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I noticed that by default when I set up Gamebase Vic20, that the VICE emulator default set up means that pressing ESC does not end the program, but rather is mapped to the "Run/stop" key on the Vic20 keyboard. So it was a real pain to get back to the GameEx menu after I had played a Vic game. It's fairly simple to change the keyboard map on Vice. Attached is a modified Vic20 keyboard layout which allows the ESC key to behave normally. (The Caps lock key also works as the Vic Run/Stop key if you need that functionality in the emulator still) This file needs to go into VICE install directory, in the VIC20 subdirectory.. You will see other .KVM files which are other Keyboard maps. One you have saved the new keyboard map file here, run xvice.exe and choose the settings menu, then keyboard settings and select the Escape Quit.vkm file I've attached below. Now you can have normal ESC functionality, and easily leave Vic20 emulation and go back to the GameEx menu. If you want more instructions about editing Keymaps with VICE, the following page is helpful: http://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=49551&sid=a1176d014db7049e6c60e432845c9fe9 Edit: I had trouble attaching my file (you aren't permitted to upload that kind of file is the message), so I've pasted the keyboard file text below. Simply copy and paste with a text editor like Notepad a .KVM extension and follow the instructions above. # VICE keyboard mapping file which allows normal ESC function## A Keyboard map is read in as patch to the current map.## File format:# - comment lines start with '#'# - keyword lines start with '!keyword'# - normal line has 'keysym/scancode row column shiftflag'## Keywords and their lines are:# '!CLEAR' clear whole table# '!INCLUDE filename' read file as mapping file# '!LSHIFT row col' left shift keyboard row/column# '!RSHIFT row col' right shift keyboard row/column# '!VSHIFT shiftkey' virtual shift key (RSHIFT or LSHIFT)# '!UNDEF keysym' remove keysym from table## Shiftflag can have the values:# 0 key is not shifted for this keysym/scancode# 1 key is shifted for this keysym/scancode# 2 left shift# 4 right shift# 8 key can be shifted or not with this keysym/scancode# 16 deshift key for this keysym/scancode# 32 another definition for this keysym/scancode follows## Negative row values:# 'keysym -1 n' joystick #1, direction n# 'keysym -2 n' joystick #2, direction n# 'keysym -3 0' first RESTORE key# 'keysym -3 1' second RESTORE key# 'keysym -4 0' 40/80 column key# 'keysym -4 1' CAPS (ASCII/DIN) key# !CLEAR!LSHIFT 1 3!RSHIFT 6 4!VSHIFT RSHIFT #0 -1 -1 0 /* (no key) */1 0 3 8 /* ESC -> Run/Stop */2 0 0 8 /* 1 -> 1 */3 0 7 8 /* 2 -> 2 */4 1 0 8 /* 3 -> 3 */5 1 7 8 /* 4 -> 4 */6 2 0 8 /* 5 -> 5 */7 2 7 8 /* 6 -> 6 */8 3 0 8 /* 7 -> 7 */9 3 7 8 /* 8 -> 8 */10 4 0 8 /* 9 -> 9 */11 4 7 8 /* 0 -> 0 */12 5 0 8 /* Minus -> Plus */13 5 7 8 /* Equal -> Minus */14 7 0 8 /* Backspace -> Del */15 0 2 8 /* TAB -> Ctrl */16 0 6 8 /* Q -> Q */17 1 1 8 /* W -> W */18 1 6 8 /* E -> E */19 2 1 8 /* R -> R */20 2 6 8 /* T -> T */21 3 1 8 /* Y -> Y */22 3 6 8 /* U -> U */23 4 1 8 /* I -> I */24 4 6 8 /* O -> O */25 5 1 8 /* p -> P */26 5 6 8 /* [ -> @ */27 6 1 8 /* ] -> * */28 7 1 8 /* Return -> Return */29 0 5 8 /* Left Ctrl -> CBM */30 1 2 8 /* A -> A */31 1 5 8 /* S -> S */32 2 2 8 /* D -> D */33 2 5 8 /* F -> F */34 3 2 8 /* G -> G */35 3 5 8 /* H -> H */36 4 2 8 /* J -> J */37 4 5 8 /* K -> K */38 5 2 8 /* L -> L */39 5 5 8 /* ; -> : */40 6 2 8 /* ' -> ; */41 0 1 8 /* ` -> Left Arrow */42 1 3 2 /* Left Shift -> Left Shift */43 6 5 8 /* \ -> = */44 1 4 8 /* Z -> Z */45 2 3 8 /* X -> X */46 2 4 8 /* C -> C */47 3 3 8 /* V -> V */48 3 4 8 /* B -> B */49 4 3 8 /* N -> N */50 4 4 8 /* M -> M */51 5 3 8 /* , -> , */52 5 4 8 /* . -> . */53 6 3 8 /* / -> / */54 6 4 4 /* Right Shift -> Right Shift */55 6 1 8 /* Grey * -> * */#56 -1 -1 0 /* Left Alt -> (no key) */57 0 4 8 /* Space -> Space */58 0 3 8 /* Caps Lock -> Run/Stop */59 7 4 8 /* F1 -> F1 */60 7 