe GamePath=C:\Spiele\Steam\steamapps\common\PinballArcade\StartPA11 Sounds a bit difficult, actually it is quite easy. Have much fun ! PBA_Starter.zip
    1 point
  5. Hi Hansolo77, Which method are you using to download the Emumovies clip? The "Download Artwork and Videos" app, or the "Automatic artwork Download" setting in the GameEx setup wizard? The only reason I ask, is that the "Download Artwork and Videos" app has more flexibility for settings, and I recommend using it instead. That's how I was able to cheat and have the downloader point to the directory with the screenshot file names (ending in .png), NOT the ROM files which are often ending in .ZIP and have cryptic file names which won't match well at all. This way you're guaranteed that any and all matches it finds will 1. automatically be perfectly matched to the screenshot name which is how GameEx matches which allows the video to play if it exists. But more importantly,2 telling the download app to search your screenshots folder should allow for a reasonably high ratio of matches, because the screenshot names (at least on the Gamebases I have) tend to me closer to the full English name which will match the Emumovies files. Yes, for any games that don't match, you will have to manually download that video from the Emuvideo FTP and rename the file to match the screenshot file name. Just for curiosity's sake, can you list an example of how a few of the screenshots are named in the Atari 800 Gamebase? I suppose if they are using an unusual naming scheme, this could make the matching less successful.
    1 point
  6. Thanks! I just tried to purge the Gamebase cache files, but that didn't seem to do anything. To confirm, the cache files are located in the GameEx/data folder, correct? The only cache-type file that I could find in that directory was gamebase_Gamebase C64.map. Are there other cache files that I should try to delete/rename? The video files are being pulled from Emumovies and are MP4s. I really believe that hansolo77 was right. In order for this to work with Gamebases like the Commodore 64 version that has subfolders, the coding for the video matching would need to be tweaked to alllow for subfolders. The /screenshots folder in Gamebase 64 only contains subfolders from a to z. If you put the screencaps in the individual folders, GameEx won't find them. - Wait a sec, I just had an idea.... Sure enough, Success!!!!! For Gamebases that have subfolders (Like the Commodore 64 and Amiga versions), you must save the videos in the ROOT of the screencaps directory (and the video filenames MUST match the filenames of the screencap files) Then the Gamebase video files work fine in Gameex! Yeehaw!! Gamebase videos in GameEx do in fact work well, and now with the above info, it's easy to sort out where to put your files. This is awesome, The Gamebases are now just as cool looking as the rest of my GameEx setup. Man, GameEx continues to get better every year... Feel free to mark this this topic as solved! MacGuyver
    1 point
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