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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/12 in all areas

  1. To all those effected by the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, I want to take a moment to dedicate this post to you. Speaking on behalf of the GameEx community, we wish you a full and speedy recovery during these times. As someone who survived Katrina, I can personally understand the hardship that occurs after the storm. The road to recovery may have it's obstacles, but you will always have the ability to rise above any challenge and to face any obstacle - for the spirit of humanity will never be broken. May you, your family, and your community perservere in these trying times. God bless, LC
    2 points
  2. Now that I am back at working on the theme again here is a new updated pic of the revised Atari 2600 games selections screens will look like.
    1 point
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