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That may also be a good thing. Movies we know that end with us knowing it is ripe for a sequel set us up for potential disappointment by setting an expectation.

What expectations do we have for a seqel to RPO?

It ended happily. No known loose ends. Bad guys in custody. Protagonist got the girl and a primary share of the largest virtual media, learning and gaming kingdom. What could go wrong?

The imagination is the limit.

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Jeesh!  :P

Actually, I'm still planning on watching this in the coming days.  And if it turns out as good as you all say it is, I might get this book.  But I think I'll wait until the reviews are in, and then see about maybe getting a bundle deal on both.  That is, unless I hate the movie, in which case reading (or listening to) the book is unnecessary. 

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21 hours ago, hansolo77 said:

..I think I'll wait until the reviews are in, and then see about maybe getting a bundle deal on both.  That is, unless I hate the movie, in which case reading (or listening to) the book is unnecessary. 

That is like saying, "I just saw Star wars episode 1...and hated it. I think I'll pass on the rest." RPO book/movie is nothing like...say, enders game...where the movie tracks the book pretty faithfully. Actually the book makes Ender more ruthless, which they really toned done in the movie. However the 2 are very similar. Same thing with Dune book/movie (a descent adaptation to film). Ready player one book/movie? COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!! Book is must read, movie is unnecessary!

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Will disagree about Ender's Game movie vs. book. While I thoroughly loved both, I could just as easily disliked the movie because it was so watered down. Ender was a kind kid with an instinctual hyper self-preservation streak that was very underplayed as you noted. The was much more in his interactions with Rackham, Graff, and his family that would have greatly enriched the story. They also cut out a good bit of the Formic history. I am glad that I have read most of the books in the series.

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22 hours ago, Draco1962 said:

Will disagree about Ender's Game movie vs. book. While I thoroughly loved both, I could just as easily disliked the movie because it was so watered down. Ender was a kind kid with an instinctual hyper self-preservation streak that was very underplayed as you noted. The was much more in his interactions with Rackham, Graff, and his family that would have greatly enriched the story. They also cut out a good bit of the Formic history. I am glad that I have read most of the books in the series.

I didn't read any disagreement there? Basically what you expect and hope for in a movie adaptation is that instead of major changes to story and plot, subtext and character building are all that's cut for time. Like you, I was annoyed about the changes to Enders character, because his ruthlessness was part of the reason he was the right choice. However, Hollywood understandably toned down the violence to keep a PG-13 rating. Can't say I blame them, nor was I disappointed with the movie. I thought it was quite good. I would have liked the more ruthless version (complete with the whole truth about the fight in the boys shower...I think it was the shower room? It's been awhile since I read it). Anyway, the movie had the other kid live, and in the book I think he dies. We watch movie with a moral social lens. Hollywood didn't want Ender to commit man slauter and the government to condone it, but in the book it underpins the desperate military state they live in and lends morbid severity to the importance of their training. They probably had to tone that down anyway, because they didn't have the time to paint the total picture of desperation.

Ready Player One, on the other hand, has WAY too many IPs, trademarks, copyrights, and brands to faithfully follow the plot line unchanged. Also there are too many challenges to fit into a movie. I understand the need to change the plot, but I was disappointment by the way they did it and the overuse of CGI on Avatar models inside the OASIS. And Art3mis seems shallow in the movie, a real disservice to her character!

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Ender's Game movie was Yoohoo! compared to the chocolate milk that was the book - its tasty yet watered-down cousin. 

I believe that there was a brief mention of Bonzo Madrid's death when Ender was talking with his sister but my recall on that point may be incorrect. 

Didn't they also cut out or waterdown his fight in the schoolyard as well? He damned near killed that kid.

Still a good movie and series of books. Shame that it won't see a sequel.

As for RPO movie, I didn't have any issues with the CGI, but did find Art3mis a bit underdeveloped as a character.

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1 minute ago, tthurman said:

I thought Ender's Game was average at best, perhaps I should get the audio book.

Definitely the book. You must also read Ender's Shadow which is a parallel story from Bean's perspective. Adds much more background for him and the politics and military actions not delved into by the first.

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I haven't gone further into the Ender series than the first book, but I think I'll renew my audible membership once Ready Player Two comes out. I should be able to get it for free for signing back up, then I can pick up some of the other books in the endeverse, probably "Speaker for the Dead" (Ender's Game sequel). I didn't realize Ender's game was book 5 in the Enderverse series. If I like the sequel, perhaps I'll pickup the rest of the books in the series and start an Enderverse-athon. I periodically do this with the foundation series (Asimov), and the Old Man's War Series (Scalzi). Of course that's when I'm not alternating between Armada and RPO; I'm currently nearing the end of RPO again for the umpteenth time...it's becoming a problem actually! I want to start the Old Mans war series again after this, but I keep starting one of those two.

Speaking of Old Man's War, if you haven't read (or listened) to it yet, get on that!

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On 8/28/2020 at 10:16 AM, Ruffian said:

Though I too have been expecting this would be a disappointment, I still hope it won't be.

Welcome to the forums! I think theres endless potential for the RP universe. At least 4 before the title gimmick wears out. I bet the sequel will be heavily based in the real world and the BIG RED BTN will play a role. I'm excited to see where Cline want's to take it next. I honestly think it'll be a nice expansion of the story. Maybe it's just excitement to get another book from an author I happen to like. We'll see!

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  • 1 month later...

Asshat review without having read the prolog much less the book.


Of course there's going to be some repetition. Of course it's going to be about Wade Watts. Of course there's going to be another "Easter egg." It's about gaming, nimrod!

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Doh, how could there be a RP2 without it being a continuation of the 1st.  Anybody not see that coming ....???


That's like saying TESB sucked and was unimaginative because it has the same elements and villain as the first movie. 

I'll judge the merits of the sequel story myself!


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Typical journalistic stance:

 "How do I maximize readership and engagement with an article about a highly anticipate novel - a sequel to one fans love? I'VE GOT IT! I'll call it unoriginal and criticize the author as being self serving and egotistical! That'll be sure to piss people off, get the article retweeted all over the internet, and generate thousands of replies!"

Just another troll. I like the synopsis, it sound like it'll be fun. For one, I'm curious how the "Addictive" new feature of the OASIS affects Wade and Sam's relationship (probably some friction there). The new nemesis sounds like the threat is not only about control of the OASIS but the world itself. That raises the stakes. I like that there's a new egg, it's kind like my fan fiction about "legendary artifacts" which keep Parzival engauged in the OASIS instead of checking out of it and becoming a philantropist outside the OASIS only. Now I'm intrigued.

That journalist can suck it.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So I finished the audiobook. No spoilers, but I will say that he went BIG. Perhaps a bit over the top. Overall, I wasn't riveted like I was for RPO. It definitely wasn't binge worthy. I will be listening again to pickup what I spaced out on before, but I found myself spacing out instead of being completely absorbed in the story.

I do like it, it's a fitting continuation of the series. I can see at least one spinoff book (perhaps short story) coming. The main story could be continued too. However, considering the "prize", I don't see there being anything more ambitious in store for a third novel. He'll have to hunker down and actually write good fiction, instead of relying on contests and prizes to keep the listener waiting to find out what it is.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have started reading it but haven't had much time to try to consume it with the fury of READY PLAYER ONE.

Without spoilers or details, I will agree to "spacing out" on the first few chapters and thinking

"when is Wade going to stop taking us along on his past- ruminating, self-loathing mystery tour and get into some action?"

Ok, sorta minor spoiler action there.

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