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[RESOLVED] DMD not shown when topper is active


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I recently added a topper screen. After doing that, the DMD screen in PinballX started showing up on the wrong monitor (invisible,under the playfield). I can move the DMD to the backglass monitor, but NOT to the DMD monitor or the topper monitor. Seems like there's a bug somewhere, preventing the DMD to be shown on display numbers > 3. Log files attached but you won't find anything special in them I'm afraid.

log.txt PinballX.ini

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I wouldn't put this down a bug in PinballX, it just windows being windows and making a mess of screen numbers. I use 6 screens and nvidia and windows disagree about the screen numbers so what chance does pbx have?. 

You have a few options;

  1. Manually edit the pinballx.ini file to try screen ids > 5 
  2. Set the screen id the same as the backglass for the DMD and use the DMD x, y offset values as a relative position from the top left of the backglass
  3. Try and clean the windows registry entries for attached screens as described here - https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=49405&p=501605

Personally, option 3 would be last resort and only after backing up those registry entries.

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I am willing to bet that much of this is stemming from fighting against having the playfield as screen 1. I am curious as to why @Wimpie is having an issue with  the playfield set to screen 1 to begin with? Is it because of the cabling set for each monitor is different and Windows is forcing the issue? T

This is something I had to address when adding a topper to my min-Pin caused some similar issues - this post sheds some light on the topic:

Video port priority order

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It doesnt matter on why hardware screen the display is, but it should be the first screen on the left.

My order is 2-1-3 as well, (2 = playfield, 1= backglass, 3 = dummy hdmi for toppr/vdmd etc)

If really want to have playfield on nr 1, try using dc2.e e from 12noon (https://12noon.com/?page_id=641).

With this you can create an xml from your configuration, and modify the with notepad.

During launch of windows, import these settings and you always good.

I used this on my previous cab to have consistent monitor setup as windows could swap something, but my new pc doesnt have any issue with it

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3 minutes ago, Mike_da_Spike said:

It doesnt matter on why hardware screen the display is, but it should be the first screen on the left.

My order is 2-1-3 as well, (2 = playfield, 1= backglass, 3 = dummy hdmi for toppr/vdmd etc)

If really want to have playfield on nr 1, try using dc2.e e from 12noon (https://12noon.com/?page_id=641).

With this you can create an xml from your configuration, and modify the with notepad.

During launch of windows, import these settings and you always good.

I used this on my previous cab to have consistent monitor setup as windows could swap something, but my new pc doesnt have any issue with it

I will try to swap the order, but guys... I still think it's weird that this can't be handled correctly by PinballX. I have no issues at all with Visual Pinball X: backglass and playfield are shown on the correct monitors without swapping anything.

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25 minutes ago, Wimpie said:

I will try to swap the order, but guys... I still think it's weird that this can't be handled correctly by PinballX. I have no issues at all with Visual Pinball X: backglass and playfield are shown on the correct monitors without swapping anything.

We can have a long argue about it, but we are just people that will try to help

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