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the highest cpu i can put on my mother bouard is a p4 2.8ht with a 533mhz fsb.

i currentley have an intel 2.8 but no ht,

does the ht technology make any difference in gameex?



Probably only marginly in that situation. I would not bother unless you can get one for only a few bucks. Otherwise better putting it towards saving for a new PC with dual core.

  TSpeirs said:
Probably only marginly in that situation. I would not bother unless you can get one for only a few bucks. Otherwise better putting it towards saving for a new PC with dual core.

kool thanks man


I actually have a 2.8Ghz P4HT. It runs really good, but I can't compare it to a non-HT.

I wouldn't waste money on such a minor upgrade, though. Best to do what TSpeirs said and save for a dual core if performance is an issue.


Having run this on both systems, there is no difference as far as I can see...most of these games really don't require much to work :)


well i might go for the ht because i am building a mini ITX pc ( with a micro ATX p4 motherboard ) i had to literally sand off 2mm from the edges of the motherboard so it would fit in my 17.7cm x 17.7cm case, the problem is that the motherboard only supports p4 2.8 ht maximum, and i would like to run the pcsx2 emulator which is VERYYYYY CPU dependant.


anyways thanks guys.


HT isn't going to net you any thing or at best very very little with the PCSX2 emu.

HT from what I understand is just a trick to keep the registers of the CPU full more often...so in some apps its like running dual P4's non-HT...hehe or a single AMD64. ;)

Really its not worth the time and effort...if you can get it for a few bucks $5-15 then I'd say go for it...but if its going to run you any kind of real money...I'd skip it and save up to get one of the newer dual core cpu's.

Ideally one of the new intel core 2 cpu's as they seem to be beating the AMD64 X2's fairly well...which I have one of...and it performs well...but if your going to spend the money...its best to get the best bang for the buck...and right now thats Intel with its Core 2.

To give you a bit of an idea on how things stand performance wise. Using Quake 4 the PC game as a reference, bench marks ran as CPU dependant as possible and with SMP enabled, HT gained 15-20% in performance compared to when SMP was disabled, and all dual core cpu's doubled thier scores when SMP was enabled. Keep in mind these are over all...in some area's none of them showed gains.

If it comes down to doing nothing or some thing...then do something and get the HT...if thats not the case...then save up and buy a dual core cpu.

Actually for a reference to how things are check the following link.

Keep in mind the the Pentium D is a dual core processor if I do recall...and while Emu's are not performing the work load as rendering a 3D scene...its kind of in the same area since its generally software rather than hardware rendering.

Actually I have an AMD64 3200+ laying around its like the fourth stepping if that bin speed, its socket 939. It should be faster than what you currently have or a HT enabled one...tho this is still a single core cpu. Its all yours if you want it, but I'd want funds for shipping. How ever you would still need to buy a motherboard and ram to support it.

I honestly suggest saving up some dough and buying the cheapest of the newer Intel Core 2 cpu's tho for your gaming rig\cab...even more so with that ps2 emu.


HT will not really make the performance of any single application faster unless it is specifically programmed for SMP use. It will probably make windows "feel" faster if you multitask alot. But thats about it.


well i got the ht cpu on ebay for £20, and i sold my old one on ebay for £30...... yay

now i gotta test it to see if it makes any difference if it does'nt I dont mind, I will go for a dualcore in my next itx project, hopefully by then mini ITX dual core boards will be cheaper ( and hopefully smaller )

one more question though

what cpu is best for emulation/games

AMD or intel?

  massop said:
well i got the ht cpu on ebay for £20, and i sold my old one on ebay for £30...... yay

now i gotta test it to see if it makes any difference if it does'nt I dont mind, I will go for a dualcore in my next itx project, hopefully by then mini ITX dual core boards will be cheaper ( and hopefully smaller )

one more question though

what cpu is best for emulation/games

AMD or intel?

I would be very interested in seeing some photos of this project of yours. I'm considering building a dedicated arcade PC with a mini ITX myself.


  Nologic said:
Actually I have an AMD64 3200+ laying around its like the fourth stepping if that bin speed, its socket 939. It should be faster than what you currently have or a HT enabled one...tho this is still a single core cpu. Its all yours if you want it, but I'd want funds for shipping. How ever you would still need to buy a motherboard and ram to support it.

thanks for the offer man very kind of you but I will pass on that one, I would have to find a micro atx amd motherboard that fits this case.

I will hopefully finish this itx project within 2 weeks and then i will post the pics. after this one i will do one more itx project with a dual core motherboard, only problem is that at the moment there is no itx dual core motherboards with pci express ports. but I will find a way...

  massop said:
one more question though

what cpu is best for emulation/games

AMD or intel?

Brand doesn't really matter. Now if you said which is better P4 or X2, those are different questions. You really have to compare two processors or two lines rather than brands. The P4s and the Pentium Ds run VERY hot if you are making a cabinet and it will be enclosed, these might not be a good idea. Also dual core is really useless for emu. If you are building a cab, you'll want very little fan noise, so I'd go with an AMD 64 (high as the budget allows) or a new Core 2. A large cache and high processor clock is the best for gaming and emu, but the Core 2s have both AND are dual core. The slowest Core 2 is only $180 (tigerdirect.com). If you are on a budget, an Athlon64 3500 is only $95. If I were building a new one that's what I'd get.

  massop said:
thanks for the offer man very kind of you but I will pass on that one, I would have to find a micro atx amd motherboard that fits this case.

I will hopefully finish this itx project within 2 weeks and then i will post the pics. after this one i will do one more itx project with a dual core motherboard, only problem is that at the moment there is no itx dual core motherboards with pci express ports. but I will find a way...

No problem and your welcome. Actually I've since decided to build a HTPC with it, which I should have all the base parts together for it by the middle of next week. Tho I can already see this is going to get expensive for me.

Its going to be a 6 HDD system...but later on I'll be putting those in a RAID5 array, and adding two 4 HDD external RAID5 array enclosers or maybe one 8 HDD unit...but rebuild time for the array should a drive fail...would be kind of ugly.

  Will said:
Brand doesn't really matter. Now if you said which is better P4 or X2, those are different questions. You really have to compare two processors or two lines rather than brands. The P4s and the Pentium Ds run VERY hot if you are making a cabinet and it will be enclosed, these might not be a good idea. Also dual core is really useless for emu. If you are building a cab, you'll want very little fan noise, so I'd go with an AMD 64 (high as the budget allows) or a new Core 2. A large cache and high processor clock is the best for gaming and emu, but the Core 2s have both AND are dual core. The slowest Core 2 is only $180 (tigerdirect.com). If you are on a budget, an Athlon64 3500 is only $95. If I were building a new one that's what I'd get.


well my buget is quite big for the next project, i will be building a micro ATX machine so P4's are out of the question since they get so damm hot, i recon the Intel Core 2 DUO E6700 "LGA775 Conroe" 2.67GHz (1066FSB) cpu would be best for emu ( i am right in saying that? ) in this small system as i am told they are the coolest cpu's ( cool as in temp ).

thank for the info guys really appreciate it.


Intel Core 2 DUO E6700 is a good pick.

As for the PhysiX card...its generally useless...very few PC games make use of it...and no Emu's that I"m aware of.

It does do as mentioned prior...but stuff has to be written for it...and AMD and Nvidia are currently adding in the same such ablities into thier video cards...so by the time it becames mainstream...it will be available already in the newer video cards...any ways long story short, buy as nice of a cpu as you can and skip the physic's accelerator....or update the video card being used.

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