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1 hour ago, tthurman said:

What switch are you using?

Nothing fancy, just generally cheapest multi gig available. i have a netgear multi gig in the office which the laptop connects to and where the cab is, two of these (they would have been the best deal at the time):


i try to look for nothing too noisy too.

i figure its a switch, not much can be wrong with them.


This is what i got in the UK recently. Its a different chinese brand but I am sure it is the same Sony guts inside ;)



Sometimes i feel i have the best hobby. Everything doubles in speed every year or gets half the price.

Although you will be paying a bit more soon over there with the tariffs. It will still cost less than here though.


He does have some kind of good point though, he's not just being an asshole. Take it from someone who has travelled.. There was no import tax in the US whenever i purchased something from abroad. Zero. This has never been the case in Europe, the UK or Canada. Don't misunderstand though, it is another tax to pay. It is an addition to sales tax. We understand the pain.

The impression i get is other countries are living in fear, not respect of him. He does have some fans here though. The right wing likes him, more so the older crowd and a lot of people here are also really pissed off with migration. He comes off badly to a lot of people but you really got to respect the balls. The majority of politicians here are spineless.

Personally, ill give him a chance. He may do good things, he may cause www 3! Regardless, I wish my many American friends good luck. We are still friends and on the same side! Watch out though. We have James Bond and the Kingsmen!

What i do see going on, is as the left goes more woke and tyrannical as is happening here right now the right gets more support and stronger. tts looking like we will have 4 more years of decline here so i think a lot of folks would like a Trump.

However you feel, its a big day according to history and you have my complete support for better times. Good luck.

Tom, the Brit.


I still liken Trump to the ugly love child that the far left and right parented. He is a scoundrel, braggert, big mouth, and a few other words. 

I don't see him starting WWIII. If anything we were closer due to the outgoing administration. It will be interesting to see how the international issues resolve (or not) in the coming months.

Tariffs just means that we will be paying a backend tax for goods from China as they will pass them on with increased prices to the consumer. I don't see tariffs replacing income or other federal taxes.

I am hopeful that the recent term limits bill for members of Congress being floated passes. If a politician receives a vote, there should be a limited stay not a lifetime career.

Sadly, the outgoing administration has engaged in slash & burn tactics contrary to the voiced promotion of a smooth transition.

I am not hopeful for finding new remote work as both Trump and "best buddy" Elon are big supporters of RTO mandates and there are only about 6% of Federal workers currently in office daily. I fully expect to see an exodus in coming months, swelling the unemployment ranks.

As for routers and switches, TP Link is under fire and I expect other Chinese brands to be impacted.



We are not too far off the same page buddy. Any Mexican i saw during my time there though was just working incredibly hard. Anyone i saw being an asshole was American!

Ps: he wants to impose tarrifs on more than China, so he says (including the UK). Nobody will be as cocky and rude but no country wont fight back.

he talks about "expanding territory". i pray hes as full of shit as he seems to be!

I found the speech a little scary or a lot of bs depending how you look at it but i admire the patriotism.

dont know what to think about that guy though! Very enthusiastic!


So it begins. Four more years of the biggest reality show on the planet.

The world is going to hate you but you are okay in my book!


I was just curious to see what you ran in the 10gb realm.

I’m leaning towards a ubiquity 2.5 gb, managed switch but still weighing options as I deploy a new home network and surveillance setup.

Sounds like I missed quite a speech!

Did he executive order tariffs already?



it was Trump 2.0! Pretty much what we will continue to see I think. i wont be watching american news much. i felt like i was having a mental breakdown the last time.

No tarrifs yet, he's full of shit but he has a plan, even if just to bully and negotiate in the short term


I don't see tariffs in the immediate future. Creepy Uncle Joe created a slash & burn exit s#it storm for the Don to cleanup first.

Even with both houses in conservative hands, not all conservatives are Trump sycophants and will hopefully rise up against any outright shenanigans.

His speeches are laborious and mind-numbing. If he'd just stick to the facts and quit the name calling and blame gaming, he'd be more effective.


