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I will admit that I am not familiar with this system as I had to step away from my pincab due to too many things commanding my attention. 

Thanks for the information as I am sure that many will start playing with the new features in earnest!


Not sure if there is already a logo file somewhere on the forum but threw this together with the RELOADED text at the bottom. 


  • Thanks 1

So i got it working, but there are few things you should know...

1) you need to use irotate or so to rotate the screen and you also need to rotate your screen once initially outside of pinballx and setup the resolution and keys inside the game. you can assign all keys but be aware you need to have a key for the enter/return key mapped on any of your cabinet buttons as well if you want to replay a table after game over (you just press enter then)

2) after doing the initial setup never launch the game in landscape mode again but only launch it through pinballx or always in portrait mode if you don't do that it will reset the video resolution and it will look weird when launching from within pinball x

3) you do not need to unlock the celtic table it seems to play it you can just launch it using this system

4) you need to press the launch / plunger button to launch to start a game, as soon as the ball is in play the screen with mods and powerball thingie goes away

Thats basically it.

I'll show you my settings for a full hd (1920x1080 playfield screen)




Launch before script to rotate the screen using irotate, launch my backglass displayer to display a backglass while playing (imagemonitor view, it's available on github ) and launch dmdext to mirror the score part to my 1920x1080 3rd screen for scores. I only used half that screen. You will probably have to adopt the values for dmdext

powershell -Command "Start-Process 'irotate.exe' '/2:rotate=90 /exit' -Verb runAs -WorkingDirectory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\iRotate\'"

start Image_Monitor_View.exe 0 "C:\PinballX\Media\Pinball Deluxe Reloaded\Backglass Images\%1.png"

start "" /min dmdext.exe mirror --source=screen --position=0 0 1080 97 --destination=virtual --virtual-stay-on-top --virtual-hide-grip --virtual-position=2360 540 1920 540 --virtual-dotsize=1.1


Launch after script to rotate screen back, kill dmdext and imagemonitor view

taskkill /IM taskkill /IM Image_Monitor_View.exe
taskkill /IM dmdext.exe
taskkill /IM ffplay.exe
powershell -Command "Start-Process 'irotate.exe' '/2:rotate=0 /exit' -Verb runAs -WorkingDirectory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\iRotate\'"


The database file:Pinball Deluxe Reloaded.xml

Here is a zip file with backglass pictures, table's i use as wheels and a system video (see below for some examples) i extracted these from the game in past Pinball Deluxe Reloaded.zip









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  • Draco1962 changed the title to [GUIDE] Pinball Deluxe Reloaded has added table launch commandline options
  • Draco1962 pinned this topic
  • 4 months later...
  On 2/25/2023 at 5:26 AM, Primo said:

Do you happen have a working script for pinup popper to run Pinball deluxe?


Not sure if you are aware. But here we discuss PinballX as a frontend, and pinup popper is the other frontend ...

As Joyrider expained the complete parameters, it must be easy to move it over to any frontend B)

  • 4 months later...

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