4 1 /* F2 -> F2 */61 7 5 8 /* F3 -> F3 */62 7 5 1 /* F4 -> F4 */63 7 6 8 /* F5 -> F5 */64 7 6 1 /* F6 -> F6 */65 7 7 8 /* F7 -> F7 */66 7 7 1 /* F8 -> F8 */#67 -1 -1 0 /* F9 -> (no key) */#68 -1 -1 0 /* F10 -> (no key) */#69 -1 -1 0 /* Num Lock -> (no key) */#70 -1 -1 0 /* Scroll Lock -> (no key) */#71 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 7 -> (no key) */#72 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 8 -> (no key) */#73 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 9 -> (no key) */#74 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad - -> (no key) */#75 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 4 -> (no key) */#76 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 5 -> (no key) */#77 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 6 -> (no key) */#78 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad + -> (no key) */#79 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 1 -> (no key) */#80 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 2 -> (no key) */#81 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 3 -> (no key) */#82 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 0 -> (no key) */#83 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad . -> (no key) */#84 -1 -1 0 /* SysReq -> (no key) */#85 -1 -1 0 /* 85 -> (no key) */#86 -1 -1 0 /* 86 -> (no key) */#87 -1 -1 0 /* F11 -> (no key) */#88 -1 -1 0 /* F12 -> (no key) */89 6 7 8 /* Home -> CLR/HOME */90 7 3 1 /* Up -> CRSR UP */#91 -1 -1 0 /* PgUp -> (no key) */92 7 2 1 /* Left -> CRSR LEFT */93 7 2 8 /* Right -> CRSR RIGHT */#94 -1 -1 0 /* End -> (no key) */95 7 3 8 /* Down -> CRSR DOWN */#96 -1 -1 0 /* PgDown -> (no key) */97 6 0 8 /* Ins -> Pound */98 6 6 8 /* Del -> Up Arrow */#99 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad Enter -> (no key) */#100 -1 -1 0 /* Right Ctrl -> (no key) */#101 -1 -1 0 /* Pause -> (no key) */#102 -1 -1 0 /* PrtScr -> (no key) */#103 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad / -> (no key) */#104 -1 -1 0 /* Right Alt -> (no key) */#105 -1 -1 0 /* Break -> (no key) */#106 -1 -1 0 /* Left Win95 -> (no key) */#107 -1 -1 0 /* Right Win95 -> (no key) */ ## Joystick 1##KP_0 -1 0#KP_1 -1 1#KP_2 -1 2#KP_3 -1 3#KP_4 -1 4#KP_5 -1 5#KP_6 -1 6#KP_7 -1 7#KP_8 -1 8#KP_9 -1 9 ## Joystick 2##w -2 7#e -2 8#r -2 9#s -2 4#d -2 5#f -2 6#x -2 1#c -2 2#v -2 3#space -2 0 # Restore key mappings91 -3 0 /* PgUp -> RESTORE */2 points
The closest I could find was this thread containing databases for Sega Naomi, Sega Model 3, and Atomiswave. If one were looking for a reasonable starting point to draft a custom Model 2 database that would probably be a good one. Sadly I was not able to find a Model 2 database. There is another nugget of wisdom in that thread though that's highly worth consideration. The SQLite databases are updated from time to time and when/if that happens there is a distinct possibility that any custom SQLite databases might be overwritten. I don't believe that the older mdb (Access) databases are being maintained in parallel though. So if one were interested in implementing a custom database I would actually recommend using the legacy format in order to preserve your efforts. The dicey part about this is that Tom has definitively said that SQLite is the future (as well as the present) of GameEx database architecture. So while GameEx supports mdb databases today, it's hard to say what the future holds. (And I don't have any "secret" information here - just attempting to provide a reasonable disclaimer). The other option of course would be to draft your own SQLite database and set the file as being read-only. Just remember to "unlock" it before you start editing, or you may make several changes only to discover that you can't actually save them!1 point
Ok, so after sifting through monumental piles of crap that is the microsoft community i found this snippet of info that might be helpful to you: I don't have w8 which is why i had to endure the MS community site it also means i can't test this but a few people seem to think it fixes this auto-clicking problem. [source]1 point
