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Terry Red created Future Pinball AIO. In the package he created some terrific .bat files. I cannot figure out how to use them In the "before and after "

set up. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated. Maybe they should be set up in the "Other Programs "?

  On 2/9/2024 at 6:49 PM, Bgood@bmts.com said:

Terry Red created Future Pinball AIO. In the package he created some terrific .bat files. I cannot figure out how to use them In the "before and after "

set up. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated. Maybe they should be set up in the "Other Programs "?


What bit are you stuck on?

The thing that has tripped people up before is the launch before executable selection.. when you click on the 3 dots to select it you need to change the drop down in the dialogue from 'executable files (*.exe)' to 'batch files (*.bat)'

.. and you need to set the working path first (to the folder containing the bat files)



Thanks scutters: I'll try that out .

Draco: Yes I have, waiting for a response .

Thought maybe people here in this Forum with more experience than I have could show me how to fill in the BEFORE requester with a Batch File that will

run DMDext before PBX starts so I can change tables within PBX without having to stop and start PBX every time I want a different table. Sounds simple,

but difficult for someone who just learned about .bat files.


Best way is to edit the batch files.

Remove theclast line which would launcg fploader.exe

Than you can setbthe batch file as run before scrpt for that specific fp system (so you can create multiple systems for fp)


Mike: I'm guessing you would have to have a look at Future Pinball  AIO's new batch files. I Know it should go in the Before Launch some how especially for the batch that shuts down the backglass and te DMD so the pup pack can run. All I really want is to run is DMDext continously while I'm In Pinball X playing  and changing tables.

  On 2/10/2024 at 6:23 AM, Bgood@bmts.com said:

Mike: I'm guessing you would have to have a look at Future Pinball  AIO's new batch files. I Know it should go in the Before Launch some how especially for the batch that shuts down the backglass and te DMD so the pup pack can run. All I really want is to run is DMDext continously while I'm In Pinball X playing  and changing tables.


I'm not a FP user so not sure what the latest bat files are..  can you zip up the ones you want to use and attach them, we can probably help more then.

But, i don't think you want to run dmdext continuously in PinballX, you only want that running while FP is running. If that is all you want freezy's guide might help - https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions?tab=readme-ov-file#future-pinball

  On 2/10/2024 at 6:23 AM, Bgood@bmts.com said:

Mike: I'm guessing you would have to have a look at Future Pinball  AIO's new batch files. I Know it should go in the Before Launch some how especially for the batch that shuts down the backglass and te DMD so the pup pack can run. All I really want is to run is DMDext continously while I'm In Pinball X playing  and changing tables.


I'm not at a pc right now, butvplayed last week with it.

Screenshot is from internet 

@TerryRedcreated the following batch files:




2 batch files has the dmdext command in it (and a version of dmdext is also in de fp folder. You only need to modify your dmddevice.ini in the fp directory if you dont use the global ini file)

The last entry of those batch files are fploader.exe.

Remove this entry and save the batch file 

If you use a mix of pinevent and normall fp tables, you need 2 seperate systems.

Set the batch file as launch before and use the normall parameters for fp to launch the table

I hope this make sense


OK Mike Here's what I have.

Enable Launch before                 yes

Launch Before Working Path   C:\Games\Future Pinball\Bam\Start FP - Backbox \ DMDExt.bat - Shortcut

Launch Before Executable   FPLoader.exe

Launch Before Parameters  /open "[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" /play /exit /arcaderender/STAYINRAM 

Launch Before Wait for Exit   yes

Launch Before Hide Window    no


Verification  Short cut does not exist and No files found in C:\

This is where i need the help and the .bat for DNDExt did not include a  Start FP



I see you use shortcut and paramaters in the launch before. Thats not correct.

here's mine :


Use the "..." (3 fots) to browse to the folder and to select the correct file name

  • Like 1

Hey Mike that's a great reply. Thank-you so very much Mike. I've been struggling with what I could do with the before and after section of PBX. PBX is a great front end. I love it for simplicity. I have a 3 screen cabinet and because most PB games are movie based i have made movies that play in the back-glass and player fields as you shuffle through each table. So now when I play a table that DMD is empty but with your help i'll be able to cast the DMD to the 3rd screen (easier to glance up when playing) and now colorfull. Some of us pinheads are seniors who don't understand but are willing to learn Computereze, so for you to take the time to do this for us oldies makes our day. A heart felt THANKS to you Mike!

  • Thanks 1

Mike: Sorry, I'm back, I have gone to the .bat file and removed - the line FPLoader.exe

Every thing else is exactly as you listed it except my path for FP is   C:\Games\Future Pinball\BAM so I changed the paths to match mine.

Doesn't Work - Funny thing, When I use the ... to browse and go to FP it shows a FP without the .bat files, if i go to PBX in browse there is no Config files ?

I know you spent considerable time on this already, could you take another look please.

  On 2/11/2024 at 7:07 PM, Bgood@bmts.com said:

Doesn't Work - Funny thing, When I use the ... to browse and go to FP it shows a FP without the .bat files,


Check the drop down in the dialogue after clicking the 3 dots isn't set to exe files - https://forums.gameex.com/forums/topic/29293-settings-help/?do=findComment&comment=214408


Please also attach your pinballx\config\pinballx.ini and pinballx\log\log.txt files (the log file after running pinballx and launching a FP game so we can see any errors)


What is happening if you doublevcluck the batch file outside pinballx ? It looks like it is waiting until the batch file exists, but it wont exit


When I run the  Start FP - Backbox - DMDext.bat   without removing FP Loader.exe from the bat   DMD.exe starts and runs it gives me a small black rectangle that i have to drag and position on my 3rd screen. It also starts FP leaving me to select a table. I pick and run a table and all is well. When I remove FPLoader.exe from that batch and then run PBX all set up as suggested the table runs but no 3rd screen displayed I'm wondering if I don't have DmdDevice.ini set properly. DmdDevice should place that black rectangle properly on my 3rd screen, when run from PBX. I know the .bat file did something in PBX because when i shut down a table the backbox at that time has no DMD. Going to the .bat file I only remed FPLoader.exe shoud I have removed more lines?



No. Only remove fploader as pinballx will launch fploader with the appropriate table.. so that's good

You can check in the dmddevice.log if there was anything launched at all. Maybe you didn't save the dmd to correct position?


No, sorry thats the log for pinballx.

I think it should be in your fp folder, but maybe Terry disables it. Not sure.

Freezy enables it by default and should bevin the folder where the main exe is running.

Btw. According to your pinballx.log, you are running approximately 200 releases behind. You have 4.06 and thoughtblatests is 6.05

That will not fix your issue, but it will give better support.

Strange part is: you run batch file and dmdext fill load, but running from pinballx you said, its not showing.

Can you post a new log.rxr to see if batch is running? We cannot see if dmdext is running, but if you press alt tab, will that show the dmd somewhere?


In order to adequately support your implementation of PinballX you need to upgrade to the latest as many bug fixes and enhancements have been put in place.

Please consider upgrading before you continue.


  Thanks for the alt - tab, don't know if mine is working properly - when I finally get it to stay on after continually holding down those keys. there are 6 screens - one shows a black image that if I was running a single table outside PBX would have to be moved to my 3rd screen. So I believe the .bat and your previous help the thing is running but not getting placed on the 3rd screen.log.txt

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