There is a lot of good stuff too there by the way many of us very much agree with here and he is pro British. its just some of it we (or i at least) really dont like. I feel i have to have a strong mind to see the good things rather than consider him a a-hole!


I think that it is funny that the libs alarmed and worried about his "Billionaire Boys Club" running the country. Really? Explain George Soros, Bill Gates, and other wealthy liberals with skin in the same game.

At the end of the day, we'll be okay. Most of us will still be poor, wondering what the heck we're going to do with our lives. All we can do is be kind to one another.


Yeah, its not going to help you much buddy and its going to drive me insane for 4 years but not much else. its intresting to talk and see the perspective for both of us, the majority outside the us see him as a c*nt!

i wish i had better to say but i find him (and his family) obnoxious to the point i feel i want to share. i apologize in advance for that and i am more to the right. ill give him a chance even though he contradicts himself every other sentence!

Remember, i respect and like YOU though (and many others) and wish you the best! In many ways you are a better man.


Love it! More important than ever to keep a sense of humour! 

Sorry for getting a bit political. it does drive me a bit crazy when i see what's going on but at least i care.

On 1/20/2025 at 6:51 PM, tthurman said:

I was just curious to see what you ran in the 10gb realm.

I’m leaning towards a ubiquity 2.5 gb, managed switch but still weighing options as I deploy a new home network and surveillance setup.

Sounds like I missed quite a speech!

Did he executive order tariffs already?


Unless you need it why not go for a dumb unmanaged switch for half the price and double the spec? Cameras too.

i have seen the ubiquity stuff and yes it is great and all that but it is still work and it will be out of date in three years like everything.

For a router, i can't recommend pfsense enough. Does all I need and more. It easily replaces and combines a pihole and most iot devices also. They even got plenty of x86 multi port 2.5gb mini pcs on Amazon now. Dont need to go to Aliexpress now (which i never had an issue with by the way). Very well supported with hundreds of tutorials for anything you might want to do. It wont do wifi though so that can add cost. Also. if you want additional separate public wifi without access to your Lan you tend to need two access points. Benefit though if it covers what you need you can get and use anything as the router will take care of most of it. Even if the wifi only has router mode, you just plug it into the lan port rather than wan. Id recommend good still in support wifi though for basic security. I think its all been hacked other than wpa 3. Maybe not tp-link though but like our governments are saints!

So, i get the Ubiquity thing but its DIY for me. Not saying it is not good or not best for some but I wanted to reply and say something before you get overly invested in that platform.

PS: Ive used Asus Merlin a fair bit recently too. That is also very powerful and my secondary go to.

To recap on the switch, unless you really and honestly need VLAN, then why? It has never been required for me. Pretty sure too if someone wants to hack a camera or your LAN then getting physical access to you home would be the last thing to try! They will be more interested in stealing the TV unless your an A list celebrity with some significant dirty secrets! I am joking but I am wondering if a lot of real world opsec does not talk about common sense.



PS: My government and the police/authorities are complete idiots in 2025. its definitely not better here right now. im not a jeaulous or envious person but I am a little of you.  Things like considering me a trader and putting me through an exam every few months because i need to buy a miniscule amount of bit coin once in a blue moon or making it better for me to operate for free rather than face a shitload of European red tape (The real reason for Brexit by the way. That's positive now but our current government are rolling it back).

if you can get past the cringe there are many good things to say about Trump. He wants to get rid of BS like that and let you run your own life. He likes free speech too. Free speech has become a problem here. it never was in my lifetime but it is now.

As i said, many here would like a Trump and you can't say he does not make things happen. I'm just very conflicted over some of it and the ugly American thing bugs me too but that's what they call being able to think for yourself.

Although I can't say i would like to have a beer with him (Elon for sure though!), he was your best choice and unfortunately we here are going completely in the other direction. It was a protest vote for our current government. They are hugely unpopular. At least our King is sucking Trump cock. That is a good thing I am in support of (not literally sucking cock though!)


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