Ahhh VICE - she was an unweildly mare, but once you learned how to tickle her fancy, such a good ride.... errrmmm... sorry.1 point
Thanks Mame Offender !! It's one the reasons I always wanted to start my own hi-score competition. When submissions are updated quickly it's much more fun to compete. IMHO a lot of competitions take too much time updating stuff... When I used to submit a hi-score to Twin Galaxies you always had to wait quite long...when you've put much time in a hi-score attempt and you submit your score it's very nice if your score is quickly shown on the boards...anyway, that's my experience. It's nice to hear that's exactly what you enjoy about our competition1 point
Well thanks guys! I really enjoy it around here, being able to compete at sooo many awesome titles. I hope to get in vicinity of KRC and Exed Exes as they are very fierce competitors indeed! As for the trio of moderators, GC, Han and Dazzle: keep doing your thing. It makes it much nicer when your moderators update almost immediately it seems like!! Loving it. M.O.1 point
Welcome to The Arena! This is a place for members to create and organise your very own competitions/battles/tournements on any platform you desire. If you've had the urge to spark some rivalries, had a great idea for a tournement or you just want to see if you are the NES god you always thought you were, this is the place to do it! Who, When, Where, Why is entirely up to you - it's your competition so you decide the rules! We do however have some basic guidelines for you to follow: You must follow the GameEx forum General Rules at all times. This includes no mention of where or how to obtain illegal roms, or any links to sites that host them. You have been warned.It is up to the competition creator to keep the thread updated with relevant info regarding the competition and its participants.We understand that in such an environment members will want to taunt each other with banter and "trash talk". This is acceptable as long it doesn't get personal or end in flamewars. You may be subject to disciplinary action if you do! Refer back to the general rules for more info.Any disputes are to be settled maturely amongst yourselves. The HS Mods will not act as babysitters.For some great tips and advice on how to run an efficient competition checkout GC's Organising Your Own Competition guide. For a working example you can examine the highly successful Shoot 'Em up Tourney hosted by GC and Wolfman. If you can follow these simple rules then go ahead and battle it out! If you have any questions or concerns then feel free to PM either GC, Han or Dazz and we'll do our best to assist you. Game on! ~The HS Team.1 point
So with GameEx recently making the switch to SQLite, I figured it might be a good time to mention some decent SQLite database management tools. Here are two of my favorite free options (although admittedly I don’t work with SQLite very often) SQLite Manager: This is actually a Firefox add-on, but despite that it still manages to hang with some of the more full featured free DB editors I’ve tried. I would imagine that this would be more than enough for the average GameEx user where the focus tends to be simple editing of data. If you’re already a Firefox user, this would be a pretty good fit. SQLite Expert (Personal Edition): So maybe you’re not a Firefox user? Or maybe browser plug-ins just aren’t your bag, baby? SQLite Expert is a fairly full featured SQLite management tool. It’s going to take up 70 MB of hard drive space once installed, so you might want to consider whether you want a more heavyweight tool for the job, but it will definitely get the job done in style. Those are the free tools I’ve used in the past for SQLite administration and management. I’d love to hear about any other suggestions and tools. Update by T Speirs: You can also install the SQLite ODBC Driver and import/link the tables for editing within Microsoft Access.1 point