I've recently built a mini HTPC, I was reusing an old motherboard board and a spare GTX 460 so that kept my price down. The motherboard I had meant that I couldn't go for one of the newer i5 or i7s but I managed to grab the older 'i5 760' from overclockers.co.uk for £105 in one of the end of line sales (at the time the best price I had found elsewhere was £170). With the i5 760 and the GTX 460 I am playing most Wii and PS2 games full speed. There are exceptions though like Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are just shy of full speed (though I still haven't tried the latest Dolphin build which is claimed to offer an extra 5% performance. I've also been playing modern PC games on this system with no problems. I find for emulators CPU is key but for PC games the GPU is more important. Something you should consider is the size of this system. Personally I wanted my new build to fit nicely below the TV. So I didn't want a full tower. For me the case had the following requirements: Room for a full height + full length GPU Room for 2 hard drives (SSD for OS and 3TB Sata for emulators + games) Powerful enough PSU to run a good GPU As small as possible It took a lot of looking but I found the perfect case https://www.overcloc...rodid=CA-151-SV Luckily my existing motherboard was a mini ITX so it fits perfect I'm really pleased with the build but ideally I would've like a newer i5 or i7 so I could max out Wii games