Hi guys ! This theme is a concept that I'm thinking of try. I really like GameEx, but there are some things new things on the interface that I want to try. Based on the figure bellow, I will try to explain what I want. Area 1 : Free Space I don't know what I'm going to do with this free space. I'm thinking about putting the game box on this area. But I'm not sure yet. Area 2 : A much clear Gamelist. No menu, No Text1 and Text2 fields. For me it only uses more space on the screen, because the Text 1 show the selected game. Which is already in focus, so we lose some space to display the same information. So, NO MENU, NO TEXT 1 & TEXT 2. Just the game list, pure and simple. Area 3 : The clock and the date. They are just an small part of GameEx ui. So, I don't want to give to then much attention. Clear font, no focus and in the corner. Just this. Area 4 : In game screenshot/video We don't spend too much time taking a look at the in game video. Only if we want to try, see games that we don't know. So here, no need to much focus. Just an small preview of the game Area 5 : Game Description. This is one of the things that GameEx have, and I didn't think about using it until today. I really like to use it, But the question is, This field can be persistent? We can use a diferent font size? Area 6 : Console Art. Another thing that I'm not sure to be using. It's because is pretty hard to find good quality images to all consoles and arcades. So for now it's just a test. Guys, please, let me know what you think of my ideas. I came to this because I kind studied how I use GameEx. And my primary focus is on the GameList, so the less things on the screen, better is my usability. One thing that I really want is one key navigation. I asked for it on the requests. I will ilustrate this here too. This is something that we have on Rockband games. You press a button (keep pressed) and a Windows pops on the screen allowing you to choose a letter. After this letter is chosen, the list jumps to the first game with this letter on the Game List. Like this So, see what you guys think of my ideas. I really like to talk about it !